Will Smith – “Racism is Rare” – IOTW Report

Will Smith – “Racism is Rare”

Will Smith says that too many people conflate prejudice with racism and that “actual racism is rare,” while “everyone is prejudiced.”

He uses the same example that Jesse Jackson used to illustrate how history and observations shape your prejudices. Are you more wary when a big black man approaches you on a dark street as opposed to a 5’1″ white person? This might be prejudicial, but can the wary be indicted?

Racism, Smith says, is “believing your race is superior.”

He says he’s come into contact with racism, but movies represent “the ultimate forum for changing people’s hearts and minds.”

So, Smith is saying, as a black actor, he can effect change because of the position of power he holds in America.

In fact, he says, “America is the only place on Earth that I could exist. No other country on Earth is producing people that look like me and allowing them to have a global [impact].”

This is a pretty powerful black man, courtesy of “racist” America.

I agree with Smith’s assessment, cultural avenues have the power to change. Therefore, major cultural icons, whatever their color, have the element necessary to be a racist – power. Thankfully, Will Smith is not a racist. But, sadly, SJWs are.

SJWs have every bit of the power that Will Smith wields in order to sway hearts and minds, but how have they wielded that power? They’ve ousted white people, who aren’t racist, from their jobs. That’s power. That’s racism.

Is this what we can expect from SJWs as their power grows?

I may be prejudiced, but I say that one way to keep racism rare would be to strip the foolish and injudicious SJWs of their power, for the good of Will Smith’s America.




56 Comments on Will Smith – “Racism is Rare”

  1. I give up.
    I can understand someone never having heard of, say, Chuck Woolery (I took shit for doing a picture puzzle of his face.)
    But WILL SMITH???
    Half owner of Smith and Wesson. / sarc

  2. No, seriously.
    I can’t do a story and think “maybe there are people that have never heard of a guy that was the biggest crossover rap star in pop music history at the time, #26 on the all-time actor box office receipts list -http://www.the-movie-times.com/thrsdir/actors.mv?actors+ByTG- and starred in a TV series that was in the top 20 for 6 seasons.”

    If I can’t do a Will Smith story without putting his bio in the beginning, and not have someone say “who? and why do I care?” I pretty much give up.

    The “why should I care what they say?” is getting old and tiresome, as well.

    I can’t give that lecture anymore.

    Smith movies include-

    Men in Black
    Independence Day
    I, Robot
    Bad Boys
    Six Degrees of Separation
    Enemy of the State
    Legend of Bagger Vance
    Pursuit of Happyness

    and he starred on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

    When you hear people say “gettin’ jiggy whid it”

    that’s from a Will Smith song.

    The fact is, if you ask 100 random people who Will Smith is and who Milton Friedman is, 95 people will be able to tell you who Will Smith is (especially if you show a picture)
    5 people will tell you who Milton Friedman is (even with a picture.)

    That is distressing, and it shows the importance of keeping up with who the unwashed follow and listen to. And when they say things that are helpful to our cause, we exploit it, push it and hopefully get the sheeple thinking more like that aspect of the celebrity. It’s an important tool.
    Once we have them somewhat engaged we can tell them about Milton Friedman.

    Update 2:
    Did a survey: I asked my 86 year-old mother if she ever heard of Will Smith. She said, “black actor. I like him.”
    I asked her who Milton Friedman was.
    She said, “was that the old Jewish guy who owned the cleaners?”

  3. The list of actors I DON’T boycott for their idiotic leftist public statements is dwindling, but Will Smith has always been on it. I think he’s a good actor, he has a good head on his shoulders, he has a positive attitude, and he doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder. His statement squares with that assessment.

  4. Even with such a generic name of WILL SMITH, you have to be spooning in Jimmy Hoffa’s grave not to know WHO THE FUCK WILL SMITH IS!!!

    We empathize with you Fur, yet still enjoy the incoming fireworks when some doofus says “never heard of him.”

    That is like December 5th, 1933 for us regulars…(prohibition ends)!

    He 🙂 He 😉 He 🙂

  5. I don’t expect everyone to know everyone.
    There are people I never heard of. I can’t name them because I never heard of them.
    BUT, if you never heard of them, why would you ever say, “why should I care what they think?”

    Of course, it could be a genuine plea to be enlightened, but we all know it’s a snarky way of saying “do I have to put up with these hipster doofus references? I’m above that.”

    The right has been so above it all that we’ve lost all relevance to the younger generation.

    Go ahead, say it…
    “why should we care what the younger generation thinks?’
    Get off my lawn!!!

  6. Before you type a “never heard of him” into a post take two seconds, open up another browser window and do a google search of the guy. I betya 9 outta 10 times there’ll be an aha moment of “oh, that guy!”

    Seriously, you don’t know who Will Smith is? I don’t believe it.

  7. Some people watch 8 hrs of tv everyday since birth. Some people never leave the house and watch 12 hours of tv a day.
    Some people don’t watch or have a tv.
    Older people don’t know the same people younger people know.
    Except for people who are older and watch tv all day.

