What’s She Been Smoking? – IOTW Report

What’s She Been Smoking?

KRLD Radio Dallas

Sally Duval, a Democrat running for a Texas House seat, released a campaign ad promoting marijuana legalization.

In the ad, posted on her X account, Duval smokes what appears to be a marijuana cigarette and uses a bong, saying it’s “high time for a change in Texas.”

She is challenging incumbent Carrie Isaac in the heavily Republican 73rd district. More

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9 Comments on What’s She Been Smoking?

  1. Don’t mess with pot, Texas…

    Nevada allows the hallucinogen weed and the state is fucked.
    It will be Calnevada in a few short years.
    Of course if Kamala gets in, the timeline is accelerated.

  2. If I were to smoke dope now compared to the shit that we smoked back in the 70’s one doobie would probably do me in. No thanks, I quit in 1975 with God’s help and haven’t been tempted or smoked any since then and I’m not going to become a dumbass aging baby bummer again. God is my reality and not drugs that make me stupid or worse.

  3. Gee, how did I know this district was within spitting distance of Austin?

    TBH, it’s kinda refreshing to see a Democrat woman run on something besides reproductive rights, 99% of them are one issue voters.

    A suggestion; widen your net, run on body positivity, fat acceptance, and a more relaxed approach on personal hygiene, like armpit hair, facial tats, and a general disregard for wearing underwear.

  4. Doritos, Taco Hell, Jack In The Box etc. would be the greatest of the beneficiaries to provide all the munchies, man. “I’ll buy if you fly.” Gotta go pinch a loaf because I ate too much junk food, man. Let’s stay in and have a Cheech and Chong marathon and pig out until we get sick and stoned out of our minds.


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