Why is S.E. Cupp a Moron? – IOTW Report

Why is S.E. Cupp a Moron?

Let me start by saying iOTW called out S.E. Cupp back when it wasn’t fashionable to do so.

S.E. Cupp is a moron because she thinks conservatives must move toward embracing gay marriage or else suffer the dire consequences, not realizing that moving from your principles renders being a conservative moot.

Conservatives maintain that marriage, one woman/one man is best for society, and they are right.

Watch this dunce start crying over videos of gays celebrating their victory, which amounts to hitting society over the head one last time with a shovel.

It wasn’t enough that the welfare state enabled one parent households, which is provably an inferior household, gays have to up the ante on dysfunction simply because Christianity wouldn’t recognize their union as holy.

By the way, how long is Cupp going to try and ride that “I represent the new young GOP” shtick?Screen Shot 2015-06-27 at 2.14.10 AM

She’s 36, fer cryin; out loud. She already looks like she’s searching for her rebel daughter if she shows up at a house party.


35 Comments on Why is S.E. Cupp a Moron?

  1. I never understood her exaltation by many on the right, beyond being just simple, stupid lust and a desire to be one of the cool kids. As smart as she may be, she’s first and foremost an atheist. No atheist is to be trusted: push come to shove come to gun, their ultimate motivation can rise no higher than immediate self-interest. They have nothing higher than Self to appeal to, answer to, fear, or be motivated by. They can and will betray you if its in their interest to do so.

    Ace of Spades basically demonstrated this yesterday in derision of his theistic posters (and then immediately coupled it with an anal sex joke…a class act, that Ace).

  2. Sarah Elizabeth must be so proud! Identifying as a Log Cabin Republican that is in fact married to a *gasp* man with a *gasp* child!! How utterly confusing is that?! Yes, I do believe that her photo (along with many others including our Dear Leader) will be found next to the definition of ‘moron’ in the dictionary…

  3. Accepting the gay agenda framed in right wing politic will prove unfruitful and will take the gonads out of true conservatism in the sense that because there is the lack of procreativity, a devotion to their same-sex desires, the BEST that could come of it would be division between the “right” homos and “left” homos. So, do you see that happening? No, me neither.

  4. Look at her pedigree. She’s a classically trained ballerina. To say that “dance people” aren’t “all about the ghey” [sic], is to say cowboys ain’t “all about the trucks”. Show me a ballet person that isn’t about half swishy, and I’ll show you a cowboy drivin’ a Prius.

  5. Monogomous heterosexual marriage; a spiritual institution which represents ORIGINAL government guided and blessed by the Creator of the universe. If homos want to consecrate themselves to one another, take “marriage” out of the equation and give it a “statey” title. Still, it won’t satisfy them; that said, is war fodder.

  6. I think any time there is going to be a major change in the way we do things. There should be a special election held and we all vote for or against. Majority rules. I guarantee we would not have Obamacrap or gay marriage. Letting judges decide is a waste of time.

  7. Why hasn’t anyone thought of using the “science” argument in the marriage discussion? That’s the god these people worship.

    Isn’t marriage a “mating ritual,” such as other animals perform in their couplings?

    What does Darwin teach us about “fitness?” Those animals that reproduce the most win the natural selection battle. That itself proves the inferiority of these fake matings.

    What is the scientific purpose of ALL sexual urges? That would be to reproduce. Not to “show love” or any such nonsense.

    What is every man’s sperm swimming in search of? A female egg. Even a gay man’s sperm is straight.

    Gay couplings are an evolutionary dead end. Sorry. Gonna die off. Darwin says so.

  8. She’s not the only one. There are 2 gay conservative writers, who I will leave nameless, who basically said that it was so wrong the way the supreme court foisted this on all of us and used the 14th ammendment in an illegal manner, and the 10th was violated… But golly gee we’re still happy we got what we wanted!!!

    What I read was that “yeah, it sucks, but as long as I get what I want… Whatever. *wink wink*”

    The commenters called them both out on that, but they didn’t respond last I checked.

    They’re no better than progs who don’t care what laws are violated, as long as they FEEEEEEL good. They are afraid of what Americans really think about gay marriage. Notice the court kept over turning votes of those who voted or protested against it?
    Yeah, that’s right. It’s all forced upon us. That’s how progs make friends. By forcing themselves on you.
    Nope. Not creepy at all.

  9. “Gay couplings are an evolutionary dead end. Sorry. Gonna die off. Darwin says so.”

    That’s why they stop at nothing to recruit kids.

    I’m calling it now: within 10 years, maybe five, we will see the reunification of NAMBLA with the larger homosexual movement. The faux purging of queer child molesters has served its purpose and is a charade no longer necessary to maintain.

  10. Trooper John. … I was a dancer (classical ballet) well into my 20’s. I’m more red-neck, in the best possible way, than most men in Wyoming.

    I have college degrees. Home educated my three kids too, all the way into college (almost totally fully scholar-shipped because of excellent grades)… and it was a challenge.

    We are poor people in mid life now because I stayed at home with my wonderful children. I was willing to sacrifice wealth for what we thought was best. We are of Orthodox Lutheran confession (not ELCA… which is full on libtard).

    Not all dancers are idiots… right ? Or did I just give you a list of idiot qualities. I guess a case could be made…

    Or an apology.

    Just yankin’ your chain. I don’t need an apology. Yeah, most dancers these days probably are dangerous libtards..

  11. This is gonna be fuhhUN – since the commies fascisticly pushed the ‘homos are people too’ and get to screw the heteros out of actual marriage, and fuck you anybody that doesn’t accept it FUCK YOU, WE voted and WE got what we wanted, so FUCK YOU.
    Now, I just forward all the happy homo marriage announcements, stuck in my face like a dick – to all the obummer purified and sanctified, embraced and promoted- heh, just like homo marriage – local ISIS brotherhood groups so they can help em celebrate with a roof-top view to forever and really help em hit the ground running – well, at least just hitting the ground…

  12. It’s the same concept pushed by Boehner, Bush, Ryan, Rove, and a host of others: we must surrender, and accept the position of the socialists in order to win.

    A “principle” is supposed to be part of the “foundation” of what a political entity believes, not a negotiating point. If your principles aren’t foundational, they why the fuck have them?

  13. Either they’ve been thoroughly corrupted by power and wealth, have been compromised by being caught in sin and someone’s holding it over their heads, OR they were lying statists the whole time, voting conservative just enough and just long enough to get their hands on the true levers of power at a very critical time…meaning it’s ALL kabuki theater now.

    Could be some mix of all three, I guess.

  14. I’m going to sue the federal government using the 14th Amendment for infringing on my 2nd Amendment Right.

    Homosexuality is aberrant behavior, period! 😡 The churchy people always say, “Hate the sin not the sinner.” Sorry but that argument no longer holds water. They spew hatred at every opportunity so I now feel obligated to spew it back. They are a tiny majority and the left acts like they own the world. Well fuck fuck fuck you queers! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! 😡

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