What Feminists Get Wrong -> Each sex has a blend of benefits and burdens – IOTW Report

What Feminists Get Wrong -> Each sex has a blend of benefits and burdens

I enjoyed this women’s lecture. She’s the Factual Feminist.

ht/ DGAgainstDVScreen Shot 2015-11-23 at 1.23.51 PM

4 Comments on What Feminists Get Wrong -> Each sex has a blend of benefits and burdens

  1. That was a very good, logical presentation.
    Once again I say: “Figures lie and Liars figure”.
    You can paint any picture you want with selective statistics. Victim-hood is in and it pays well, so naturally the charlatans, rabble-rousers and the Left (redundant) will cherry-pick the numbers that support their agenda, if they don’t just flat out make them up, in order to make their case. This lady calmly picks thru the fog of the Left to show that what really needs to be checked are the facts…
    ALL of them!

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