    Do you know Norma Shearer?
    I do

  8. Yes, I know Norma Shearer. She was one of my Dad’s favorite actresses.

    What you said is true-but for petes sake-Will Smith has been around for a long time. One sick day on the couch with a remote you could stumble across a Fresh Prince rerun or a marathon of Men In Black.

  9. I never bought the argument that kids shouldn’t know who such and such was because they weren’t born yet.

    When I was a kid I knew stuff that happened because I listened to my elders when they had conversations and talked about the things they liked. I was interested.
    A kid not knowing anything about culture prior to their birth means they are self-absorbed and care little about anything other than the shiny balloon that floats in front of their face.

    There’s a kid series on Youtube
    “Kids react to.”
    It’s depressing.

    Kids look at a dial phone and don’t know what it is.

    Do they not see films, videos, documentaries, news footage, TV shows that have a FRIGGIN PHONE IN IT???

    And what is wrong with these parents?
    Do they talk to kids about their own childhood, or are they too busy being their “best friend” in 2016 and talking about the old days will make them seem old?

    The one with a camera, a 25 year-old camera, the kids are perplexed by the concept of FILM.

  10. Heh, remember when that Liverpudlian kid who trolled Twitter with just one comment.t: “The Beatles? Who are they?”

    On FB a friend lately is giving news about old time actors who passed away and I started to get embarrassed about not knowing them. I know the famous ones, like Clark Gable, but others no.

    So I am freaking relieved I know Will Smith.

    Oh by the way, I had an adjunct professor in college who tried to play like she was so above pop culture and acted one day like she didn’t know who Marilyn Monroe was. She was like, “Who is the one with the white dress, we talked about her…what’s her name?” I was so exasperated with that crap I couldn’t help myself. “Did you live on the same island as the Japanese soldier who didn’t know the war was over?”

    OK, rambling over.

  11. I have never owned a television set in my life and can correctly identify Norma Shearer as an MSM star from back in the day. She was also Irving Thalberg ‘ s wife.

    Not sure what your point is.

  12. Thanks to my dad and the penchant for oral history, I can paint a very vivid picture of life in Maplewood, New Jersey in the 1920s. I would need a book just to describe the way the boys on his block celebrated Fourth of July in the days before firecrackers were illegal in New Jersey. But I can tell you that $2.50 could feed a family of four for a week, public school students wrote their assignments with pens that they dipped in inkwells (the desks had cutouts into which the inkwell fit), and bad boys (like my Uncle Tibor) would prank neighbors by putting horse manure in their mailboxes.

    I don’t have children, but I wonder what I would have told mine about growing up in Maplewood, New Jersey in the 1960s. Frankly, my father’s childhood sounded a lot better than mine.

  13. Smith might not publicly expose lib ideas, but he says that he and the wife (Jada) have an “open” marriage. Their teenage kids are a little “different.” I believe they took some heat over their young teen daughter being photographed on a bed in the house of her much-older male “friend.”

  14. I do know Norma Shearer and I’m not THAT old.The only thing on the TV are old Blk &Wht Movies. TV so bad I should just get rid of it.Love the old movies,They have stories,dialogue,Plot and intrigue.
    very relaxing.

  15. greetingsfromyonkers, your Uncle Tibor sounds like my dad. He was a rascal most of his life before he married and had us kids (responsibility, ya know).

    He used to hop the freight train to visit cousins in the nearby town, then on the way home pick up coal that the trains dropped. Many times, that was the only heat his family had. Train workers sometimes dumped a bucket of coal off the train when they saw him collecting.

    He pulled pranks, too. One time he ran up to a group of men in the neighborhood yelling that his mom was dying in the basement. When they got there – she was dyeing clothes. He had long legs and ran faster then the men. Hid out in the wood and didn’t come home till the next day.

    My favorite was when he was hitching rides and was picked up by Mr. Kellogg (THE Mr. Kellogg of Kellogg’s cereal). He lectured my dad on hard work and gave him a 50 cent piece.

    I wish I had him back. I’d ask him what happened to the 50 cent piece.

  16. I like SJR = Social Justice Retards

    I know saying retard is not politically correct but I do not care. I say mentally handicapped because I do have a nephew who is mentally handicapped, and when someone makes him mad he will call them a retard. LOL.

  17. I have tried to talk to my kids to make them aware of events of the past, gadgets, people. I have tried to tell them of the trials of their grandparents. They are not interested. I bang my head against the wall, literally. One of my college age kids agrees with the liberal progressives…….drives me crazy.

    The electronic games have forever altered millions of children. Starting with my younger brother’s age group, who are now in their forties. He was a kid when gaming started becoming a big thing….I am eleven years older than him. I saw him sucked in by electronic games. I tried to keep my kids away from it, but they got jobs to buy the stupid gaming systems.

    My kids are responsible, do not do drugs, get into trouble, but are obsessed with these stupid electronic games and Japanese Anime.

    I tried, honest I did.

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