I’m wondering what the anti-Trump people will be saying about this.
- Deputy digital editor Karen Attiah asked Trump about racial inclusion plans
- Attiah thanked Trump for taking her question when the meeting was over
- Trump responded, ‘I really hope I answered your question, beautiful’
‘As the meeting ended and we were walking out of the room, I thanked Trump for taking my question,’ Attiah wrote in a column about the meeting. ‘He turned to me and said, “I really hope I answered your question”, and added casually with a smile, “Beautiful”.’
Attiah, said she was stunned, remaining in the conference room to let the comment sink as Trump and her colleagues filed out.
She continued: ‘Or make me believe that he wasn’t really a racist. Who knows?
‘At least now I know, firsthand, that the sexism that Trump puts on display against Megyn Kelly under the lights of national TV is not that much different from how he is in real life toward female journalists.
The way things are going, I fully expect the anti-Trump right to be agreeing with the reporter, sharing smelling salts with each other on the fainting couch.
Trump a misogynist in 3…2…1..
Politics reveals weasel behavior.
Beautiful, would you have preferred dub as$?
Beauty is only skin deep, I guess inside she’s ugly.
He was probably being sarcastic because he could read right through her and knew what she would write regardless of what he said.
As with the AA thread, I suspect you will get the opposite of what you expect.
For the most part, principled people hold to their principles. That causes them to generally have a low opinion of people like that gal and others like her.
I’m worried about Trump’s eyesight now. He should get a vision test.
Ahh, the face of modern day feminism. They’re such gentle creatures, reminds me of dear old mom.
I hope Trump remembered to let the door slam this crunt in the face on the way out-then I guess she would have been happy.
Some whores just don’t know how to take a compliment.
Robert Spencer on principled people:
No one should call for any kind of violence, even jokingly, in these overheated times, but the idea that the Leftists shut down Trump’s rally because he said that is ridiculous. Do Rubio, Cruz and Kasich think that the Leftists who shut down Trump’s rally don’t think of them in much the same way they think of Trump — as “racists” and “bigots” who must be violently opposed? Maybe they do, because their rallies haven’t been shut down. But that’s coming, and that day is coming faster now that the three of them have tacitly encouraged the rioters by claiming that Trump is at least partially responsible for what they did.
In that scenario, you see, it becomes incumbent upon Trump not to say anything that Leftist thugs might dislike, or he will bear partial responsibility for what they do. Cruz, Rubio and Kasich, of course, will also have to be careful not to “create an environment” that might force the Left-fascists to shut them down as well. But unless they become clones of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, they will inevitably end up creating that “environment” anyway, despite their being more decorous and careful than Trump. And then they will be responsible for what they get, won’t they?
The simple principle has been utterly forgotten, but it is nonetheless still true: no one bears responsibility for anyone else’s actions, unless that person is being coerced. No matter what he has said, Donald Trump didn’t force the Leftists to shut him down, and he bears no responsibility for doing so or for “creating an environment” in which these kinds of things happen. The only people responsible are the Leftist thugs themselves. They could have reacted in any number of other ways to what Donald Trump has said and advocated, just as Muslims don’t have to riot and kill when they see cartoons of Muhammad, and if they choose to do so, they alone bear the responsibility for their actions.
Neither Trump, nor Cruz, nor Rubio, nor Kasich seem to get this elementary point.
Because Trump is a warm hearted, person, and apparently complimenting a lady is sexist.
Compare her experience with this ladies.
It’s almost like BFH has a presupposed bias of “anti-trump” folks.
Funny but couldn’t the same be said of those demanding that all on the right vote Trump if nominated simply because he is the nominee.
Funny how those same folks were grimacing about having to “hold your nose and vote” when it was being demanded to vote for Romney, but now seem to have no sympathy or understanding for those who feel the same way now if forced to vote for Trump in the fall.
I think mirrors are needed all around for both sides. But it might be nice if those supporting Trump took a gander in their mirrors every now and then as they demand those who oppose Trump do daily.
BFH, I’m thinking that for the most part they do get that point, particularly Trump. However, they do fear the media, and as a result they will say things in a more “understanding of the rage” way. Even Trump is careful of too much bad press.
She’s a stripper – goes by the stage name Beautiful. He recognized her.
Sorry, your comment is incoherent.
I’m being serious.
Mr. Trump is 69 years old. He’s old school. I see this comment on equal ground with one said by a woman of the same age when they tack on a, “Hon,” or “Sweetie,” in a sentence.
Boo’effing’hoo. Seriously.
I hadn’t seen that BB-that was very touching-thanks for the link.
When I was about 22 years old, I once had to go to an early haircut appointment downtown before heading to work. Since I would get my hair washed, I didn’t bother to wash it and I planned to put on makeup after the haircut. Fortunately I could park in the underground garage, grab the service elevator and make my way to the salon without encountering many people. My luck was having a guy about twice my age wander in to the elevator at the last moment. He kept looking at my hair and finally said, “You’ve got great hair, you know.” I thought he was a disgusting perv and he should give his trawling a rest. What a nerve! He held the elevator door as I got off, walked a little further down the hallway and disappeared through another office door.
As I was getting my haircut, I told the guy cutting my hair about my disgusting encounter in the elevator. A couple moments later the pervert walked past my guy’s station. I saw him in the mirror and gasped, “That’s him! That’s the guy! Ewww!”
My guy leaned in and asked, “That guy? Are you sure?” Then he smiled and started laughing. “That’s Gene Juarez. The man who runs this place.” (And, at the time, ran all the premier hair salons in Seattle).
Donald Trump’s empire included Miss Universe (which includes Miss U.S.A. and Miss Teen U.S.A.) If he says a woman is beautiful, he probably has some credentials in that area.
No, I won’t.
Obama said SWEETIE to a woman early in his first term.
I saw nothing wrong with it.
Apparently, neither did the left because it came from the left.
Woody, who seems to have taken a blow to the head thinks this thread is about holding your nose to vote for Trump… or something, and not about conveniently absorbing the enemies beliefs when it can be used as a hammer.
Cruz did this with his little rant about Trump bearing responsibility for left-wing violence at his rallies.
All I ask is that readers stay on point and not fling poo randomly from their diaper when their arguments fall to pieces.
Yes, I am judging anti-Trump people in advance because I’ve seen it happen already.
Would she have preferred, “now get out of here, you nappy-headed ho”?
There is no pleasing leftists when they have made up their minds to hate you.
Woody, I think specific rules need to be set here so we can figure out where things stand.
