Whites Need Not Apply – IOTW Report

Whites Need Not Apply

Queers and Blacks and every other non-white group seems to think they are allowed to discriminate. And they have white progressives backing their blatant discrimination with glee.

My Northwest –

Teresa Wang, co-founder of the specialized class, said it was started by five queer people of color who came together to create a safe space for people of color who might otherwise be uncomfortable.

An email blast about the class says it’s aimed at people of color and of all sexualities, ages, body sizes, abilities, genders, and experience with yoga. It specifically identifies “lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer and trans-friendly/affirming,” plus people who self-identify as “African American/black/of the African Diaspora, Asian, South Asian, West Asian/Arab/Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, First Nations/Alaskan Native/Native American/Indigenous, Chican/Latin, or Multiracial/Mixed-Race.” The email adds that “white friends, allies and partners are respectfully asked not to attend.”

So what would happen if a white man decided to attend?


ht/ illustr8r

24 Comments on Whites Need Not Apply

  1. Who would be a threat to these jerks? Who wants to hang out with them? What white person would apply in the first place?
    I don’t like racists so I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with any of them. Go, feel safe. Who gives a shit? Bunch of attention whores.

  2. There is no issue with what these people are doing. The SCOTUS ruled long ago that freedom of association was implicit in the first amendment.
    That is settled law (yuk yuk), so no person has standing to disagree with voluntary racial, or any other kind, segregation.

  3. I heard this crunt being interviewed on the radio a day or so ago. You could tell the interviewer was just soooo impressed with how wonderful of an idea she had, blah, blah, blah. This can be a tough place to live.

  4. True and technically black is not a color. So if you start a group for people of color, whites (which as an olive toned Italian now offends me) would be allowed but not blacks.

  5. You’re tired of the ads?????
    I’m tired of doing iOTWreport.
    How about that?
    Openly talking in the comments about fucking me out of revenue is crossing the line.

  6. Several years ago, a store in the prog – infested neighborhood of Park Slope, Brooklyn that sold lactational equipment was giving 10% discounts to lesbians.

    Luckily I didn’t need their product. I would have given them hell if I had been a customer.

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