Woman Ventilates Mass Shooter – IOTW Report

Woman Ventilates Mass Shooter

PJ media-

According to Charleston police, Dennis Butler, 27,  was speeding his car through an apartment complex last Wednesday night. People approached him and asked him to stop as there were kids playing nearby. He left and returned shortly thereafter around 10:45 p.m. with an “AR-15 style” rifle and opened up on “dozens” of people celebrating at a graduation party.

A woman at the party with a legally concealed pistol returned fire and ventilated Butler numerous times before he was able to hit a single reveler.

White supremacist pictured above ^^^^^^

“Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night,” said Charleston Police Lieutenant Tony Hazelett, as WOWK reported. “She was lawfully carrying a firearm and stopped a threat. There was a graduation party and a party with kids so obviously someone just graduated high school and we could have had a casualty shooting.”

Hazelett continued, “Again, I credit her with being vigilant; watched him get out, engaged the threat, stopped him.”


19 Comments on Woman Ventilates Mass Shooter

  1. She’s got bigger balls than the Uvalde PD…but when do we begin the countdown for the shrieks of RACISM to begin?

    Actually, this story will never be reported by the legacy media, so nothing to see here move along. Can’t be racism if it “never happened”.

  2. C’mon guys – he was disrespected when they told him to slow down due to children playing in the area. Clear proof of society imposing its values on him.

  3. Apparently, he couldn’t hit the broad side of barn door with a rifle. But it sounds like she came close to a bullseye with a pistol. And under a bit of pressure I would guess.

  4. Dude had convictions for Domestic Assault and Battery (among other things), and it was illegal for him to have the rifle he used. I’m sure you’re just as shocked as I am to find out that criminals don’t obey gun laws.

  5. Those fucking Uvalde cops are appalling. It’s not just that they sat around with their thumbs up their asses while kids were being shot mere yards away. Some of those cops went into the school to get their own kids… no one else’s. And then they proceeded to arrest civilian parents trying to get their own kids out the same way.

    I hope every parent who lost a child sues that city and the police chief personally until they’re all broke. Clearly, those worthless bastards were only good for running speed traps and keeping the local donut shops in the black.

  6. The Mule
    Those assholes had some sort of news conference yesterday and said, “We are very thankful none of our officers were severely injured”. That went over like a fart in church

  7. Awesome woman. Compare her to the Screaming Banshees outside the NRA convention.

    One of the Screamers, the Walrus, yelled “F**K Your God”. A real Class Act there.


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