Whadya Gotta Do To Get Fired From a Government Job? – IOTW Report

Whadya Gotta Do To Get Fired From a Government Job?


Hundreds of federal workers have been caught watching porn on the job, including viewing child pornography, according to a new investigation.

The investigation revealed over 20 cases at the Justice Department during the past two years, and numerous cases at the Environmental Protection Agency.

The report includes the notorious case of an EPA employee in the Office of Air and Radiation who, while earning a $120,000 salary, watched porn between two and six hours every day, masturbated at work, and received bonuses.

The employee said that “‘a lot’ of his time each workday is spent ‘organizing’ the pornography he downloaded into saved folders,” according to the records obtained by NBC News 4.

The report noted that although being caught watching porn “opens employees to possible disciplinary action,” including being fired, several agencies said penalties are “flexible” and can carry just a written reprimand.

The EPA employee was not fired and stayed on the payroll for years even though he had been banned from the building. He continued to receive his six-figure salary for two years after being caught, including a year of paid leave before he retired in April 2015.


The phrase “quit jerking off” doesn’t mean goofing around when it comes to government workers.

ht/ rob e.

19 Comments on Whadya Gotta Do To Get Fired From a Government Job?

  1. Perfect posting placement! (Say that fast three times), check out ankle straps pic of Al Franken under Furs pic of the dirty hand! Lmao, kinda answers this question. 😂🤣😂🤣 Bet his diaper is dirty too!

  2. This is what happens when you have too many “workers” and not enough work. I’m SO glad that President Trump is leaving many gubberment positions unfilled.
    Brings to mind the song, “Too much time on my hands…..”

  3. “Hundreds of federal workers have been caught watching porn on the job”

    that should read federal ex-workers were caught, imprisoned and fined, right ?
    what am I missing ?

    abuse will not stop until there is a price to pay which exceeds the rewards gained from the abuse.

  4. @Thirdtwin – FBI Director Comey should immediately dispatch a team of investigators to uncover the identity of this pervert. They can call it the Case of the Phantom Shitter.

    “Who knows what evil lurks in the colon of men? The Phantom Shitter knows.”

    All kidding aside, I did have an investigation like this. It happened at Syracuse University’s Hall of Languages classrooms where someone was taking a dump on the desks. Turned out to be one of the janitors on the night crew.

    I just worked my last day at the DA’s Office this week… I am now officially retired after nearly 45 years in LE. This is but one of the precious memories I’ll take to the grave.

  5. From the article: “Several other cases involved child pornography as well, including an FBI employee in Virginia who had explicit email exchanges with a ninth grader and admitted to “receiving, viewing, and saving approximately 50 images of suspected child pornography.”

    But, Pizzagate is *Fake News*, right?

  6. I think President Trump will deal with the bloated, redundant government departments and their sub-departments after he gets the “big stuff” taken care of.
    He knows there are billions of dollars to be saved by getting rid of the dead weight.

  7. ” including viewing child pornography ”

    Here in NEO, it seems there’s one or two trials a month concerning child porn. They are FEDERAL court cases, and the court does not go lightly on the accused.

    Why aren’t these federal employees arrested and tried for child porn violations? WHY? Are they different than the idiots trading kiddy porn elsewhere? Does federal employment remove the onus of law and decency from criminals engaging in child porn?

    This is disgusting and infuriating.

  8. The gov’t is a vast scam.
    It is home to millions (yes, millions) of otherwise worthless, unemployable people.
    In the early days we had patronage parasites; now we have “permanent” employee parasites, who are virtually immune from dismissal, except for theft – which is routinely covered up for fear of damaging the “reputation” of the worthless maggot agency hiding the thieves and liars.
    In my experience with the FedGov (36 yrs.) roughly 30% do actual work while the remaining 70% are mostly fuck-offs. Some agencies may differ, though I’d guess not substantially – may get to 50/50 in some extreme cases.
    And in defense of the fuck-offs, there is a great institutional pressure to fuck-off. Innovation is frowned upon, dedication is seen as aberrant behavior, and working to be efficient decreases the budget – besides, no matter how much you refuse to waste or steal, your taxes never drop – nor do the American peoples’ – so there’s little incentive not to “go along to get along.”

    Being worthless is NOT a cause for dismissal. Being worthless is a cause for thousands of more dollars being spent on “re-training” the worthless to pretend to do the jobs they were hired (but unable, or unwilling) to do.

    An example: in the Senate there was a group of worthless maggots who sued to be promoted to Grade-10 Mechanics and won. When subsequently told to do the jobs they had been promoted to, they sued AGAIN, claiming that they weren’t qualified to do the work, and WON, again! (cash settlements and promotion)

    Un-fuckin-believable, but there it is.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. While those of us in the real economy were fired, laid off, hours cut, benefits lost, etc etc.
    BHusseinO orchestrated a huge increase in the number of gubermint employees, whose salaries exceeded 150% of rates for ‘equivalent’ jobs outside government–which is a joke because real jobs demand performance, and we all know, if you’ve ever contacted a government office, that they don’t even answer their goddamed phone!

    If Trump does not fire all these criminals, but I am fairly certain he will succeed in this, then the entire government should go down in flames.

  10. My favorite story of all time was when I called a welfare office to get some info for a story and I was on hold for ten minutes.

    I was angry and the lady explained that they were understaffed.

    I said “You’re sending money to people who do nothing all day!!!!!!!!” You should be balls deep with employees!!! You should have 5 people sitting there doing nothing but waiting for my phone call. I should be talking to 10 people right now and you should be doing inka-dink to see who gets to talk to me.”

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