What’s a “whoweare”? – IOTW Report

What’s a “whoweare”?

Barack Obama has a tendency to find a favorite phrase and then pound it to death in his public utterance. The Washington Free Beacon has him saying the same thingAll Posts 43 times till it starts to sound like he’s coined a new word.



I know you’re not, but what am I, Obama?


28 Comments on What’s a “whoweare”?

  1. I think Bo Rock has slipped his disco. I’m starting to believe the aids rumors. Yesterday he tramples all over the gong show. And today he gives a press conference proclaiming America is the only place gun violence takes place less then ten miles from where 120 people were shot dead. The French press are calling him an Asshole.

  2. “My only agenda for the next two years is the same as the one I’ve had since the day I swore an oath on the steps of this Capitol — to do what I believe is best for America.”–Barack Insane Obama, SOTU

  3. Every time the Halfrican bastard shows up on television, I hit the mute button and give the lines for him, “Blah blah blah …” or merely switch channels. I cannot stand to hear his lies and his face is absolutely repulsive.
    How in the hell in a nation of over 300 million people did we get that as our “leader”??????

  4. Obama, Ryan and other socialist/communist oligarchs are using the phrase “whoweare” to describe themselves and their followers based on Marxist doctrine. The “we” is determined only by the Marxist elite – not the puppet proletariat or cronies.
    Anyone who supports the freedoms, liberties and culture of The United States of America or has faith in The True and Living God is not included and are targeted by marxists for elimination.

  5. Zonga, glad you forgot. It provided emphasis to “look at this” to a tired old person who eats up solid, not pop psychology. This is really good. Still listening on into other interviews of Dr. Vannin. Dr. Vannin suffers from NPD and studied it because of this. A lot of people wind up in a career because of the malady or situation in which they find themselves or a loved one.

    I’ve read a lot on this subject in ’09 but don’t remember Dr. Vannin’s interviews. Thank you.

  6. Of course he’s crazy.
    He thinks he’s going to hand sovereignty of the US to the UN and then in a couple of years, ascend the Throne as leader of the UN.
    Then he will ‘rule the world’
    Douchenozzle can’t even operate an umbrella.
    If I had won the wish on the wishbone on Thanksgiving I would have wished for the following:
    Since our President acts like a twelve year old, on his last day in office, two Secret Service Agents take him into the elevator and give him every single punishment known to man, or any school bully across the land. I want them to do to Barry, the kind of stuff a guy with the initials: B.O. deserves.
    I’m Talking atomic wedgies, many, many pink bellies, Texas Titty Twisters, Hurts Doughnuts, Indian Burns, Monkey Bumps, Snicker Snakes (dangling a slobber rope, colored with grape soda over a captive), Ear Tweaks, Tie his shoelaces in a Gordian Knot of epic complexity, Head Noogies and Purple Nurples (see: Texas Titty Twisters), hold him down and use his own hand to smack him in the face while asking repeatedly “Why you hitting yourself?” then when he cries (which won’t take long), call him a crying crier that cries, pants him and play keep away with his cigarettes, then mash them.

  7. Zonga That was an eye opener. But we probably all knew it already. He’s media made. I remember Ivan Thomas of Newsweek calling him a God. And spittles Matthews having a thrill run up his leg when the bumba showed up on the set with a crease in his pants. These idiots just can’t realize how fucking wrong they were.
    Check out Rupert Murdoch

    But, in all fairness, I have a split personality also. I’m the nicest guy in the world, ask anyone who knows me, but if I have about 4 or 5 Dewars, I start singing songs and kissing women, and making a complete ass of myself.

    Boy, do I ever get reminded of that stuff.

  8. When he says that, I picture a patriot (where the fuck are they anymore?) standing up and shouting “You’re not who we are!!!” to riotous applause.

    And the Obama, weakened by The AIDS, and finally hearing The Truth, dies right there on the stage. Or slumps, and is dragged off by Mike Robinson, and dies at Man’s Country, surrounded by “his people”.

  9. He may very well be insane, but I have had the theory that he APPEARS insane because of a few different things working in conjunction to form the “0bama” we see.

    1) he is completely isolated from the real world, all of the information he sees is carefully sanitized. He talks to no-one but his inner circle. He is an island.

    2) he only says what is put on the teleprompter. He rarely gets off script. What he is “saying” is 100% from the speech writers and is carefully crafted by his inner circle.

    3) his inner circle is a fragmented mish mash of self serving narcissists, anti-American commies, middle eastern infiltrators, donor-class billionaires, special interests and poll-driven smarmy PC pussies. What holds them together is the elixir of power and a common hatred for the traditional, conservative USA.

    So the contradictions, cluelessness and downright bizarre stuff is due to this. We aren’t seeing one person we are seeing a committee fighting over the puppet strings.

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