Why They Need To Destroy Trump – IOTW Report

Why They Need To Destroy Trump

The salient video is at the bottom.

11 Comments on Why They Need To Destroy Trump

  1. They hate Trump because he represents truth, honesty and ‘dare I say it’….GOD.

    THEY are evil, they love all that is sinful, they refuse to accept what is fair, what is just and what is right.

    Their entire world centers around their love of money, their lust for power and their hate for those that want to stand in their way of achieving Satan’s offerings.

  2. This guys spot on. It’s just not our communist assholes trying to destroy our country. It’s an international effort and Trump and MAGA stand in the way. But now they’re panicked. Realization has set in the they need to destroy Trump for self preservation. Because if he gets back in WE’RE coming after their worthless asses.

  3. Recipe for Disaster:

    Blacks elect a black mayor.
    Black mayor blames white people for systemic racism.
    White people flee for their lives.
    Black mayor calls whites racist for leaving.
    Blacks celebrate as businesses close and tax revenues plummet.
    Blacks relect same mayor over and over as the city (cough, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, ATL, NYC, Los Angeles, cough) enters the death spiral.
    Then the swamp takes over, and enslaves the blacks and kills the white radicals.

  4. Brad,

    What really scares them is that they know it doesn’t matter anymore if they kill Trump. This MAGA movement has a life of its own, and it’s growing out of their control.


    Totally agree but even more to the point. If they kill him every three letter agency in the United States better find an office in China. At that point the gloves are off.

  6. The great dumbing down of America is the only reason this shit can be shoved down our throats. If there weren’t so many ignorant MF”ers voting their ignorant votes, this would never happen.
    I ain’t going for this shit. Live Free or Die.

  7. The pope is a Communist. Thwy knew that when they elected him.
    These control gluttons who want to run the world and try to rid it of God and individualism I think didn’t count on Americans going against their wishes in such numbers.
    Especially seeing as they control media and entertainment.
    If they can manage to get censorship control over the internet, they can do more damage.
    Demonic people.


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