When unvaccinated Jewish kids are more dangerous than unvaccinated illegal aliens – IOTW Report

When unvaccinated Jewish kids are more dangerous than unvaccinated illegal aliens


When Mayor de Blasio declares an emergency, then, by golly, it is truly an emergency.  Notwithstanding the deluge of tens of thousands of illegal aliens streaming across the southern U.S. border and the president’s declaration of a national emergency to stem the flow, a mere 250 unvaccinated Yeshiva students in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn is a DEFCON-3, drop-dead emergency of the highest order.

Mayor Bill is demanding proof of immunization under threat of private school closures and fines of $1,000 per violator.  “We have a situation now where children are in danger.  We have to take this seriously.  Every one of us has to feel responsibility for the situation because measles is so contagious, can spread so quickly,” de Blasio said at news conference at a Williamsburg library on Tuesday morning.

Of course, the same Mayor Bill recoils at the mere suggestion of demanding proof of citizenship from tens of thousands of non–U.S. citizens waltzing across the southern border…much less an immunization record from each.  more here

10 Comments on When unvaccinated Jewish kids are more dangerous than unvaccinated illegal aliens

  1. The Hassidim are an Army in the US. They have there own rules. They don’t give a fuck about local rules. They ignore local ordinances. They build shitholes and get away with it. They are as bad ad as ISIS are far as I’m concerned. And they suck as drivers.
    But they are a big democrat/commie voting block. They don’t really work but they all have welfare cards. Fuckem. And I’m not an anti semite. Just sayin’.

  2. Mayor de Blasio is a lying propagandist and an ignorant tyrant. The truth about measles has been making news that the lying media won’t acknowledge, and neither will the government.

    Measles being spread by VACCINATED children, research confirms
    03/14/2019 / By Ethan Huff
    “A team of esteemed researchers from the Bureau of Immunization, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looked at evidence from a 2011 measles outbreak in New York which, as usual, was blamed on the unvaccinated. What they found was that the cause of this particular outbreak was actually a vaccinated person.”

    April 11, 2019
    Dr. Rowen: Measles Spread by those Vaccinated
    “Clearly measles vaccine doesn’t work as advertised. In fact, in our own country, outbreak after outbreak has occurred in what has been called a fully vaccinated population. (See: A measles outbreak at a college with a prematriculation immunization requirement. Am J Public Health. 1991 Mar ;81(3):360-4. PMID:1994745.)”

    And about the non-potato famine which wasn’t. The Irish were being starved to death by England whose Royal Scoundrel had the English military invade Ireland and seize ALL food products which were plentiful.

    “Is Britain’s cover-up of its 1845-1850 [genocide is replaced word] in Ireland the most successful Big Lie in all of history?”
    “Ireland did not starve for potatoes; it starved for food.”

  3. Hasidim are like the Amish.

    And unlike islamists, and like the Amish, they dont look to murder anyone. In fact, they mind their own business, work hard and they’re smart.


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