1) Trump can say anything about another candidate.
2) Trump’s opponents aren’t allowed to question Trump’s actual words he spoke the other day.
3) Trump is allowed to question your religion, nationality, funding, facts, war record, family history, etc.
4) You are not allowed under any circumstance to question Trump. No no no!
If you fail to live up to these rules you are joining the Left!
Leftist reporter complains when candidate calls her beautiful. Blogosphere agrees, gives her a 7.
It also didn’t bother me when Obama called Dowd “sweety”, Atty. Harris “beautiful” or Wasserrbeast “cute”. Who cares?
(He must have been high when he said that about Wasserbeast, but it is no big deal)
The right-wing anti-Trump coalition has called Trump racist.
That makes me racist.
That makes allllllllllll of you, before the hated Trump came onboard, racists, unless you can explain to me what Trump has done or said, that none of us has done or said, that makes him a racist.
Let me reduce it to a 4th grade level then.
You put forth an expectation of “anti-trump” folks siding with this “delicate snowflake” left-winger merely because Trump complimented her.
I found your expectation to be similar to that of taking issue with those who refuse to vote for Trump while failing to understand they are feeling the same as you and others seemed to feel in 2012 when the requirement was to “hold your nose” and vote for Romney.
Your expectation shows a built-in bias to anyone who opposes Trump. Both require pre-conceived and faulty presumptions of how those people think and what are their motivations.
Had you understood their reasons for one then you would not have made the presumption of the other here.
She undoubtedly misheard or misunderstood (on purpose). What he said was “I hope I have answered your question beautifully”!
BFH, why are you making this a Cruz/Trump war?
You’re building a bridge too far.
Try again.
Loco — Yup, that’s about right.
BFH, why are you making this a Cruz/Trump war?
Because I’m seeing people on the right starting to get sensitive to leftist thought in the belief that it somehow damages Trump.
I don’t even have to be a Trump sympathizer in order to find some of the things I am reading to be hurl inducing in the most sanctimonious Beck-like, “that’s not who we are,” way.
Thanks LocoBlancoSaltine, rules noted.
It appears there might be need for one more rule;
“Anything any other Anti-Trump, group, person, or entity has stated, written, or broadcast is also assigned to be your position on Trump as well and you cannot suggest or declare otherwise and must be ready to defend that position else be labelled by that very position.”
Things seem very one sided lately, but I am starting to accept that speaking to anyone who is a Trump follower is very much like speaking to anyone who is a Clinton or Sanders follower. There candidate does no wrong. Also I find places like the “Treehouse” and the “Clash” very amusing because they look for the tiniest slight by which to accuse someone else of impugning Trump and thus is guilty of some great sin.
A small comment from Cruz has been turned into Cruz blaming Trump for the Belgium attack today even though in no way did he say such a thing. Of course there I go again defending Cruz, which means I must be a “Cruzbot” or some other such insult.
BFH, if you can see you are in a rut then who am I to try and help tow you out. Sometimes there are those who prefer to remain mired in the mud.
Hey, you called me a retarded dipshit (among many other not so nice things). Not by association, but directly you to me, and I’m not getting in a tizzy, nor am I blaming trump supporters in general.
No need to fuel a fire you don’t want, right?
Trump should probably try a different eye doctor. But I see no harm in what he said. He’s getting it from all sides.
^^ the woman in the picture has voodoo snake eyes.
The right does not even have to attack Trump with leftist talking points.
They can allow the left to attack him with stupid leftist swill and then remain silent.
That is grade A bullshit.
I defend and protect all people from leftist garbage truck juice.
Like I said, Trump need not be the principle in the story, it could have been Cruz.
This is like Serpico.
No, the other cops didn’t shoot him.
They just stood idly by why they watched the drug dealers shoot him.
This is what I’m watching and observing.
Still waiting to hear how Trump is racist.
Bernie Sanders was very timid when it came to Hillary’s emails.
Do you expect Cruz to defer and be reverential to Trump’s shortcomings as well?
Anyone on the right who facilitates Hillary Clinton’s quest to become commander-in-chief of our military is worse than a dipshitted retard, or whatever I said.
This is not even arguable.
Sounds like another “hate crime” hoax.
Video, or it didn’t happen.
THEN IF it really happened, we can discuss it.
Come on Menderman, Those were terms of endearment. LOL
Wait a sec!
What’s wrong with being a retarded dipshit?
Silence is consent.
Bernie Sanders was very timid when it came to Hillary’s emails.
Do you expect Cruz to defer and be reverential to Trump’s shortcomings as well?>>>
This isn’t even remotely in the zip code of what we are talking about here.
This is about people on the right suddenly mouthing, or being open to, a purely leftist’s critique of Trump because it is politically expedient at the time.
Trust me. It is precious to watch.
Especially when all I hear is about principled conservatism.
What makes Trump racist??
Ben Shapiro says that Trump stands for “government domination of religion .”
What is he saying here? Trump is too hard on Islamic freedom?
Cruz just called for a pause on Syrian refugees.
Isn’t that “government domination of religion.”
It’s fun to watch as an outsider. Trust me.
So, I should reward the guy that financed the people that took away my life long health insurance with the presidency?
Not gonna happen.
BTW, if you cannot see the number of people out there (including your preferred candidate) that constantly say they will never vote for Cruz, your head is buried somewhere.
“Cruz did this with his little rant about Trump bearing responsibility for left-wing violence at his rallies.”
BFH-this thread
By the way, I’m so sick and tired of hearing and reading accusations of “racism” that it just doesn’t mean anything, anymore.
Less taxes – RACIST
Don’t support #BLM – RACIST
Don’t want illegally invading rat-people to take over your country – RACIST
Justice for rapists, murderers, influence peddlers, and drug dealers – RACIST
Don’t want your head cut off by an izlamic savage – RACIST
Make America Great Again – RACIST
There is no #NeverCruz movement.
And Trump IS NOT my preferred candidate.
What I am doing with these comments is an exercise in something entirely different than what you think I am doing.
I wish you could see my internal emails to other IOTWreport contributors.
It would piss off the Trump supporters. Of this I am certain.
I wrote an entire post that said I WISH TRUMP NEVER EXISTED.
I expect even a retarded dipshit to follow the bouncing ball.
“Woody, who seems to have taken a blow to the head…”
I didn’t get a ball … bouncing or otherwise …
where’s MY ball?
Pssssssssst , ahem , and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Cruz wasn’t pointing out a Trump “shortcoming.”
