What Does an “Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee” Do Anyway? – IOTW Report

What Does an “Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee” Do Anyway?

Empower Wisconsin

MADISON — While Wisconsin farmers worry how they’re going to get through a planting season with skyrocketing fuel and fertilizer prices, Gov. Tony Evers’ Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is leading Equity and Inclusion Peace Circles.

Yes, it’s as insipid as it sounds.

Last week, the agency’s Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee held a “special meeting.” What was so urgent?

The Equity team had to review and take action on a “recommendation towards operational management of Peace Circle activity.”

What the hell is that?

“We are working on a pilot project that allows small groups (of) staff to (express) thoughts around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion topics,” Kevin Plante, of DATCP’s. More

18 Comments on What Does an “Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee” Do Anyway?

  1. They had Gail King on CMT Awards last night doing her best Sharpton routine.
    She was there to announce a new initiative for Country music to hire black folk behind the scenes and in positions of power to direct a newer path of inclusion going forward.
    The idiot Country music seals in the audience of course clapped in agreement.

    They also had commercials about empowering women in country music.
    I dare say that C-M has FAR more popular women making music and tons of money than any other genre.
    They hold their own with the men without a doubt.
    Hell I have a ton of country women CD’s.

    It’s never going to be enough…

  2. All the left’s version of equity and inclusion means is “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”

    One of the many reasons I retired early. If I need money I’ll take onea those high paying crap jobs. Problem is I’d make everyone look like a slacker.

    Getting really tired of this Orwellian shit.

  3. Fortunately, for us residents of the land of cheese all the hippie dippier types are in Madison (aka “Mad City”). Evers is a throwback to the 60s Hippie era, and has his head up his ass. The tractors in this state all run on diesel. There is no such thing as a solar / electric tractor. Stupid people think their electric cars run on electricity. Most are running on coal fired plants. Every day long ass trains of coal tug passed my home.

  4. Simple, it does like any other committee or organization: it takes steps to ensure that it survives and grows in size and power.

  5. Gayle king sucks donkey dicks. Oh… did you know oprah is her neighbor in that swanky apartment house? And what I said about cocksuc*kers wearing masks during press conferences still goes.


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