Wife of LaVoy Finicum Suing Feds – IOTW Report

Wife of LaVoy Finicum Suing Feds

DML: Brian Claypool is the attorney for Jeanette Finicum.  She is the wife of the Arizona rancher, LaVoy Finicum, who was shot dead by authorities during the occupation of the Malhuer Widlife Refuge last year. Claypool told the Oregonian that Jeanette Finicum and the family are definitely pursuing a lawsuit against Oregon State Police and two FBI agents.  MORE

10 Comments on Wife of LaVoy Finicum Suing Feds

  1. The FBI fired at least two shots at the vehicle as it approached the kill-stop road block. And they failed to mention firing upon the vehicle on the road until people started counting bullet holes and mapping trajectory.

    This was a government directed assassination of a man who was spreading the word about how our constitutional rights are being violated by the tyrannical government, and revealing the ongoing treason and overstepping of the traitors. They couldn’t have that.

    God Bless the widow Finicum. I hope she wins all of her battles with the feds.

  2. This story needs to be kept alive. What happened here was a national disgrace and travesty of justice.
    The family needs our support and has been forgotten.
    And how about all the others who have been arrested and charged? Not so much as a news banner.

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