When the Idiots Are At the Gate, Don’t Open the Gate – IOTW Report

When the Idiots Are At the Gate, Don’t Open the Gate

MOTUS AD: We’re making progress. We’ve gone from a hysterical “Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election” to this, from Jerry Nadler:

NADLER: My reaction to the news is this is absolute proof of what we knew all along and what the president has denied, namely that we were attacked. This is a very serious attack against the United States by a hostile foreign power, an attack against our election process, our entire governing process. We know that the attack is continuing. And that our intelligence agencies tell us that it’s going to certainly continue through the next election. And the president and the Republicans in the House for that matter refuse, refuse to do anything about protecting us from an attack. Imagine if FDR had denied that the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor and didn’t react. That’s the equivalent.

This even gave pause to professional Leftie Chris Hayes, who had to observe “It’s a bit of a different thing.” Not to be deterred from his talking point, Nadler insisted “No it’s not.” *sigh*

As the indictments of the 13 Russians show, this is precisely what the Russians are hoping to accomplish with their mischief; sowing seeds of unrest in hopes of creating a deep schism in the American vox populi. It is a long standing strategy of Russia’s and with a certain portion of our citizenry I would have to say, “mission accomplished.” If that point needs to be underscored there’s this, from MSNBC’s news ditz Joy Reid:

“Monday is President’s Day. It will be the second consecutive such holiday without an American president.”

Somehow the term “useful idiot” comes to mind.

It was over 30 years ago that Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenof told us as much:

Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate and open. You can see it with your own eyes…. It has nothing to do with espionage.  KEEP READING

8 Comments on When the Idiots Are At the Gate, Don’t Open the Gate

  1. If we actually had a Republican Party worthy of the name, they would seize this opportunity to seriously reform our election process to get rid of all the sabotage the Dems have committed over the last 50 years. Clean up the voter rolls, photo ID, serious prosecution for cheaters, etc.

  2. What if terrorists coordinated a sustained attack against a US embassy and the President and other responsible officials didn’t react, and even called back forces ready to respond?

    That would show superior leadership-from-behind worthy of a Nobel Prize Laureate

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