Why Climate Models Are Way Off – IOTW Report

Why Climate Models Are Way Off

American Thinker

Climate scientists recently discovered that they’ve been underestimating the impact of a particular organic compound in the atmosphere, and the oversight’s significance is so profound that it’s left existing climate models completely obsolete. As Jo Nova writes, “This is so big, it may change the sacred ‘climate sensitivity’ of the whole Earth”.

Isoprene is what’s known as a volatile organic compound, or a VOC, and “has a recognized role in protecting plants against many abiotic stresses” like “heat stress…drought…[and] oxidative stress” with trees being the greatest emitters. (When the chemical isoprene interacts with other compounds in the atmosphere, the products are a number of secondary organic aerosols.) More

21 Comments on Why Climate Models Are Way Off

  1. We have no climate models worth spit. This has been proven by supplyong them with data from the last hundred years, minus 30, and looking at what they predict for the last thirty. Pure shit.
    The models and the raw data have been ‘adjusted’ to generate a desired outcome. This is not science, it’s agenda driven politics.

  2. Moving temperature probes from open fields to over blacktop parking lots is no science of global warming, excuse me. If Al Gore and the little ‘how dare you’ brat could shut up we would eliminate ‘global warming’, excuse me, ‘climate change’

  3. An endless source of frustration, if anyone wants such a thing, can be readily found in attempts to get a climate loony to realize that building and running climate models has nothing to do with science. The output of a climate model isn’t science. It isn’t even knowledge.

  4. The models are off because they’re not models. They’re a bunch of bad assumptions wrapped inside some piss poor number crunching designed to yield a predetermined outcome in order to keep the bureaucrat bucks coming in.

  5. These wako scientists create models based upon what the crazy Leftists tell them to create. I think the best place still to go is the Farmer’s Almanac, at least until the Leftists totally invade that publication.

  6. “Why Climate Models Are Way Off”

    Because they’re pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT supportive of a (very lucrative) HOAX.

    No amount of isoprene is going to change that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Maybe Mark Steyn can be reimbursed. He was sued in Canada for debunking the hockey stick model.
    The climate scientists are really going to be upset. They are basically getting caught for deciding outcomes before actual research was done.
    If they had done real research they would have studied all atmospheric gasses.

  8. Climate models are so far wrong because the idiots put global warming (OK, climate change) in the software. Fortunately my weather training as a very important part of being a pilot has exposed the so fvcking dumb meteorologists that weather forecasting is no longer a profession but nothing more than a fart in the frying pan.


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