Trump did nothing wrong, constitutionally. Yet the constitutional scholar tried to imply that Trump bore responsibility for left-wing violence.
I have no problem with Cruz pointing out Trump’s shortcomings.
I have a problem with the very thing you cite as a shortcoming.
It bothers me as a conservative to see someone who thinks of themself as a conservative make the speech Cruz did, whether he’s running for president or if he’s just a commenter on this site.
Pssst Ahem and Uhhhh
The retarded dipshit IS following the ball down in Cuba as we type…
OK Fur, what verbatim did Cruz say, and in context?
I don’t believe he blamed Trump for the protests.
From what I heard he was commenting on Trump mentioning punching someone in the face.
i have my preferred candidate, Trump, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to even have the appearance of supporting that bitch hillary, shithead sanders or being even thought of as having sympathies for the devil. I am thoroughly disgusted with those that join forces with the left. Joining with them is tantamount to helping the terrorists. Frickin bastards. Thats what got us where we are today.
Pssst Ahem and Uhhhh…
Peace be unto him…
Oh, there is most definitely a #NeverCruz movemnet, many of them frequent this site. They just don’t have the balls to come right out and say it like I do.
Trump still claims that Cruz is ineligible because he is a Canadian, can you get anymore #NeverCruz than that?
BTW, you have previously stated that Trump was your favored candidate with Cruz being a close second. I’ve been watching the bouncing ball.
“There is no #NeverCruz movement. Please.”
Perhaps there should be as it seems those who hate Cruz do so far more fervently than the ones you are attempting to shame and label BFH.
Current polling shows that a full 19% will NOT vote for Cruz if he is the nominee while only 17% say the same of Trump.
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/22/us/politics/republican-democratic-voters-poll.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share&_r=1
So it would seem you have some work to do going after the Trump followers who won’t support Cruz if he becomes the nominee. It appears they have the bigger issue and the whole “NeverTrump” crap was just that crap. A distraction intended to pull attention away from the problems of the Trump followers.
I can’t wait to see the same meme for another story or post where you expect that Trump followers will react to something like left-wingers.
I doubt we will see the same even though Trump followers appear to be the bigger problem if you are being honest and your problem is support for the Republican against the Democrat in the fall..
“Punch them in the face! Don’t worry, I’ll cover the legal fees!”
Trump supporter punches protester in the face.
Trump goes on a Sunday show and says he is looking into covering punchers legal fees.
BFH: “Idiots are blaming Trump for inciting violence, what a bunch of retarded dipshits to think that way”
Agreed Charlie, #NeverHillary.
I will even go as far as #NeverSayNeverTrump
but I have read at least one #NeverCruz comment on iotw today.
Anyone who listens to Trump’s speeches knows he throws out the word “beautiful” the way others use “great” or “amazing”. He is not describing an individual or using it to address an individual.
Trump is always upbeat and complimentary.
Having said that, anyone who is offended by being called beautiful is an idiot.
New idea for a website spinoff:
Here’s Cruz’s own words.
He acts as if Trump, out of nowhere, threw done the gauntlet on an otherwise benevolent group of dirtbag hippies. (You’ll also notice that Cruz does not answer the reporter’s follow-up question. It’s something I cannot stand about Cruz.)
Shall I go back to all the comments made on this blog when we posted douchebag hippies disrupting and occupying and creating civil disobedience?
Shall I post all the comments where people said they should have their punchable faces punched?
Now, suddenly, everyone is a saintly pacifist, outraged that Trump would remark to the audience that disruptors should be punched. Trump is speaking your language, but for political reasons you’re OUTRAGED by Trump’s remarks.
This is what I mean when I say that politics foments weasel behavior.
question: why does everyone automatically leap to the conclusion that this person is telling the truth about a private conversation she may have had with Trump?
…maybe… maybe she’s just another libtard sleezebot looking for her 5 minutes of fame
“…and not about conveniently absorbing the enemies beliefs when it can be used as a hammer.”
And BFH yet again you miss the log in your own eye for the splinter in others.
My whole point, stated clearly, but conveniently misstated, was that you miss your own bias when you make such suppositions about other “absorbing” the supposed “beliefs of enemies” as a hammer. You found something you thought you could use to hammer “anti-Trump” folks while claiming you thought they would use it to hammer Trump and thus take the same position as an “enemy”.
You missed your own bias in attributing such a possible act to those with whom you disagree. The very act you expected from those you sought to hammer.
My point was to also show how you similarly miss the problem many are struggling with when it comes to voting for Trump if he is the nominee.
And yet you have waged an almost “jihad” when it comes to anyone “anti-Trump” voicing the position that they plan not to vote for Trump if he is the nominee.
It is interesting that even with the media meme of a supposed “#NeverTrump” movement the polling shows that those who oppose Cruz and who will NOT vote for Cruz if he is the nominee appear to outnumber those who will NOT vote for Trump.
I am just waiting to see if, with this new information, you will change the target of your shots to be those who support Trump and who will not vote for Cruz if he is the nominee.
I won’t be surprised if you don’t because I don’t think it had as much to do with the issue as with the candidate.
ML. it doesn’t matter whether she is telling the truth or not for the purposes of this exercise.
He said you have a bootie full.
Was there a witness to this dastardly crime? Was there a pause after the question, then the offending word, “beautiful”? Trump seems to use “beautiful” often, as many people do in his age group, which Is also my age group. My 69 year old sister still uses “beautiful ” to mean “great”or “wonderful”. Whether he really called her beautiful, or she nodded that he had answered her question and he responded “beautiful”, it still shows Trump is a gentleman. How many politicians would even care if they had answered the reporter’s question or not?
I’ve already witnessed the Trump haters adopting the leftist view.
See Menderman above, embarrassing himself by covering his eyes to the fact that this blog, which he’s been at for 8 years, uses the same rhetoric as Trump in regards to punching back at the dirtbags.
Now he’s ticking off Trump statements as if they are indictments.
This is tough to watch.
So, my post is valid in its supposition that I can expect the Trump haters to add “he said beautiful” to their indictment list.
As for Never Cruz.
Show me the publication that compiled a ream team of 23 writers that said #NeverCruz.
Show me one important pundit that is beating the drum for a #NeverCruz movement?
Show me a right-wing politician that is bleating #NeverCruz.
Show me anything of import that states #NeverCruz, and not just some random commenter here and there that is playing tit for tat with the very serious #NeverTrump movement, and I will condemn them, full throated.
