Why Would The Russians Be Colluding With the “Clown” Trump? – IOTW Report

Why Would The Russians Be Colluding With the “Clown” Trump?

Go back and watch videos of the left all guffawing over candidate Trump.

When Ann Coulter announced that Trump was her pick to win it all, on the Bill Maher Show, the audience and panel went arms and legs akimbo with laughter.

The Russians, according to the left, wee already conspiring, hedging their bets on, this “clown” of a candidate.

Not buying it.

Neither is Rush, or the Conservative Treehouse.

ht/ all too much


15 Comments on Why Would The Russians Be Colluding With the “Clown” Trump?

  1. The attorney points out that this is a witch hunt and they want to come after Flynn. So he wanted assurances that Flynn would not be targeted further. It isn’t like what they’re implying — that he “flipped” on Trump.

  2. I know I’m going to step in it here, but I sure hope we don’t get another attemp at ryancare. That would be clownish. I’m still on the Trump Train, but let obamacare die.

  3. Dianny,
    Every news station is reporting it that way. What the hell did he think would happen. Meanwhile Podesta has how much money invested in Russia? Hillary gives them out Uranium and that’s not an issue? I don’t know if you’ve made the mistake of watching any of these hearings but these ass hole libtards do their level best to make it sound like they’ve already found the smoking gun. It’s infuriating. What Flynn and his attorney just did was major league stupid. Trump made the right decision getting him off his team. I’m pissed.

  4. Michael Flynn withdrew for the good of the Country. He was unmasked because of a felonious leaker. His name should not have been released to the New York Times and the Washington Post. That was a felony. He was speaking to a Russian Ambassador who was being monitored and his name popped up. This is all demorat bullshit.
    The question is Who gave the order to unmask his name.? Waterboard the Ms. Fauker. Or whateverthefuckhernameis!

  5. I’m sorry Michael Flynn with drew and I’m sorry Mr. Trump allowed him to. We are in dire traits. I’ll put it out again.

    Frontpagemag.com The Civil War id Here, Daniel Greenfield.

    Yeah, sorry, you have to type it in.

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