Yale epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci running ‘misinformation campaign’ against hydroxychloroquine – IOTW Report

Yale epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci running ‘misinformation campaign’ against hydroxychloroquine

Just The News:

Dr. Harvey Risch, a noted Yale epidemiologist,  has accused White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci of waging a “misinformation campaign” against the drug hydroxychloroquine, claiming the medication has shown consistently encouraging results in treating COVID-19 when used properly. 

Hydroxychloroquine has been at the center of a protracted political debate since March, when President Trump cited the drug as a promising possible treatment for the novel coronavirus. HCQ has long been used by doctors to treat malaria along with other syndromes such as arthritis and lupus. The World Health Organization lists it as an essential medicine, while nearly five million Americans hold prescriptions for it.  more

22 Comments on Yale epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci running ‘misinformation campaign’ against hydroxychloroquine

  1. Sorry, I have to be the cynic, again. So what? Those of us here have known that Fauci is a farce for months.
    Yes, we also know that HCQ has been used for years and it has been deemed safe and has been used without major problems. Why should we be surprised that Fauci is wrong again?

  2. …this little fuck isn’t satisfied with forcing us into useless face diapers, he’ll have us all wearing GOGGLES this fall while we line up for whatever the Government wants to stick in our arms, TOO…


    …Goggle mandates in all businesses, Democrat states, and all RINO states in 3…2…1…


    …honestly, the President REALLY needs to reel this asshole IN, or the President HIMSELF will be in jail by next January, and the rest of us dead or lining up for boxcars…

  3. Fauci stands to reap a huge financial gain if a new drug is developed. He makes nothing on HCQ gets him nothing.

    He’s the last person who should be involved with decisions.

  4. Dr. Fauci is not a front-line medic. If I have surgery, I want to know how many of these procedures the Doc does per month, what their success rate is. I don’t care where they went to school or what their golf handicap is. Fauci needs to get away from the cameras and start doing rounds with the front-line people that are waist deep in the situation.

  5. I had another doctor yesterday laugh when I asked about getting a prescription for HCQ to have on hand if I start getting sick. I told her about this guy at Yale and she suggested I get the prescription from him. I need her for some tests but that will likely be the end.

  6. @Joe6Pak I assume doctors in western WA state are as left as the rest. I wonder if you tried getting a doctor in Eastern WA if you’d have better luck.

    I have an expired prescription for Plaquenil. I was assured time and time again of its safety but for my own reasons I decided against taking it. When I saw all this hyperventilating over HCQ I knew it was all bullsh*t and entirely political.

  7. Now Fauci wants us all to wear goggles or some sort of face shield along with the mask. Tattoos are next.
    Pro tip, if someone calls you out for not wearing a mask, tell them it’s against the law to wear a mask while you’re carrying a concealed weapon. They usually shut up.

  8. Illustr8r, I think you’re right. I’ll have to try a new approach. Fortunately I’m not sick right now, and I’m not planning to be, but I would rather be prepared than not.

    One more thing, this doctor gave me info and wants me to consider a couple prescriptions that combined would cost $325.00 per day.

  9. If all this is true, then the Deep State and the media and the Dementiacrats have committed an act of aggression against the people of the United States that caused tens of thousands of Americans to die and tens of millions to lose their livelihoods

    All out wars have been fought for far less than what has happened here

  10. It’s all true, Lennie. If the environmentalists and malthusians were willing to kill millions of third-worlders by banning DDT, you can be damned sure the globalists would be willing to kill millions by banning HCQ to perpetrate their Covid fraud.

  11. Why don’t they run the covid numbers on some of the 5 million Americans w/ scrips for HCQ?
    If this crap is as lethal as they are leading us to believe, couldn’t we insist on a dose of HCQ w/ new ‘right to try’ law?
    If Trump said kumquats may be helpful in treating chinken pox, would they yank them off the shelves?

  12. @joesixpack

    there’s an otc that is somewhat equiv to that hydro stuff. I think it’s called quercitin or something like that. if worse comes to worse, check that out. it’s a zinc enhancer just like that hydro stuff, but it’s not as powerful since its otc.


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