You are the one that is outraged, not me. I didn’t bring it up on this thread, you did. Evidently you just felt the need to rant about something.
You yell and scream at us readers about devolving into a hate fight over and over again and talk about how it depresses you to see it, and then you post something to intentionally get a hate fest started?
What’s up with that?
That reporter is an idiot. End of story.
Just what are you trying to accomplish with this little “exercise” of yours?
By the way. I am willing to pay for the medical expenses for Michelle Fields, who was violently thrown to the ground by a Trump goon.
How much are the fees?
I guess you can’t be against Trump for reasons other than what the (dis)organized right spews forth–I have no problem with him calling beautiful, or any other term that to him and many of us is a compliment, and I am against him because he is not conservative and I do not believe he’ll do many of the things he says that he’ll do. Vote for him in November? Problematic, but not totally out of the question.
Ask the die-hard Trump supporters if they can say the same thing if Cruz is the nominee in November.
Your looking for a fight when there isn’t one.
Now, go talk to Andrea Shea King about #NeverCruz.
Trump said punch them, Cruz said he didn’t agree with that line of thinking. BFD?
Why should I be embarrassed by Ted’s response?
I’m off to the beach to enjoy a sunset and get away from the rabid stupidity I’m seeing here. Retarded dipshits have better things to do than argue about something that hasn’t even happened.
Nice deflection Menderman.
The fighting I object to is simply calling a Cruz supporter an asshole, or a Trump supporter a retard, with no substance.
I gave you substance and you chose not to address it.
No one stepped to the plate and defended Shapiro’s indictment that Trump is against religious liberty.
I can’t wait for that person to try it, because I’ve read on this blog from nearly 100% of the readers that Islam is not a religion.
So I chuckle when no one steps up, yet they defend Shapiro.
No one has shown me what makes Trump a racist. That might be difficult to do since Trump is saying what a vast majority of commenters on this site have been saying for years.
You don’t address at all the point that Trump speaks our language in regards to not taking any shit from Occupy, BLM disruptors. Yet, now Trump haters are Francis of Assisi, needing wrist palpation to get over the fact that he told rally goers that hippies who seek to disrupt the rallies with civil disobedience deserve a punch.
That’s what this “little” exercise is doing.
Exposing “principled” people.
The only people I hear saying they won’t vote for the last guy standing are Menderman, Boom, Woody, etc.
I”ll vote for the last guy standing even if it’s Cruz and I believe I’ve heard the rest of the Trump supporters say the same.
As “conservatives” we should all be bothered the GOP would try and steal this election. Yet I’ve heard some here try and justify it.
Sorry Fur … didn’t realize … thought this was the ‘any old asshole could post a comment thread’
… so I did 🙂
I am not outraged by Trump.
I generally roll my eyes and shake my head or I say hell yes!
I am more outraged at the hypocrisy exhibited by some on this site.
I generally sit back and stay out of it until I get so sick of the daily unnecessary Cruz bashing so I chime it.
LocoBlancoSaltine…Fair and Balanced.
I am voting for anybody (literally) who runs against the dem nominee.
Boy have I missed the “professional left.” They have been fairly quiet while their man has been in the White House. But now that their hold is starting to weaken it’s full throttle open season on the leader of opposition in the presidential race.
The millennial voters were never really cognizant of their presence during the George W. Bush years and took the constant stream of vitriol they pumped out against him 24/7 on TV, newspapers, radio and the internet as just fact regardless of the evidence. So it shouldn’t come as any surprise that the same tactics are working against Trump.
As a case study I had the group of post grad college students (mostly mid-millennials) that worked with me turn on the TV in the evenings and write down what they saw in regards to Trump. Almost every night the talk shows had extremely negative things to say about Trump without actually giving valid reasons why in regards to his policies. This was especially so from the Hollywood guests. An eye opener for the students (sadly they are all hopelessly liberal). It would have been the same result for any conserv front-runner.
Trump is not my candidate, Cruz is the man I would like to see be president. But if Trump wins the nomination, I’ll be stumping like mad for him. The alternative is too horrifying to even consider!
I stand corrected.
As head asshole, I do believe we have an open asshole policy…
That don’t sound right.
Can I be HNIC or do I have to be elected?
“As head asshole, I do believe we have an open asshole policy…”
So jump on in. You’ll be glad you did.
This has all the makings of an interesting contest,
“Show me the publication that compiled a ream team of 23 writers that said #NeverCruz.”
Have you visited Drudge Report lately or maybe Clash or maybe Conservative Treehouse or maybe any of a large number of other websites. And that doesn’t even begin to list all the websites and news sites that are hammering daily about third-party if Trump isn’t the nominee and how it’s all a conspiracy that will prevent him from being the nominee.
“Show me one important pundit that is beating the drum for a #NeverCruz movement?”
Hmm, maybe Ann Colter. Nah, she would never suggest anything like that.
“Show me a right-wing politician that is bleating #NeverCruz.”
I guess it depends on who your consider right-wing. For a time there were republicans bleating about never allowing Cruz to be the nominee and even one who wanted him shot.
“Show me anything of import that states #NeverCruz, and not just some random commenter here and there that is playing tit for tat with the very serious #NeverTrump movement, and I will condemn them, full throated. “
I can leave that to others here to show you, but it has been done in the past, just without a label that makes it easy to identify like “#NeverTrump”. That’s the funny part, that the establishment created a label that fed right into the anger and hatred of folks who can’t stand them. And this caught up those who hate anyone who refuses to support whoever the candidate ends up being including those who claim not to support Trump while beating the verbal heck out of anyone who doesn’t declare they will vote Trump if he becomes the nominee.
Yes, this post is cynical, and I have good reason to be cynical.
What I’m observing is ridiculous.
Is Trump a conservative?
If he is at all, it is newfound.
Is he saying right-wing stuff just to get elected?
It’s possible.
Is that a reason to aid and abet a Hillary presidency?
Only if you’re the type of person that would drink the bottle labeled poison because you think the other bottle labeled Not Poison “might be.” The very definition of dipshitted retardism.
I fully support Cruz and Cruz supporters to try and win this primary.
I hope Cruz wins. Trump is not worth it. I can get from Cruz what I expect from Trump.
But that doesn’t end the argument.
I have to watch people in their quest to elect Cruz sell themselves out in embarrassing fashion.
Suddenly, Islam is a religion, and Trump is being too hard on them when he wants to pause Syrian refugees coming to America.
