WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Manager May Have Ignored Sexual Harassment – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Manager May Have Ignored Sexual Harassment

“The source also claims that Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook was made aware of the issue, but declined to act on it or intervene because he is personal friends with Marshall.”

LZ: Source told reporter Mook turned blind eye to staffer’s behavior, story never ran.

A reporter for U.S. News & World Report reached out to staffers from Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign in 2015 to ask about sexual harassment claims a source made against Marlon Marshall, who is currently the director of state campaigns and political engagement for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

That reporter, David Catanese, heard from sources that Marshall faced no consequences despite repeatedly sexually harassing coworkers on the Clinton campaign in 2008. The source said the reason Marshall avoided reprimand was because he was a close ally of Robby Mook, who is currently Clinton’s campaign manager.

Nothing ever came of the story after Catanese contacted a former Clinton staffer for comment.

Catanese reached out to Mara Lee, a former Clinton aide, on Jan. 19, 2015, by email. Catanese’s source seemed to be another woman who worked on Clinton’s 2008 campaign alongside Marshall.

“I was recently contacted by a source who claims to have worked on the 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign and is alleging that Marlon Marshall made unwelcome sexual advances and propositions towards women on the campaign repeatedly,” wrote Catanese. “The allegation is that he would ‘corner women, make them uncomfortable and make suggestions about having sex.’ The source encouraged me to contact women who worked under him in the Nevada office. I was wondering if you were able to describe your experience with Marshall and if any of this rings true, with you or anyone else you know who worked there.”


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