Why Did Dems’ Top Donor PAC Pay Buzzfeed $1.5 Million During 2016 Campaign? – IOTW Report

Why Did Dems’ Top Donor PAC Pay Buzzfeed $1.5 Million During 2016 Campaign?

The Lid:

Something’s smells rotten. Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reveal that BuzzFeed was paid $1.5 million during the 2016 campaign by the Democratic PAC Priorities USA Action.

Twitter user @2xwide_dreaming who goes by the nom de plume of “HRC’s Field Sobriety Test” gets a 21-gun salute for digging up this information and revealing this fascinating tidbit on Tuesday:


The FEC records show that the PAC made two payments to BuzzFeed, one on 4 August 2016 in the amount of $1,000,000, and one on 28 September 2016 for $500,000.*

As @2xwide_dreaming notes, there are no other transactions like these in the FEC database.  If you visit the FEC website (this link is as serviceable a portal as any; you can run different searches from it), you can verify that that statement is comprehensively true.

The payments to BuzzFeed in 2016, two from Priorities USA Action and one from Americans for Responsible Solutions, are the only ones of their kind.

BuzzFeed is not listed as a recipient in any other FEC-recorded transactions, from 2007 to 2019.

Moreover, no other media site with a profile even somewhat similar to BuzzFeed’s is a recipient of PAC-type bulk payments for “online advertising” or “digital ad buys” in any form.

Other recipients of bulk payments for digital ad buys or online advertising is either campaign-advertising companies (which then go on and purchase ads with news and other content sites) or major political nonprofits like Planned Parenthood Votes and the League of Conservation Voters Victory PAC.

It is bulk payments like these that run into the millions, or at least the hundreds of thousands at a time, like the two payments made in 2016 to BuzzFeed.  But BuzzFeed is not an advertising company.  more here

8 Comments on Why Did Dems’ Top Donor PAC Pay Buzzfeed $1.5 Million During 2016 Campaign?

  1. Because Buzzfeed is not a news organization. It is a propaganda outlet. The most newsworthy stories they come up with are not news stories at all, but some list about cats. What cats like, what cats don’t like, what entertains cats, etc.

  2. Morning Joe and msNBC backdrops during that exact Time Frame were Wall to Wall cyber typer-shills. Don’t you remember? It’s on tape if you don’t. The backdrops changed when all that funding ran out like Joe and Mika did for that looonng weekend away during the layoff season ender episode.


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