Will Ferrell Bows Out of Disgusting Reagan Satire Film – IOTW Report

Will Ferrell Bows Out of Disgusting Reagan Satire Film

After a wave of right-wing bloggers displayed their disgust with Will Ferrell’s choice to make a movie poking fun of Reagan’s Alzheimer’s, and Patti Davis’s subsequent open letter (which was picked up by all the sites), Will Ferrell backed out of the project in shame.

ht/ Jerry Manderin

20 Comments on Will Ferrell Bows Out of Disgusting Reagan Satire Film

  1. Would it be asking too much for Will Ferrell to admit that this was a tasteless, stupid, juvenile idea for a movie, and that he was a completely worthless ass to even consider it for a project.

  2. Shame? Libtards? Will Feral? I doubt it. I’m guessing he was more afraid of the massive blowback he was getting, and how it would his current and future projects (including himself).

  3. Aerodynamic swine will be flying over the Hollywood Bowl before Ferrell admits he was wrong to make fun of Reagan’s Alzheimer’s Disease. You can’t shame a Lberal with the truth.

  4. The concept is a twist on Peter Seller’s “Being There,” which was a great film. Had Ferrell’s project been a sequel to “Being There,” with Chauncey Gardiner having been elected President and his advisors trying to convince him to act Presidential, it could have been funny.

    But “Reagan” proposed to use a real and terrible disease as a comedic plot for a real and beloved President who actually had Alzheimer’s later in life. Whereas Chauncey was always just “simple minded” with no explanation, Alzheimer’s robs human beings of their memories and abilities – a terrible result for anyone. Love or hate Ronald Reagan, he was not a simpleton who just happened to be in the right place at the right time nor was he suffering from dementia during his time in office. But for the last few years of his life, Reagan lost all memory of his accomplishments, and that is not funny – it’s tragic. Ferrell bailed because the project was such a loser that even many leftists, who would laugh at taking post mortem pot shots at Reagan, would not find the Alzheimers subject matter particularly humorous.

    I love satire, and I love dark humor. Kubick managed to find dark humor in the cold war with “Dr. Strangelove.” Burt Reynolds found dark humor in terminal disease in “The End.” But neither of these projects used real people as the focus of their subject matters. In proposing to do this combination in “Reagan,” the project’s backers went “full retard” – to turn a phrase in “Tropic Thunder” – and this was the kiss of death for this film.

  5. anything that What the Farrel has ever done, will do, or is even thinking of doodoing, [did you see what i dood there? heh poop, cuz his moopees are 5h17], including SNaiL utterly SUX, SUKd’ and is SUKiNG. he’s not an actor. he’s just not smart at pretending to be smart. i’m just looking for a moopea!

    actors need to SHADdup and act or get the F off my F’ing Planet!, and if they don’t like it, well bub there’s 8 others in close proximity to choose from, now make a fucking choice.

    he’s a real nowhereman, i bet he dreams of himself being funny.

    he should play glenn beck, now that’d be funny

  6. Wee Wilie has always been a worthless piece of pimp shiite. Nothing will change.
    Like others here I lost my mother to Alzheimer’s. She became anorexic in her 50’s and called herself ‘tall, lean and lovely’. She deliberately starved herself, looked like a walking skeleton and still thought she was fat. I have no doubt that was the start of her death spiral.

    She died and then it took years of assisted living and nursing home care for her to be declared dead. Years of forgetfulness, then becoming extremely verbally abusive and even more combative, totally lost, then helpless. She refused to eat and fought feeding and tube feeding which really wasn’t recommended for Alzheimer’s patients.
    Like Terry Schiavo she died of dehydration. It was the same month I was diagnosed with invasive carcinoma.

    Will the Feral wants to make this kind of story into a comedy and nyuk it up like a stooge? I hope he rots in an endless eternal putrid Hell.

  7. It’s definitely a mean thought, but wouldn’t it be ironic if someone close to Will Ferrell became afflicted with this terrible disease? Then, perhaps this stupid ass will finally understand why so many people were outraged by this ignorant idea. Ronald Reagan’s greatness will be long remembered, while people will quickly forget the fool who wanted to make a comedy out of tragedy.

  8. Never been a fan of dark humor or the witless, childish and spiteful crap Will Ferrell thinks is comedy.
    Alzheimer’s is one of the most humiliating, debilitating diseases ever to exist. Unfortunately, I’ve got two close relatives suffering with Alzheimer’s right now – it’s awful and not funny.
    So much for the so called compassionate left, if Ferrell is any example. I hope his numbers (that’s Hollywierd speak for popularity) crash and burn for a long time.

  9. The boy really fucked himself this time. Too late for damage control, pack it up and hit the road Will. Maybe you could make a few bucks sucking dicks on a Hollywood street corner. If the other queers don’t run you off for being over-qualified.

  10. @Eugenia – I’m so sorry about your mother’s tragic story. It must have been hell for her and for you. Having lost several close relatives to dementia, I can attest that it is no laughing matter, and is difficult on both the patient and the families.

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