Why Democrats Have A Big Bernie Sanders Problem – IOTW Report

Why Democrats Have A Big Bernie Sanders Problem


Vermont (Independent? Democratic?) Sen. Bernie Sanders is officially running for president in 2020, and let’s just say not all Democrats are very excited about his announcement.

Some pundits believe the registered Independent already had his chance, and they don’t believe he will be able to generate the same excitement this time around.

“Count me as skeptical. It’s hard to find lighting in the same bottle twice,” said CNN’s Chris Cillizza.

Others in the media have pointed out that there are many Democratic candidates with similar policy positions as Sanders, but they are younger, more diverse and would have better chances of defeating President Donald Trump in the general election.

Sanders is a registered Independent, and the Democratic National Committee says he can’t seek the Democratic Party presidential nomination without officially being a Democrat.

He is expected to sign an attestation from the DNC that he is a Democrat. more

22 Comments on Why Democrats Have A Big Bernie Sanders Problem

  1. “Count me as skeptical. It’s hard to find lighting in the same bottle twice,” said CNN’s Chris Cillizza.

    Says the Clinton supporter who believe whole heartedly the 2nd time was going to be the charm for her.

  2. Democrats are being silly. They already ARE the Socialist Party Of America. They should welcome him with open arms.

    We need a knock-down-drag-out fight at the polls. Otherwise, we’re going to do it in the streets.

  3. CNN: C’mon, Bernie – if you want the nomination you have to say Maduro is a dictator.
    Bernie: O.k., I really do want the nomination. Maduro is a dic… uh, Maduro is a dic…, uh, Maduro is a dic…
    CNN: Close enough.

  4. “That OLD FOOL should be in a nursing home somewhere.”

    …Isn’t living in a nursing home horrid ENOUGH without Bernie bloviating about how he would be best President all over your table on Meatloaf Monday? Why you hate old people, @Anonymous?

  5. Article a few days ago about Bernie getting kicked out of a commune for being too lazy won’t help. And telling about his lady pal who invited all the men who could possibly be the father, to watch her give birth? Not a resume enhancer. Oh, and the part about the new mother eating her placenta? Wait til that gets out.

  6. @JDHasty February 27, 2019 at 1:46 pm

    > I’ll be damned if I can figure out the allure of this marble mouthed jackass

    Unlike most of America, Bernie’s not an idiot. Unlike most idiots, Bernie’s not exceedingly proud of idiocy.

    When Bernie talks about his socialist vision, everyone (who’s not exceedingly proud of their idiocy) knows he’s read the PDF — not watched the PowerPoint (which only happened because it was in the corner of the screen while they watched porn).

  7. So if Bernie signs an attestation claiming to be a democrat so that he can get the democrat nomination, doesn’t that further speak to his lack of principles and obvious opportunism?

  8. Run! Bernie, RUN!

    Eat shit, Liawatha!
    Eat shit, Spartacus!
    Eat shit, Klochobar!

    He’s like that weird old uncle who someone drags to Thanksgiving who sits in front of the TV spewing egg salad out of his mouth every time he laughs as he watches reruns of Gilligan’s Island and pokes the kids with his cane.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Sanders is a registered Independent, and the Democratic National Committee says he can’t seek the Democratic Party presidential nomination without officially being a Democrat.

    It wasn’t a problem last time around when you were running against Hillary. What changed?

  10. @ Jimmy

    The smellocrats are NOT socialists

    Saying Socialism is a soft way to say Communism

    This all started in a small way
    ( but revolutionary at the time )
    with Woodrow Wilson

    Advanced enormously by Roosevelt
    who did everything imaginable to destroy the middle class
    including driving the depression into its lowest depths

    And every smellocrat Prez and Congress there forward
    has piecemeal step by step advanced it forward

    You’re not supposed to notice that

    You’re not to notice the gradual erosion
    of your freedoms, rights

    Constant new attempts to restrict
    firearms ownership

    Gun Control

    People Control !

    Do you really trust the smellocrat party ?

    They WILL run your lives
    if you don’t stop them.

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