Why is Detroit in Such a Mess? – IOTW Report

Why is Detroit in Such a Mess?

Well, maybe it’s because people in a position of power are so stupid.

Watch this video and see how incredibly dumb the entire panel (less one man) is on the issue of voter fraud.



9 Comments on Why is Detroit in Such a Mess?

  1. It’s hard for me to call it “dumb.”
    DENIAL takes ALOT of effort and ingenuity.
    PROJECTION takes alot of effort and ingenuity.
    DISHONESTY takes alot, too.

    Even the black guy in white, who for a fleeting moment claimed it was a legitimate issue worth debating (typical ‘having-it-both-ways’ political bla bla), played that game. It’s easier to deflect and blame someone else than to confront and fix the problem.

    But, yeah, THEY are *why* Detroit is Detroilet.

  2. It’s the state’s fault. No, it’s the country clerk’s fault. No it’s the poll judges fault….. “All depends on what the phrase Free and fair elections means to you.”

    The democrat’s interpretation is, “It’s fair, we’re free to cheat.” If you aren’t cheatin’, you aren’t trying hard enough.

  3. Winning is the name of the game.
    Federal and state grants, contracts, infrastructure projects, jobs, increased EBT money, new schools, more corruption and other payoffs depend on overwhelming numbers at election time.
    That’s how you get 110% higher vote totals than registered voters.

    Free and fair elections is a myth.
    The end justifies the means.
    It’s for the people.
    It’s for the children.

  4. I guess Foxnews has to hire porch negroes to man their news shows in Detroit. Voter fraud is an issue across the US and each and everytime people try to address or even discuss it they get shouted down. You want to fix Detroit? Seal it off and use a neutron bomb on it. Hell, that could work on DC as well.

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