Whistleblower Atty Tweets Client Will Accept ‘Written’ Questions, Just Not About ‘Irrelevant’ Identity – IOTW Report

Whistleblower Atty Tweets Client Will Accept ‘Written’ Questions, Just Not About ‘Irrelevant’ Identity

Dan Bongino:

In an interesting 7-part tweet Sunday, the attorney for the Ukraine call “whistleblower” made a bizarre announcement. “WBer NEWS ALERT” the lawyer Mark Zaid’s tweets began. “Our legal team offered GOP direct opportunity to ask written questions of #whistleblower.” Zaid then chastises “GOP messaging, led by President Trump” for demanding “disclosure” of the whistleblower’s identity.

What Zaid does not acknowledge, is that the GOP and Trump only care about the identity of the whistleblower in order to assess their credibility and if they did indeed have any access to real or critical national intelligence. A completely reasonable question considering the whistleblower complaint even admitted their “intelligence” was second-hand information. Furthermore, it is that second-hand information that is wasting an asinine amount of time and money putting the country in a vulnerable position while attempting to unjustly oust the President.

Despite all reason, Democrats are taking the low road acting as if the GOP of “demanding” to know the identity so they can be hunted down and murdered. The “GOP has sought to expose our client’s identity which could jeopardize their safety, as well as that of their family” Zaid’s tweets continued. Democrats are manipulating the public with rhetoric as though the whistleblower is in grave danger. The only threat, dear Democrats, is that the truth will not set you free. read more

10 Comments on Whistleblower Atty Tweets Client Will Accept ‘Written’ Questions, Just Not About ‘Irrelevant’ Identity

  1. How is is determined how the answers really come from the real Whistleblower and not some lawyer, team of lawyers, or political group making them up?

    If no one is willing to take responsibility for the answers, no one should give credibility to them.

  2. “GOP has sought to expose our client’s identity which could jeopardize their safety, as well as that of their family”

    …says the Party Of Doxx…project much, guys?

  3. …I wonder if it would have worked if Republicans said they had a “secret” whistleblower in the “Obama” years that heard “Obama” say something really ludicrous and treasonous, like, for instance, tell Mendvedev to transmit to Putin that he would have more “flexibility” after the elections, or something like that, if THAT would have worked THEN, because SURELY such Democrats that are so totally devoted to National Security would NEVER tolerate a thing like THAT, even from St. Barry the Indonesian…


  4. I think Adam Shiff is the whistle blower.

    How are the American people supposed to trust a government that has become so transparently partisan that it is using the apparatus of the intelligence agencies of the federal government to undermine the will of the American people?

    How is this not being called what it is, a coup d’état?

    Also, I agree with supernightshade that at the very least, Fox News should be running that video of Obama saying “he will have more flexibility after the election” when talking to the Russians, day and night, over and over, non-stop.


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