Suddenly, they agree with the left. Trump is racist when he says Mexico is flooding us with murderers and rapists and economic parasites. Sudden;y Trump is saying ALL Mexicans are scum, thus, he”s racist.
Suddenly communist hippie dirtbag disruptors are sympathetic figures because they are disrupting Trump rallies, and Trump deserves it. After all, he, out of nowhere, with no reason whatsoever, told rally goers he’d like to punch them in the face.
And we have never, ever said that we’d like to punch these assholes in the face if they tried to limit our free speech and infiltrate our rallies. Never.
Like I said. Trump is not worth it. I’d rather not watch this.
Typical Bad_Brad blather….
“The only people I hear saying they won’t vote for the last guy standing are Menderman, Boom, Woody, etc.”
How many times have I posted here that I will vote for Trump if he is the nominee because he is better than a socialist or communist Democrat. And yet you lie as usual Brad. I know it is a lie because you were involved in the last major thread in which I made that declaration to BFH, but hey I understand you are off your meds again.
BFH; These Alinsky tactics of isolating and ridiculing people who point out inconvenient things that Rump says and does is an attempt to make them shut up and go away, is it not?
Tell me how persuading over half of the GOP voters that Trump and his followers have no place for them, or even want them around is not helping Hillary win by driving voters away from Trump?
Brad, not being a part of the GOPe, I won’t defend what I see from spoiled brats who can’t believe they’ve been told to go f%#k themselves by two of the candidates. They’re wrong and are nothing more than dems in pubbie clothing. We’re threatening “their phony baloney jobs”, as Governor LePetomaine once said.
The only reason I haven’t left the GOP is because I want to vote in the primary next month and couldn’t if I were registered as an independent.
I guess Bad Brad is like you, Woody.
He thinks you are #NeverTrump, and you think I am anti-Cruz.
I am anti-left, and I am concerned with any movement that will aid and abet a left-winger in office, even if it’s the dog catcher.
If Cruz wins I will go after any site that starts a #NeverCruz movement.
I’m not, currently, going after any #NeverTrump sites.
I discuss #NeverTrump in our comments because this is our home. I don’t take it to the outside. This post is about anti-Trump behavior that I find peculiar. It’s not an endorsement of Trump or an indictment of Cruz. It’s about behavior.
Additionally, I link to TheRightScoop.
I link to Moonbattery.
I have no blacklist of any site that is currently on the #NeverTrump wagon.
I give everyone the benefit of the doubt because this is still primary season.
If they can go to the Arena and watch Hillary march in, and Trump march in, and they are rooting for Hillary, well, this country is indeed lost.
I’ll blame Trump if it makes you feel better about yourselves.
John; These Alinsky tactics of isolating and ridiculing people who point out inconvenient things that anti-Trumpites say and do is an attempt to make them shut up and go away, is it not?
Tell me how persuading over half of the GOP voters that Trump and his followers are destroying the republic, or even want them around, is not helping Hillary win by driving voters away from Trump?
“I guess Bad Brad is like you, Woody.”
That’s the meanest damn thing you’ve ever typed.
Hey Woody, I quit reading your stuff a long time ago. Just too painful. You think like Sara Palin talks, fragmented and out of context.
By the way I knew one of you would bite on that.
Ask and you shall receive.
Andrea, are you a part of a #NeverCruz coalition?
No, I’m not, even though I support Trump and voted for him in the FL primary.
In fact, this is the first I’ve heard of a #NeverCruz movement. And even if there was, I wouldn’t support it. Because if I did, I’d be acting just like those assholes at NRO.
You should be more responsible when naming names.
Menderman wrote “So, I should reward the guy that financed the people that took away my life long health insurance with the presidency? Not gonna happen.”
Cruz is a slick, oily opportunistic LAWYER/POLITICIAN. One term waving a Bible in one hand and the Constitution in the other in Texas like a preacher and idiot Conservatives eat that crap up like they watch the Sunday Televangelists and whip out their credit cards. FOOLS!
Yep anon#21367, in a society ruled by law you certainly don’t want an expert.
govlawyer writes “I am against him because he is not conservative and I do not believe he’ll do many of the things he says that he’ll do.”
Building a wall, deporting illegal immigrants and putting a pause on immigrants coming from Islamic countries is not Conservative enough for you?
And you continue to believe politician’s promises after the House and Senate were elected to DEFUND Obama with the power of the purse? And they did the OPPOSITE – FUNDED Obama (with your money Menderman) You still believe a politician’s promise over Trump’s? LOL
In fact, if someone’s job entails that they select judges I would prefer a plumber do the selecting.
Surely he knows the Constitution?
Hang on, the mailman is at my door to fix the air conditioner.
Trump knows women.
Tell an ugly women she is beautiful,
and tell a beautiful women she is intelligent.
I think “The Indian” has been reading Woody’s stuff. This is funny.
About “#NeverTrump” and “#NeverCruz”, they both do exist. The difference in why one has better exposure than the other has more to do with who is behind each of them. The “#NeverTrump” crap is being waged by those with power who don’t want to lose it. They would just as quickly join the “#NeverCruz” camp when he is winning because he too threatens their positions, wealth, and continued power.
The “#NeverCruz” crap is being waged by folks who feel betrayed by those in power and who have assigned to Trump the role of destroyer for those in power. But the “#NeverCruz” camp is far less organized than the “#NeverTrump” camp is when it comes to media and attempts to get their message out.
As for Brad and his blather, I thought you didn’t read my posts Brad, how could you know if “The Indian” were plagiarizing me or not?
He was just throwing a dog a bone.
BFH; I have never said that Trump or his followers are destroying the republic. I don’t say negative things about Trump. I never say he is a bad man, or that he would be a bad president.
All I do is point out, using his words and deeds, why I (like half or more of the Republican party) don’t believe he can win against Hillary.
That Trump and his supporters have such vitriol against those of us who are willing to hold our noses and vote for him really only makes sense if the intention is to drive enough Republicans away that Hillary wins.
There is a lot of anger, and for some bizarre reason it is being aimed square at the very people you absolutely need to be able to count on in November or you lose.
Just how does that square with not wanting Hillary to win?
OK, I’m back. Now, if you really want me to go to battle with ASK over this, I will. She claims that she will vote for “lyin’ Ted the Canadian”?
Come into the room ASK….let’s dance!
Menderman, are you out of Snickers bars again?
No, I’ve got plenty of fucking snickers bars, but If BFH and ASK want war, I am armed and will shoot back.
