“White Women for Harris” Run by Leftist Weirdo – IOTW Report

“White Women for Harris” Run by Leftist Weirdo


…Now, the next phase of their desperate bid for white votes has begun. This time, it’s “White Women for Harris,” and they’ve got a real doozy heading up this cringe fest. Enter Arielle Fodor, arguably the most insufferable human being on the planet, who is, of course, the voice of the “White Women for Harris” campaign. More

12 Comments on “White Women for Harris” Run by Leftist Weirdo

  1. Ugh. I could only tolerate a out 20 seconds of just one of her moronic videos. The poor bastard who married her; I guess she will talk to him as if he’s a 5 yr old, too. Or will she grovel at his “bipoc” feet apologizing for being white.

  2. I made it about 10 seconds. Whatdafuck up with that little head shake when they introduced her. She reminded me of a Lab when you rub it’s ears. This moron is void of critical thinking.
    If she is married he’s a cuck and runs the camera.

  3. “White” dudes for Harris?
    “White” women for Harris?
    Hmmmm … sounds ray-cyst to me!
    Why would they feel a necessity of pointing out their “whiteness?”
    Are they assuming (thus acknowledging) that “ordinary” “whites” don’t support Harris”
    Couldn’t just be “humans” for Harris? Or “Americans” for Harris?
    Or, to be more precise: “Parasites fo duh Ho”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. These people for Harris, thems people for Harris, youse people for Harris….

    that’s what you resort to when your father, and Willie Brown, and … just aren’t into you! Right, Klammy??


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