What is going on with Nancy’s face? – IOTW Report

What is going on with Nancy’s face?

Look at this photo from yesterday’s shampeachment vote.
What is with that band-aid on the side of her nose?

40 Comments on What is going on with Nancy’s face?

  1. Cocaine eating through the side of her nose? At her age, it takes a lot of blow to keep her awake and perky all day. Plus she regularly demonstrates the extremely poor judgement of someone who abuses the booger sugar.

  2. Is she even still allowed in Congress? Most of her face isn’t 25 years old yet.

    Of course, maybe she was just getting her mortician to do her makeup to go with her funeral dress.

  3. She looks more like Jim Carey’s Fireman Bill everyday! Look for yourself… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rQkjBuJD-4
    There’s a reason you’ve never seen a picture of Nancy Pelosi & Fireman Bill in a picture together. They’re the same person.

    Literally and figuratively!
    Mentally, physically, emotionally

    You never know whats going to happen 10, 15, 20, 30 years on after you have all that plastic surgery!

  4. Where was Nancy yesterday when she let that braindead piece of shit, CO. rep Dianne Degette, be the speaker of the house for most of the hearing?…..

    Dianne Degette was the ‘head girl’ in my HS graduation class and rumor had it that her mom paid a guy to take her to senior prom….

  5. Sadly, the toxic,fermenting botox pressure relief valve is being overwhelmed, she needs a second one installed on her other nostril to maintain balance and to control the nauseous fumes that will cause all those around her to keep their distance, the other benefit for a second install will help keep the vacuum suction of her polygrip at full strength and hopefully retard that failure as well. If the second valve begins to show it is not enough, then other areas will be subject to installing the 3rd and 4th, preferably beneath her armpits but due to her quarterly facial lifts these may end up behind her ears and cause loss of hearing as well, it sucks to be such a poor example of drunken leader wannabes and in such poor health, lets start a go fundme to help eliminate botox fermentation, for the chirruns.

  6. I thought those damn bright white LED tree lights were hard on the retina, but that bitch-face just severed my optic nerve. Daaamn!

    BTW, that neck vagina is too tight for that old hag.

  7. She actually has a rather homely profile, which I first noticed a couple of weeks ago when she wagged her finger at a reporters asking if she hated trump.

    That is probably why most pictures of her are head-on. She doesn’t want anybody to know she has an ugly conk (Brit for nose).


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