Whoa! Nellie! – IOTW Report

Whoa! Nellie!

WaEx: Nellie Ohr met Christopher Steele at Mayflower Hotel the day before FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation began.

Nellie Ohr — Justice Department official Bruce Ohr’s wife — met with Trump dossier author and former British spy Christopher Steele the day before the FBI launched its Trump-Russia investigation.

The meeting took place at the Mayflower Hotel, which was described by President Harry Truman as “Washington’s second-best address.” President John F. Kennedy once kept an apartment — and a mistress — there. In 2008, Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York used an assumed name to book room 871 and meet a prostitute.

A newly released congressional transcript reveals her research on connections between Russia and President Trump, the Trump family, and Trump associates while she worked at Fusion GPS. She declined to answer most questions about her husband, who served as an unofficial back channel between Steele and the FBI.

Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, went to the House floor to put the 137-page transcript from her October testimony in front of a joint session of the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees into the record.

“Thus far, I have released four transcripts of interviews related to apparent wrongdoing at the FBI and Justice Department. Today, I release the fifth. The American people deserve transparency. They deserve to know what transpired at the highest levels of the FBI and the origin of the probe into President Trump’s campaign,” Collins said.

The testimony focused heavily on her time with Fusion GPS and its relationship with the DOJ.

Nellie Ohr met with Steele three times, the last of which was on July 30, 2016, a day before the FBI initiated a counterintelligence investigation into links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. It is believed that Peter Strzok signed the order that launched the inquiry.

That meeting took place at the Mayflower. Nellie Ohr said her husband Bruce Ohr was in attendance along with an unknown associate for Steele, whom she said he had a British accent. Bruce Ohr was formerly the associate deputy attorney general and director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. He was demoted after it came to light he met with Steele and Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.

At this meeting, Nellie Ohr said she learned for the first time Steele also worked at Fusion GPS.

Ohr said she understood Steele was trying to convey to her husband his “concern” about his information regarding Trump, believed she saw at least one page of the so-called Trump dossier, and was hoping it would make its way to the FBI.

“My understanding was that Chris Steele was hoping that Bruce would put in a word with the FBI to follow-up on the information in some way,” she said when asked if words like “investigation” or “inquiry” was brought up during the discussion.  MORE HERE





Nellie Ohr, a former Fusion GPS contractor and wife to Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, told Congress that she “favored” Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign, and would not have researched the Democrat as she did Donald Trump.

“I would probably have been less comfortable doing opposition research that would have gone against Hillary Clinton,” Nellie Ohr told a congressional task force on Oct. 19, according to a transcript released Thursday.

“And why is that?” a congressional staffer asked Nellie Ohr.

“Because I favored Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate,” said Nellie Ohr.

She gave research she did on Trump and his associates to her husband, Bruce Ohr, in hopes that he would provide it to the FBI.

Bruce Ohr did exactly that. He testified during his own congressional hearing that he provided a flash drive containing his wife’s research to the FBI. What the bureau did with the information remains a mystery, but it is another example of potentially biased information being provided to investigators working on a probe of the Trump campaign.  MORE HERE



Read a transcript of Nellie Ohr’s testimony to Congress, courtesy of Republican rep. Doug Collins, right here


SNIP: Not only should Nellie Ohr be in prison, she should be cleaning every toilet in the prison from 7am to 7pm every single day,
since she enjoys doing dirty work.

15 Comments on Whoa! Nellie!

  1. That is the ugliest woman on the planet. Bruce Ohe must be blind.

    That kind of ugly blossoms from the spleen outward. Ugly as a mud fence. Ugly for no particular reason.
    I’d hit Aunt Esther before I hit that. Sheesh.

    Did i say fugly? I meant to.

  2. This level of reporting is great!

    Too bad it means jack shit in putting people in jail who should be there.

    This is the right wing version of TMZ. Breathless reporting signifying absolutely nothing.

  3. She’s so ugly that her executioner will have to wear a hood just in case her’s slips off when her neck is stretched. She’d be a good one to begin the parade of hangings of these treasonous coup seekers.

  4. After listening carefully to POTUS Trump’s remarks concerning “very bad people” doing “very bad things” to America and Americans, and then hearing his speech in MI last night….well, I’m very hopeful that we will be getting to the bottom of all things Deep State fraud. Including historic weaponizing of gov’t agencies against political opponents and orgs. Hope springs eternal.

  5. The soft coup didn’t work. They will be considering new, harder options. They could easily round up some young stooges from Berkeley or a 100 other campuses to do the dirty work.

    If the liberals lose in 2020, they’ll go bat-shit banana nuts. They will tell themselves they will not accept four more years of Trump. There are things they will try.


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