White House Staff Find Kamala “Ineffective” As Border Czar – IOTW Report

White House Staff Find Kamala “Ineffective” As Border Czar

UK Daily Mail

Vice President Kamala Harris is facing growing criticism for her handling of the border crisis as the issue continues to weigh down President Joe Biden and his administration.

A former Biden administration senior official described Harris as ‘ineffective’ on the issue after the president personally appointed her to serve as a point person on the crisis in March 2021.

‘She’s been at best ineffective, and at worst sporadically engaged and not seeing it was her responsibility. It’s an opportunity for her, and she didn’t fill the breach,’ the official told Axios. More

16 Comments on White House Staff Find Kamala “Ineffective” As Border Czar

  1. “It’s an opportunity for her, and she didn’t fill the breach,”

    Coming from one of Shitpants’ Administration little gay boys, this statement holds deeper irony

  2. Sure, they talk like that to appease the voters but in reality she is doing exactly what they want. Nothing on the boarder. Myorkis is running the show down there and the plan all along was to flood the U.S. with dem voters and buy them off with free everything via the taxpayers.
    She is just another expendable by Obama and the deep state.

  3. well if you want my opinion and I know you don’t.
    her not falling for the border grift was smart on her part.
    Joe don’t want the border closed.
    if she did anything then they would blame her.
    she now has and is using deniability.
    joe can squawk all he wants, he is responsible.


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