Why No Doxing For the Racist Black Teacher? – IOTW Report

Why No Doxing For the Racist Black Teacher?

PHenry writes:

That nasty black teacher who threw racist insults at the cop last week….
A.  Her image is pixelated and blurred.  Why?
B. We don’t know her name
C.  She’s a schoolteacher
D. She hurls insults at this cop, repeatedly calling him a murderer. 
E.  She hurls racist stuff about him being a Mexican. 

I have looked online for information on this racist bitch and there is nothing that identifies her. 

She needs to be canceled. 

What is her name?
What school does she work in?

We need Basic information upon which the citizens can act. 

Why are the basic facts being suppressed?

19 Comments on Why No Doxing For the Racist Black Teacher?

  1. “Why are the basic facts being suppressed?”

    She’s a Black teacher, a protected class (and I don’t mean her students, who I assume are anything BUT protected).

    That’s why.

  2. Yup. Same questions I was asking. Same with every white cop who shot a black criminal: we knew all the details within seconds of the event. Cop shoots a Trump supporting veteran in DC? We still don’t have a name or face 4 months later.

  3. A valid point and observation. The cop and his own body cam footage will be doxed and buried before that nutjob bitch gets outed… but Karma will eventually catch up to her. No worries.


  4. I think Tucker aired the video Friday.
    It’s the cop’s private recording, not a cop cam.
    (How they don’t fucking have them RIGHT FUCKING NOW?!)

    Anyway, it was not pixelated and showed her fat face.
    That cow doesn’t deserve anonymity.

  5. I don’t have a twitter account but just scrolled down on Andy Ngo’s feed. He had the story and I picked up the thread linked there. A reporter (@BillFOXLA) is trying to contact the woman. He has her name but won’t release it until he has made contact with her. She has apparently been a professor at schools in the LA area and has a history of making false charges. If you’re not a twitter user you can just put the @BillFOXLA in the search engine and it will bring you to a link for his twitter feed. Find the thread from May 3rd and read through it.

  6. Ask and you shall receive-https://tbdailynews.com/woman-who-yelled-racist-statements-at-latino-cop-she-called-a-murderer-is-college-professor-kalunda-rae-iwamizu-aka-kalunda-jenkins/

  7. @Tony R:

    Cop shoots a Trump supporting veteran in DC? We still don’t have a name or face 4 months later.

    There’s evidence but no official announcement nor proof that Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey.

    There has been a lot of discussion on the ‘net, some good and some utter bullshit, about Babbitt’s murder and who this pistol and arm with distinctive wrist band belong to.

    Bailey was one of the Capitol Police who were at the congressional baseball practice when Steve Scalise was shot and almost killed. Bailey himself was wounded while helping apprehend the nutso prog would-be assassin, and was given an award by President Trump for his valorous actions. There are lots of photos around that series of events, with a number showing what appears to be that same wrist band on Bailey’s arm. (There are quite a few such photos; I just pick one more or less at random.)

    It is my opinion, repeat: opinion, that Bailey shot Babbitt. It’s an opinion a fair number of people share, and a fair number of people laugh at. Each of us has to make up his own mind, of course.

  8. That is awesome, people. I’ve already contacted Los Angeles Southwest College demanding this woman’s firing and a press release explaining why. LASC.edu


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