Images from:
1) SNS (Skippy) watching as we go out, maybe making sure we leave so he can put on some Old Time Rock And Roll.
2) Russian Bot (Ash)
3) Eugenia (Dreama Nubbins) Offspring of feral tabby mama and unknown good time Charlie.
4) Col. Angus (Hannah) While it may look like Hannah is offering to make me a sandwich, in reality she is reminding me that I left the house for a while and neglected to take her.
5) Old Guy (Verbena and Violet) are often in the same place as we left them hours later.
Here is a Tik Tok video from Col. Angus that fits this theme perfectly: Click HERE
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
- 05-1, Sing A Song – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Do your critters like to meow, bark, tweet, snort, or bellow? Let’s see them. Wild critters, too!
- 05-8, I Wuv My Mommy – It’s Mother’s Day! Let’s see some critter mommies, human or critters!
- 05-22, Say Cheeeeeeese – Critters grin. We know that! So, capture some pictures of them, ok? You can also capture those poses we know they make when they know a camera is around.
Thanks for your wonderful submissions, contributors!
A reading, sandwich making golden? What a smart dog! I love Sundays! Thank you for sharing your fur babies!
Hmmmm … I wouldn’t trust any of them …
Great pix!
Thanks, Claudia!
Ash must have gotten the bad dog gene. I had a Golden (Jessy) who looked just like Ash, but he never once destroyed the house. Bad dog.
“Old Guy (Verbena and Violet) are often in the same place as we left them hours later.”
…I grew up with cats…that’s exactly what they want you to THINK.
…Skippy actually DOES do Risky Business slides (although not in underwear) by running his considerable bulk to the nearest wood or tile floor then trying to drift into the next doorway. Not sure what his song selection would be, but as a North American Chowhound I think “Eat It!” Is pretty likely…
…but those eyes always make us late. He gives that look and Mama thinks it’s because he’s sad and she tries to console him for 10 minutes minimum before we walk away.
That’s not it at all, it’s just the dog’s a playa and figures it’ll make treat time better if he guilts her NOW, all the while plotting his poops behind the door so we can’t open it without contact…
About that pic #3 — Good thing cats don’t have opposable thumbs!
Thanks, Claudia. You and our contributors always brighten my Sunday mornings!
Cat with a handgun, classic photo.
Cats will kill you while you sleep..
Ash – every thing here is mine!
That’s my sweet little Dreama Nubs with her Sig 239. As if the claws aren’t lethal enough..
If any one is still on Facebook come join the deadly cats at the Cats N’ Guns forum.
I should have taken a pic of the dead squirrel in my hallway last week when I got home one day.
Wasn’t sure if it was the dog or the cat that did it until I returned from getting some disposable gloves to throw it out.
It was gone upon my return from only 8 feet away. What the.. Did it get up and run away? Wouldn’t be the first time that happened.
Nope. As I turned to look at my dog, he had a sheepish look and was holding his head downward a bit to hide the squirrel in his mouth.
It took about 30 seconds to get him to release it to me. “NO Dad. Go get your own. This one’s mine.”
I didn’t scold him or punish him. Even gave him a “good boy” and pat on the head. I just might need his skills in the upcoming food shortage.