Who Is Behind These Decisions? – IOTW Report

Who Is Behind These Decisions?

Child booster shots are supported by everyone at the CDC and FDA, right? Because they’re following the science. But are they really, and is everyone at the CDC and FDA really behind the decision?

12 Comments on Who Is Behind These Decisions?

  1. Can anything be politicized and used against others thoughts, ideas, or desires?

    Are advantages and even skin color being used to separate us?

    Is not “settled” science even a tool of oppression?

    Covid and it’s ilk are terror tactics and wedges to destroy the normal and allow rights and responsibilties
    To be replaced by a greater “good” supplied by the elites.

    Have fun.

  2. What really bothers me is my friends who are doctors and nurses, who are eagerly jabbing their little kids. What sort of logic led them to this??? I think only around 5% of young kids have been jabbed, but I bet kids of medical professionals are at a much higher rate.

  3. The Pfizer dumps have shown they were manipulating trial data and knew these shots were going to be very dangerous. Who benefits when you get sick with permanent neurological or autoimmune issues? This isn’t just a one off issue and has been going on since vaccines began. He is right, everyone should make their own choices. I don’t believe there has ever been a vaccine I’ve ever been given that I or my parents were truly informed of the risk-reward. We just accepted the gov and pharma love us so much they of course want us healthy. And somehow shooting a cocktail of who knows what in us prevents disease and since we don’t get that disease it must have worked. Greatest scam ever.


  4. The FDA and the CDC have both been heavily politicized by the Democrat Party. I don’t believe anything spewing from either.

    They can shove their masks and Killer Shots up their tailpipes.

  5. Stealth mass murderers are doing this. They’re being sponsored by filthy rich globalist perverts, faggots, and degenerates who think radical depopulation efforts will be the latest cure to their boredom and soullessness.


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