What is FOX News doing? – IOTW Report

What is FOX News doing?

Sebastian Gorka speaks with Alex Marlow about FOX News.

21 Comments on What is FOX News doing?

  1. Going down the proverbial shitter by the looks of it. As I’ve said before, all the lame stream networks are vying to be the official ministry of truth, because if the communists take over, their can be only 1.

  2. In addition to the center-left ideological leadership, I have heard that the Murdoch boys are sick of their infomercial caliber advertisers like My Pillow, and instead want to attract more “mainstream” corporate advertisers. And apparently they are willing to torch their infrastructure and re-build in a new image.

    That’s a strange strategy if true.

  3. Like many, I hope the good personalities at Fox find a home somewhere else. Consevatives will follow. Ultimately anything owned by an entity like Disney is ripe for corruption!

  4. “Sebastian Gorka speaks with Alex Marlow about FOX News.”

    Yeah? And the people spoke to Faux News as well and Faux was brought to their knees. I think by now, they’re on their belly crawling. Whoever made the bad decisions at Faux should be fired – hell fire all of them. Stick a fork in Faux they’re done!

  5. Hey Fur, I have a concern. It’s one thing to make $6000 a month from home in your pajamas working two hours a day, but it’s entirely different to promote sex in your city without obligation.

    The former is a tolerable nuisance, but the latter crosses the line. I don’t know the technology involved in these bot postings and I don’t know what you can do about it, but…is there anything you can do?


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