Breitbart- White House press secretary Jen Psaki struggled Monday to clarify comments President Joe Biden made supporting Major League Baseball’s (MLB) decision to move the All-Star game from Atlanta to protest Georgia’s new election security laws.
President Biden told ESPN Wednesday he “strongly supported” the idea of moving the All-Star game out of Atlanta before MLB made the decision to pull the game.
“I think today’s professional athletes are acting incredibly responsibly. I would strongly support them doing that,” Biden said when asked about the idea during an ESPN interview. “People look to them. They’re leaders.”
Biden also described the new election law as “Jim Crow on steroids.” more
Joey Cringe didn’t know what the note read, but he read it anyway.
He heard :Major” and thought it was about his dog being sent back to Delaware.
Baseball is a Leftist sport.
It’s fans are all either Leftists or those who accept the Leftist philosophy as superior and are subservient to it.
Are you among them?
It wasn’t the players who said anything about Georgia, it was management.
Ban that midnight train to Georgia!
Denver is 10% black compared to 51% for Atlanta.
Colorado requires ID to vote.
Explain again what message MLB was trying to send when pulling out of Atlanta?
Nothing she says that he said or he meant ever makes any logical sense.
He wanted to support multi-millionaire baseball players and not the legions of worker bees who support a huge event like the All Star Game? The hotel cleaners, the wait staff at restaurants, the concession stand workers? What a crock!
The lying sacks of shit in the media covering up for one incompetent lying sack of shit who is lying on behalf of another incompetent lying sack of shit. What could possibly go wrong.
The correct spelling for the press secretary is Pissaki!
Joe says what his handlers tell him.
Besides the reasons stated above—You get two LESS days to early vote in Colorado and political activists can’t give voters water/food/etc.
Great move MLB
Yeah, right……let’s all unify under a chump who promotes CRT and says the GA law is worse than Jim Crow.
Screw. You.
…I don’t doubt The Pedophile wants to support ball players, but I don’t think he realizes it’s about BASEBALL at ALL…
Make Elections meaningless by allowing every non-legitimate voter to ‘express themselves’.
MLB would fill each team’s player roster with illegal immigrants so they could pay them in plantains and Venezuelan currency.
Atlanta shoulc change its team’s offensive name from Braves to JCrows.