Here is a shot across the bow:
ASK using the Brussels tragedy to promote Trump. This is from around 8 Am this morning.
I can go back weeks and months with her never Cruz bullshit…
Here’s one that’s even worse.
Fur, after reading through all the comments here I’ve confirmed a couple of insights which I will not bore anyone with except to say that I hope Cruz continues to agree with the Left, thinking he will have some kind of short term political gain, ’cause that always seems to work out so well for Trump. And I’m glad Cruz does it; it keeps him in his political comfort zone and shows people who he really is. It’s a good thing.
The only way Cruz wins the nomination outright is if he kneecaps Trump, not by offering a superior choice. Cruz will lose the GE.
Brad, I just ate a Snickers, honestly…..but how in the fuck is that Ted blaming Trump for the attack?
(full disclosure. Alex Jones is what comes out of a a camels ass)
Menderman, you better check this one out too.
AA, I would gladly take Cruz’s negatives over Trump’s any day.
Trump is hated more than Hillary.
And that truly does suck.
^^^^^^Pure crap^^^^^
and what is your point Brad? Remember, I am an idiot, you need to be clear with what you are saying.
I’m still waiting for ASK to respond. Comon’ girl, let’s dance!
Yea but Menderman in your link Breitbart just laid the case for why we need TRUMP. That’s why I say I believe he would have been a TRUMP supporter.
Brad, Andrew warned that if the other candidates could not be like Trump, we will end up with Trump.
BTW, I just sent ASK a message inviting her to the party.
Menderman, You’re not listening to what he said about the economy.
I’m headed home. Long day. Call me the party pooper.
Stay on subject Brad. The economy was not the topic of this discussion.
Trump said today that he WILL NOT block out all Muslims, only those that don’t have proper papers. He also said he WILL NOT seal the border.
No need to link, it will be all over the news tomorrow.
As I said, a different Trump would emerge from the meeting with the GOP bigwigs.
Not that this is a bad thing, Trump is only thinking of us, unlike the other guys that want to win at all costs.
I sent ASK a message to get involved in this discussion, and she has not replied…Is she doing another radio show about Cruz not being eligible or something?
Guess what… All you guys have turned this thread into a battle of the balls. Shame on you . The topic was whether or not Trump’s comment was innapropriate. This so called feminist should hang her head in shame when being called beautiful is construed as offensive. Let’s mutilate her clitoris and sew her labia closed and see if she sings a different tune. There are no actual women speaking out for women’s rights in the US any longer. Fuck them all and I sincerely hope these whiney bitches travel to Europe and experience the insult Muslim rape. Then I might give 2 shits of what they have to say. Trump and Cruz are irrelevant to this discussion.
Trump is right in ending the debates.
There is no need him do debate Hillary either. She will just toss off one liners about his hands or some other dumb thing.
It would be a waste of time.
He has serious issues to deal with.
Hey, Menderman, that tweet was in response to Cruz’s lackeys going after Trump’s wife. You okay with that? http://www.vox.com/2016/3/21/11279018/melania-trump-slut-shaming-ad
Cruz didn’t do it.
but here is a good response:
Your point, Menderman? His wife was a super model. You know what models do? Model their sexy bodies. Shocking.
Oh, and the woman who posted the slut-shaming photo(and that’s exactly what it was) is no stranger to Ted Cruz.
I’m actually a Cruz fan, but day by day, I am turning more toward Trump.
I’ll vote for anyone who is the nominee, because the alternative, Hillary, means the end of our Republic.
Cruz just lost Arizona, and if he doesn’t denounce lunatics like Glenn Beck and people who go after Trump’s wife, I’m afraid his numbers will plummet even more.
There is a big difference between not supporting a candidate during the primary and not supporting them if they win the primary.
Andrea has stated she supports Trump during the primary and is prepared to vote Cruz in order to defeat Hillary in the general if Cruz is the nominee.
That is the lucid, adult and reasonable and time honored political play.
Calling out Andrea by saying “let’s dance girl” is not one of your better moments.
And you believe Andrea or myself is “at war” with you personally?
You’re a guy who’s just sitting it out in November if Trump is the nominee, remember?
What war would this be?
The war of the disinterested non-voter versus the people trying to defeat Hillary? That war?
What are you armed with, and why?
Supermodels show their tits?
I don’t care. If you show your tits and expect privacy, you’ re dumb!
Don’t want your nude photos getting criticized? DON’T POSE NUDE! LIKE, YA KNOW, DUH!!!!
Now, tell the Donald to slut shame Heidi like he promised…he says he has the goods. I double dog dare him to do it! If he has dirt and doesn’t release it now, he is just out to help Hiliary!
(and yes, Glenn Beck sucks just laid camel ass, and Ted not throwing him under the nearest D-9 CAT greatly disappoints me)
Hey Menderman, I’ll show you my titts.
Ted Cruz wrote, “The fight for liberty never ends.”

Unless you’re Melania Trump.
That’s a dude!
Thanks for the Cruz topless photo.
Now, for equal time, please post pics of the candidates wives topless.
You mean, That’s a dude?
I don’t care. If you show your tits and expect privacy, you’ re dumb!
Don’t want your nude photos getting criticized? DON’T POSE NUDE! LIKE, YA KNOW, DUH!!!!
This makes absolutely no sense.
And you’re the one saying “duh.”?
Who is saying that Melania expects her privacy?
And the entire argument is that she shouldn’t be attacked because she did racy photos.
Your answer is, “don’t want to be attacked for doing racy photos, don’t do racy photos.”
In your mind this is a solid argument?
That’s akin to saying “don’t want to be attacked for being Christian, don’t be Christian.’
There is nothing wrong with doing a photo shoot depicting your naked body.
Anyone who thinks so is the reason the right loses elections.
Openly saying that you’re trying to pander to the right-wing Mormon voter by shaming a candidate’s wife for being a GQ model is a bigger problem than doing a GQ shoot.
ASK is on record saying Cruz is ineligible. How can she vote for a guy she claims is not eligible?
Yeah, I’ll call her on that.
I have said repeatedly that if Trump gets the nomination I’ll sit down and shut the fuck, just as you suggested. ASK is ON THE RECORD saying that Cruz would be an illegible President.
She made her bed.
She is #NeverCruz.
At least I am honest about it.
I’ll say it again, Let’s Dance ASK. I’m sitting out, but ASK is actively destroying Cruz every way she can weather it be radio, FB, social media and more…..
and I am the bad guy?
To me the wives are off limits,
UNLESS they are former US Presidents.
