Who is more loathsome and despicable? – IOTW Report

Who is more loathsome and despicable?

Let’s take a look at two types of white people.

One is a leftist, one is right-wing.

This particular right-wing person believes that they’ve achieved what they have in life because of the decisions they’ve made and the actions they took once those decisions were made. They persevered and everything they have they’ve rightfully earned. They truly believe this.

The other person is a left-winger who agrees with the black charge that white people enjoy special privileges, they’ve had unfair advantages and they’ve benefitted from a system that oppresses to the exclusion of white people. They truly believe this.

Who is worse?

Let me rephrase the question a bit.

If you’re white and you truly believe everything you’ve earned is ill gotten and is the result of systemic racism and unfair privilege, but you do not give up your job to a black person, do not give up your wealth to a black person, do not give up your house to a black person, what does that make you?

21 Comments on Who is more loathsome and despicable?

  1. Mark Zuckerberg? George Clooney? Kathy Griffin? Michael Moore? Nancy Pelosi? Chuck Schumer? Larry O’Donnell? Rachel Maddow? Jane Fonda? Lilly Tomlin? Jennifer Lawrence?

    This what is known as a “target rich opportunity”

  2. I grew up poor. My father died and my mother then married a violent monster. I then dropped out of high school, at 15 years old. After a brush with the law, i started working for 1 dollar per hour. So i wouldnt go to jail….

    From this point i have since: took GED, went to college, graduated valedictorian, build a great career with 6 figure income, went back for another degree, and soon i hope to have a MS in Engineering.

    Your life is what you make it. If you are tall, beautiful or handsome, young, affable, energetic, smart, well spoken, all these things will contribute to success. Light skin may help, but it isnt a sole determiner. Attitude is everything.


    A black Uncle Tom is not destructive, neither to himself or anyone else. He adopts the behaviors of well-spoken people, desires education, patriotic etc.

    A white Uncle Tom IS destructive to himself and society, and adopts the NEGATIVE behaviors of shame, blame, erosion of social values to no end other than for the sake of achieving destruction.

  4. The breast-beating of the “progressive” socialists is a SCAM – plain and simple.

    They don’t give a flying fuck about negroes, mexicans, indians, third-worlders, or any other of those poor, benighted, fucked-up people – they just need a wedge to make money and amass power.

    HRC, Al Gore, Geo. Soros, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Moore, Hollyweirders, &c., &c., wouldn’t be sitting on a couple of $Trillion feeding their fat fucking faces, buying jewelry and Italian cars, burning jet fuel like there was no tomorrow, living in thousands of square feet, on acres of prime real estate if they truly gave a fuck about anything but their own comfort and acclaim.

    Sheesh …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Maybe you’re missing the point. A lefty would argue that the SYSTEM needs to change, just as every black person blames the SYSTEM on all their short comings. ie, affirmative action, welfare,etc. The lefty’s white system needs to change for the worse, and the lefty’s black system needs to change for the better. The conservative just shakes his head in disbelief there are so many morons fighting over a REGULATED system that shouldn’t even exist for the most part.

  6. “If you’re white and you truly believe everything you’ve earned is ill gotten and is the result of systemic racism and unfair privilege, but you do not give up your job to a black person, do not give up your wealth to a black person, do not give up your house to a black person, what does that make you?”

    It makes me smart and I refuse handing over my $hit to anyone who hasn’t worked for it. I really don’t care what the left thinks, give all you got lefty and see what you’re left with.

  7. white privilege – pushing a hand powered lawn mower at 11 years old across several yards every day all summer long to help put bread and milk on the table with the rest of the family.

    and I am damn glad I had that “white privilege” advantage.

    am I wrong or is “white privilege” the same as hard work and careful choices.

  8. No, my point is they absolutely believe what they possess is ill-gotten, no matter how they got it.

    So, am I a worse person because I believe I earned what I have and won’t give it up, or am I worse if I believe what I have is because of a rigged system that oppresses blacks and won’t give it up?

  9. The lefty doesn’t understand the value of an earned dollar, yet speaks as if his race carries some sort of measured value.

    I’ve always been told you have every right in the world to keep what you have earned. In fact, if you are actually allowed to keep everything you earn instead of being forced to fund lefty feel good privilege pet projects, that will entice you to earn more. When you earn more, your dollars tend to find their way into the pockets of things you are interested in making better thru charity or starting a business, enhancing the lives of many through your hard earned work. Then your success snowballs to others and grows exponentially.

    Blaming success on your race is counter productive for everyone. (legal) Success is a good thing no matter who you are. Notice that legal word I slipped in there – Are we headed for a Whitey Only Tax? That’s what they are after, but it won’t be enough. They want to tax currently owned possessions as well, as they were ill-gotten. Force whitey to give it up and the left has won. Force is the only word the left will comply with, not voluntary. Allow whitey to keep earnings and traditional America we all love can carry on being great.

    My existence doesn’t oppress anybody. Nor does it change the climate. We’ll never come to an agreement with the left. They need to be re-educated and then eradicated.

    Short answer, you’re worse if what you have is because of a rigged system. Regardless of giving it up or who’s oppressed. Like a casino, that’s a rigged system that doesn’t give out equal or more than what it takes in. It always gives out less, oppressing its customers at every table and every machine. Nevermind for a moment the employees and other businesses that rely on the casino. I see what you’re trying to do though – Give credit to the left argument to change the system against whitey. Lefty needs to change, not the system that has worked so well for generations – Because it’s NOT rigged in favor of whitey. Many organizations out there designed to give POCs a leg up over whitey and asians, that is the only ‘rigged’ in the system.

    whew, that was too long, sorry.

  10. The leftie believes we’re a nation of murderers and thieves, but doesn’t mind having a share of the loot. This is much worse than mere hypocrisy. His attitude of loathing and contempt towards his own race allows him to believe he and his buddies are morally and intellectually superior to most other whites. It is hate masquerading as virtue.

  11. There is a difference between “loathsome and despicable” and “worse”.

    Accepting the premise that they truly believe their own fables, the self-hating but incorrigible is — I’d hope “obviously” — more “loathsome and despicable”. Seeing “evil” and signing up is beyond morally blind.

    But the true believer is — again, I’d hope “obviously” — far “worse”. Seeing “evil” and calling it “good” not only embraces the acts, but also corrupts those around you.

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