This woman has no hate in her heart, but she wishes that bullet had gone into the forehead.
— Dr. Jebra Faushay (@JebraFaushay) July 23, 2024
As usual, liberals are the party of peace and
32 Comments on Who Wants To Lose Some Brain Cells?
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Well, to be honest I’m not feeling exactly peaceful and tolerant toward libs right now. And if some of them were to take a bullet……
So dumb I feel sorry for her, but especially the dude that put that ring on her left hand.
Repeal the 19th Amendment.
She’s just mad that she has to buy her bra’s at the boy’s store….
Air Head. what she just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in her rambling, incoherent response was she even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on the internet is now dumber for having listened to it. I award her no points, and may God have mercy on her soul.
It talks as though it possesses reason. Its words string together in a simulacrum of coherence but it turns out to be completely empty when allowed to go on for a time. It is a prime example of why we should NEVER have allowed women to vote.
No hate in her heart; more like, no common sense or intelligence in herhead
Is she the incoherent cunt, Anonymous, who posts here?
They walk among us.
I have said it before and say it again: Space aliens are spraying crazy gas into our atmosphere.
“I have said it before and say it again: Space aliens are spraying crazy gas into our atmosphere.”
A large percentage of the population is extremely easily hypnotized. Seems like a dream. I swear I think CNN has enlisted the CIA MKULTRA folks in hypnotizing these morons. Case in point. My wife has high school friends that are very well educated and have good careers. Jobs that require a logical thought process. You mention Trump and they start foaming at the mouth. I knew these women when they were 18. And would have never expected this mind set or lack there of. They normally get together twice a year. They attacked my wife and another conservative out of the group so hard my wife is done. So is the other woman whose husband also happens to be self employed. Fuck these morons.
I’ve always supported the aerial spraying of Prozac especially over institutions of “higher learning” and most downtown areas of larger cities….
Get a load of this story.
Another ‘Period Brain’ out loose in society!
Another dumbass young punk has joined Darwin after nearly killing the old man. If he hadn’t offed himself, I would have suggested some vigilantes to deal with this jerk by killing this punk.
Makes me think these lone-wolves aren’t acting alone. I think that, perhaps, they have been and are being groomed, probably through online games (I know someone, not me, who was targeted and catfished through an online game. The people, or person, doing it were very good at screening for the right weaknesses and then manipulating them.) and that we may start seeing a wave of these “lone-wolf” incels performing violent acts, in an effort to disrupt the election, or rather, to disrupt a free and fair election…and maybe trigger a civil war, which Obama’s handlers have been trying to do since he was first nominated.
There’s no hate in the heart of a brown recluse, or a mako shark, or a tin of salmon gone bad with Clostridium botulinum bacteria, or a gasoline tanker truck whose driver just fell asleep at the wheel. So, they must be OK to have around, yeah? No.
“probably through online games ”
I think you’re spot on. I’ve read many places .GOV tracks these little social misfits on line. Just waiting for a ripe candidate. The CIA originally smuggled NAZIs out of Germany to start that MKUltra program. How far do you think they’ve progressed today? Morning blow is a hypnotist. In fact I read just such an article today. If I can find it I’ll post it for you. Bottom line, why are so many normal Americans going bat shit crazy over Trump? It makes no sense.
We’ve all heard of an empty suit. What we saw here my friends was an empty bra, hat, shirt, pants, a hole in her chest where a heart should be, and an empty head.
Here you go, just more 411 to file away.
Horse shit! Anyone who has spent any time at all around progs in their natural environment can tell you that hate is a such a large part of their vocabulary that they don’t ever go a few hours without discussing who they hate.
This dumb See You Next Tuesday got through school by parroting the prog line. They are easy to program. I’m surprised it wasn’t wearing a virtue mask.
@ Brad TUESDAY, 23 JULY 2024, 22:29 AT 10:29 PM
I refuse to watch as my last working braincell must be protected. I read IOTWR mostly for the comments.
Just as a fish has no concept of water, these maggots have no concept of hate.
It is the medium in which they exist – they cannot survive without it.
They also cannot recognize it unless perceiving it in others (or told to).
“Libs” (socialists, nazis, communists, fascists, demonrats, whatever you want to call them) HAVE to hate: their “progressive” (read: Satanic) agenda requires it.
What they little realize is that, eventually, those being hated begin to return the sentiment, with, sometimes, catastrophic results (for the “libs”).
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
You don’t have to be Jordan Peterson to know that when someone expresses murderous thoughts but denies the emotions generating them that you have a very sick person.
Sweetie pie, the division of marriages, families and friends over politics came about because you rabid progs made the unilateral decision to exclude and excommunicate anyone in your sphere who supported Trump. This eventually metastasized into verbal and physical attacks which you view as justified–even righteous to the point where you celebrate the deaths of those whose opinions differ from your own. You, my dear, are a Fascist and are apparently quite proud of it.
Trump is a communist and this stupid Bint votes.
Government educated moron now go make me a sandwich.
Trump is a capitalist and a business
man deal maker which makes him the 180
degree opposite of a COMMUNIST.
soy milk & tofu type
Yeah, and I hope she gets raped by a dozen Haji’s!
The idiocracy is strong in this idiot. She’s like a Demwit hamster on a Marxist indoctrination treadmill – mindlessly running until the logical points the interviewer confronts her with knocks her off.
Yet, despite the contradictions, the progressive dunce gets back on the endless wheel of leftist doctrine.
Eventually, you can see she’s frustrated with her lack of understanding of how to disassociated her psychic hatred for conservatives from the delusion that she’s a “peaceful” person.
As a useful idiot she may never know how destructive she is to herself and others.
Her: “That isn’t my belly button”.