Why Obama Bombed In Hiroshima – IOTW Report

Why Obama Bombed In Hiroshima

With a speech a couple of days ago just shy of an apology, The President of the United States, Barack Obama went to Hiroshima, Japan to serve “up a heaping helping of moral equivalence and maudlin sentimentality.”



He then posed for some photo ops with survivors (I guess he ran out of human props here at home).

David French makes clear why the use of nuclear weapons against Imperial Japan was right and moral.


President anti-war would do well to remember the advice from the Romans “If you want peace, prepare for war.”

16 Comments on Why Obama Bombed In Hiroshima

  1. I suggest he take a photo op with some Pacific War survivors who lived because we dropped two A-bombs on Japan to stop the war the Japanese started. After being wounded on Okinawa I’m glad my uncle didn’t have to back to invade Japan.

  2. There was a time where Obama would get days of news out of these empty gestures, now the press can’t flush him out of the news cycle fast enough.

    He’s made the Presidency and irrelevance in his never ending virtue signaling.

  3. My Dad (a P-47 sheet metal mechanic in Europe) was preparing to entrain for movement to the Pacific when the bombs were dropped.
    He was relieved – tickled pink, so to speak.

    Fuck Obola.
    Fuck Japan.
    Fuck Germany.
    Fuck Italy.

    Don’t start no shit – won’t be no shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I heard this song this morning about Hiroshima/Nagasaki called Old Man Atom by The Sons of The Pioneers on Ranger Doug’s Classic Cowboy Corral XM 59 from 1950 available at youtube.com. It’s a totally appropriate song for barry’s apology/nonapology visit to Hiroshima the other day. If someone could post this since I don’t know how I’m sure IOTWR readers would like it. it’s a hoot!

  5. BHO: “…our ability to set ourselves apart from nature and bend it to our will…”
    From the same punk speech writers who gave us “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

    I am so fucking sick of this asshole.

  6. The ignorant self-assured history revisionists of now totally overlook that we fire-bombed the hell out of Tokyo and caused more deaths than either nuclear weapon from it. See how selective their preening moral outrage is? It was total war boys and girls brought on by Axis intransigence and fanaticism.

    The cold truth is that if we had not brought the war to a quick conclusion and instead invaded their homeland, I know that the Japanese race and civilization would have been extinguished. They should thank us we did not fully punish them for the rape of Nanking, the atrocities against our POWs, and their naked aggression and sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. Japan got off easy for their war crimes.

    Liberals go to hell!

  7. My dad was a Marine who was on Midway Island in 1945 as it was being used as a staging area in preparation for the invasion of Japan. We should still be bombing those little, cock-sucking, yellow devils. The Jap culture and language should have been wiped off the face of the earth. My mother’s next door neighbor went down with the USS Arizona and it drove his mother to insanity.

  8. “What the fuck was THAT?”

    (Mayor of Hiroshima, Aug. 6, 1945)

    “Uh oh! I don’t like the sound of THAT!”

    (Mayor of Nagasaki, Aug. 9, 1945)

    izlamo delenda est …

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