ASK is on record saying Cruz is ineligible. How can she vote for a guy she claims is not eligible?
Easy. His name would be next to the little lever in the voting booth.
Florida just ordered some Canadian Butterfly ballots for West Palm…
Good point.
Good point BFH.
and I am the bad guy?>>>
Yes, because you fail to understand the difference between primary season and the general election.
Because you don’t understand this you’re calling Andrea a liar, and you’re completely making up a #NeverCruz hashtag, one that she says she’s never heard of and will not participate in if Cruz is the nominee.
I don’t see how those photos of Trump’s wife are any worse than the Victoria Secret ad that I saw a few hours ago on prime time TV, But hey, I’m not a prude. I modeled in some pretty sexy ads myself about 100 years ago…
And BTW,Trump won’t be slut-shaming Heidi, he’ll be Soros-shaming her with her deep connections with the Council on Foreign Relations. A little organization that I”m sure Ted knew NOTHING about.
Funny how Ted gladly accepted the help of Romney and Lindsay. Guess Ted only hates the Washington Cartel when they’re not supporting him or making contributions to his campaign.
Look, I worked in the media, and if Cruz thinks he can out-Trump Trump on publicity and airtime, he’s living in fantasy land. I started to turn on Ted when he accepted Beck’s endorsement, and every day I move further and further away from Ted.
Just posted by ASK seconds ago:
Andrea Shea-King
Just now ·
“Since Ted Cruz obviously does not have a U.S.P.S. Selective Service Registration (required of all male U.S. Citizens between the age of 18 and 26), or a certified U.S. Certificate of Birth to show (as required by the Constitution: to be 35 years-old; a natural born [U.S.] Citizen; 14 years U.S. Resident), then he may have to proffer a forged one like Obama in order to try to assume the Office of POTUS … should he make it that far. (NOTE: If the patriotic American voters don’t make a fuss about this, then you can be sure the Democrats will).”
Tammy, I could care less about those pics. It’s only an issue because the Donald made it an issue.
In all honesty, I like the pics. Even Bad_Brad offered to send me pics of his tits. It’s the insane double standard that never stops that….oh nevermind….
send your racy photos here (if you are over 18 and a conservative):
ASK is a liar.
Sadly, I think Cruz, along with Beck, needs to denounce his own father, and not for posing in GQ.
Cruz plays along with his father’s shtick, but I think that televangelist stuff embarrasses him.
Cruz doesn’t even tithe, giving less than 1% of his family’s salary to the church.
So, he’s not on board with the “cast the bread (money) upon the waters and it’ll comeback tenfold” line the likes of his dad pulls when they put the 1 800 Donate To Me number up on the tee vee.
BTW, I made the mistake of turning on the Glenn Beck radio show this morning just to see what he had to say about the bombings, and instead I had to listen to an incoherent rant about Trump. I really think Beck needs some kind of intervention. Ted Cruz should stay as far away from this man as he possibly can. He is not going to help Cruz win, he will cost Cruz the election.
ASK, and unfortunately Beck has poisened the minds of Dana and a few others. I can’t stand even looking at Dana anymore.
What is Andrea lying about?
If Cruz gets on the ballot, despite everything she is saying, what is she supposed to do? Is she supposed to hand the presidency to the progressives?
She will be forced to play the cards she is dealt.
You see, some people view progressives in power as the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to America, even if that means voting for a conservative you don’t believe is constitutionally eligible.
If she’s wrong, and he gets on the ballot, she’ll vote for him.
Calling her a liar is strange, because to be a liar she would have to have committed an impeachable action, like not voting for Cruz.
You must have a fine crystal ball.
agreed Tammy.
Bullshit, Menderman. Trump did not make his wife the issue. He was responding to the ads that used her photo in them, which basically portrayed her as a slut. That was a photo from a modeling gig from who knows how many years ago. I would hope that my husband would defend me if I was used as a pawn to get out the religious vote in Utah too. Ted Cruz does not know how much this is going to backfire. He better wise up. Trump is a media genius, and will use it to his advantage.
Dana Loesch?
How did Andrea poison Dana Loesch?
We had Billy Beer and Carter’s um, daughter;
Reagan’s strange kids, Patty etc;
Bill and Hillary’s jackal offspring;
Bush’s alcoholic twins, and
Obama’s foster kids, Malaria and Scratchy.
All in the family…
No no no, Beck poisoned her mind. He’s got enough people on his network that you would expect to see a little variation in opinion. You don’t.
Like it or not, Menderman, Cruz is fantastic on standing up for the constitution, but lousy at PR. He will lose to Trump every time. You may think Trump is a rodeo clown, but he is, in fact, the bull.
Denounce his own father?
I hope that was a joke Fur.
Cruz is eligible. Saying otherwise is either a lie or ignorance. Which theory do you suspect ASK is hitching her wagon to?
Tammy, let me say again, Cruz did not run that ad.
It is a non-issue for me.
Menderman, If Cruz wins Utah by 61% do you agree the Mormon church should lose their Tax Exempt status?
Let me say this ONE MORE TIME,
If Trump wins the nomination, I intend to sit down and shut the fuck up.
I will not advocate for anybody to do anything. That’s part of “shutting the fuck up”.
do you people even listen?
Midnight was supposed to be my cutoff…..I’m out. Insult me later today….I have ladders to climb and windows to install 7 hours from now….
No, I am not kidding about denouncing his own father.
His father is a charlatan who runs questionable ministries.
With every question arising about his theological resume it is altered and reduced.
Claims he’s made have been false.
I’m sorry, am I supposed to respect what Cruz’s father does?
I don’t. It’s Christian quackery.
But I’m not going to hold what his father does against Cruz.
He can’t control that.
But maybe he should dial it down a notch with implying that his father is a man of God.
He’s a man of In God We Trust.
He even named one of his ministries after Benny Hinn’s wife’s ministry, Purifying Fire, but was forced to admit it had nothing to do with Hinn so he dropped it.
Sorry, I’m not into that crap and I don’t respect it.
Like father like son. And he’s a damn attorney. What’s not to like.
Personally, I believe Cruz is eligible. But that’s not for me to decide, or you, Menderman.
How on earth can you say that if you believe Cruz is ineligible that “it’s a lie”?
You’re really acting weird.
LocoBlancoSaltine – I am so thankful that you post here. You manage to turn aside a lot of the insanity with humor and seldom, if ever, resort to ad hominem and insults. Thank you.
