Wikileaks: Clinton Camp Entertained Having Pitbull Produce a Hillary Song – IOTW Report

Wikileaks: Clinton Camp Entertained Having Pitbull Produce a Hillary Song

Campaign manager Robby Mook responds to this suggestion, “I’m culturally inept so I leave this to JP [Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri] and others.”


BigHollywood: As part of a list of self-admitted “goof ball” suggestions, a Clinton confidante floated the idea of getting a popular music artist like Pitbull or “Timberlan” write a song for Hillary Clinton.

The revelation is part of a collection of thousands of emails posted by the organization Wikileaks, alleged to have come from the email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

In an August 2015 email, Capricia Marshall – former Chief of Protocol in the State Department while Hillary Clinton ran it and described in a September 2016 Politico profile as one of the friends “tamed” by the Clinton campaign – fires off some ideas for the campaign. Marshall, who is of Latin American descent, says the ideas are intended to help the campaign in “my focus – women and Latinas,” but are “goof ball [sic] suggestions” intended only as a jumping off point.

One of these suggestions involves millennial engagement:  MORE

SNIP: Let me help you out with that…


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