I won’t fall lockstep in with the left being a anti Trump person because Trump is the left. No previous actions from Trumps past show otherwise. So I will just fall lockstep for whats right just simply fight against the left and under no circumstances vote for Trump.
Why thank you R_Callie. 🙂
I try and have fun here but I too get caught up in the madness.
For instance: Cruz should denounce his father.
That kind of “advice” is perfect for a looney leftist blog but something I didn’t expect to come from BFH.
To what would that accomplish?
Would Ted gain a single vote?
How many people would want a president that would denounce his own father?
A man who escaped Cuban oppression, is lucky to be alive, and speaks glowingly about his Texas Senator son.
Not to worry though, Ted Cruz has far too much integrity to denounce his own father for pursing his dream in the greatest country on earth.
Sorry Loco, but Cruz has denounced his father regarding some of the silly things he says…..A Cruz spokesman told Mother Jones, “Pastor Cruz does not speak for the senator.” …
But after hearing the elder Cruz speak earlier this year, Glenn Beck said, “It’s easy to see that the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree in the Cruz household.” …D’OH!
You call that “denouncing”?
I don’t. It’s not. Plus it came from a spokesman.
It is simply something any candidate would say.
“They don’t speak for me” is obvious.
A typical leftist ploy is to run to a republican any time a supporter says something remotely questionable and demand they denounce the supporter.
It came from Cruz’s spokeman, after the campaign requested examples of “crazy “talk. And it was the right thing to do, denounce it and lie to give him cover (they were misquotes…sure they were)
Poor Cruz cant win even with his die hard supporters 😉
Sorry, your definition of ‘denouncing’ doesn’t match the true definition.
Nice try though.
I supported Trump when it came to the demand from the MSM that he denounce David Duke.
It was complete total bullshit for days on end.
1) Publicly declare to be wrong or evil:
“the Assembly denounced the use of violence” · [more]
synonyms: condemn · criticize · attack · censure · decry · revile · [more]
inform against:
“some of his own priests denounced him to the King for heresy”
synonyms: expose · betray · inform on · incriminate · [more]
And you wonder why Cruz is losing
The fat lady may be warming up but she hasn’t sung yet.
How smug will you be under president Hillary?
Smug? I applaude Curz’s denounnment of some of his fathers crap. I dont pretend his spokeman is a nobody. The way this is playing out I guess I would be smug not to thank you for a President Hillary, right? Afterall, I’ll be voting for her opponent, will you?
“You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”
This is from my hardcover Webster’s dictionary:
1) To attack or condemn openly or vehemently; inveigh against.
2) To inform against; accuse.
3) To threaten, as evil or vengeance; menace.
So no, no, wrong, Ted Cruz has never denounced his father.
Nor should he, will he, etc.
Post it again, lol. Publically decalair to be wrong – dictionary .com
“Pastor Cruz does not speak for the Senator”…
What, do you mean a family member doesn’t speak for the candidate?
Let’s ask Obama’s uncle in a hut in Kenya what he thinks?
Once again, he did NOT denounce his father.
Aggie, did you take the short bus to your “special” classroom?
I thought liberals were nuts.
Lately on this site we had a voracious poster who defined simple nudity as porn.
Now we have someone who places a simple statement by a spokesman as an official ‘denouncement’.
I think my main problem here is that liberals always come out wanting the republicans to denounce people.
It is a tool of the left, but they never go after their own.
See: Robert Byrd, et al.
And for a conservative wanting a fellow conservative to denounce his own father?
And by denounce, I mean DENOUNCE.
Kind of like what the left wanted Trent Lott to do after he praised Strom Thurmond after making a statement at a birthday party.
Or when at a John McCain rally in 2008 a politician had the audacity to say Barack Hussein Obama.
The MSM went ape-shit and that asshole McCain dutifully denounced the guy and tossed him to the curb.
If Trump was the raaaaycist the left (and half the GOPe) claim him to be, it would have been “Beeyatch” instead of “beautiful”.
First of all, I said disavow, not denounce. The 2 words are not synonyms.
Disavow means “whatever he’s doing and saying over there, I have nothing to do with.”
Denouncing means, “whatever he is doing or saying over there is evil.”
And yes, Cruz should disavow his father.
Cruz is the constitutional candidate, correct?
Rafael is saying that Cruz has been chosen by God to lead this nation, and he believes in Christian dominion. He believes that Christianity should run everything – society, education, government, and economics.
He believes God anoints kings to take dominion.
Sorry. I’m currently fighting Islam for wanting the same thing, not to mention that these beliefs, if realized, would be unconstitutional.
No, sorry. Cruz should disavow his father. He’s bad for business.
Sadly, I think Cruz, along with Beck, needs to denounce his own father, and not for posing in GQ.
Read more at https://iotwreport.com/will-the-anti-trump-right-fall-in-lockstep-with-the-lefts-beliefs/#HBq22lJuODdMeHha.99
That quote is from you Fur, this thread.
Tell me, did Obama disavow or denounce Bill Ayers, Rev.Wright, etc?
No, of course not.
I hesitate to even write that since Ted’s father loves this country.
I don’t want to compare in that manner.
Saying Ted should should disavow his father is the most ludicrous and ridiculous thing I have seen you write.
“Luke…disavow your father…”
In my mind I said disavow. If it came out denounce, so be it. I accept that I misspoke.
I don’t expect Cruz to call his father evil. I expect him to distance himself from him. His father is a lunatic and a charlatan.
I agree that I only care what Ted says.
Same with Trump.
I don’t want to hear from anyone else regarding their positions.
No, the most ludicrous and ridiculous thing I could ever write is:
“That Rafael Cruz, what a great guy. Christian dominion over all things is the bestus idea I ever heard of.
And Ted, the constitutional scholar son, I hope doesn’t disavow his father’s ideas and he carries through and makes America a Christian theocracy.”
THAT would be the most ridiculous thing I ever wrote.
Denounce does not have to be assoicalted with evil. Not all wrong is evil. Loco is glomming on to that to justify his position or he just doenst know any better. BFH, I trust you are simply mistaken.
And yes, through his chosen spokeman Cruz did so, allowing his father to have some dignity on the matter. Then he undidt it, lol
As for Beck, he should have denoucned/disavowed him from the jump.
That’s not all Rafael said. Read this and you can understand why that wack job Beck is involved. You connect the dots and this is some scary shit.
Wow, how do you guys sleep at night?
Rafael the Ninja Turtle boogie man.
We sure argue about some silly shit while the world is burning down.