YES! Trump to restore work requirement for welfare! – IOTW Report

YES! Trump to restore work requirement for welfare!

What are we waiting for?????? If the left whines about this they will lose every election from this point forward.

I know I’ve told this story before, but it is worth repeating.

I once called the Florida social services office to inquire about a story I was posting about welfare.

The phone rang and rang and rang and then I was put on hold. When a lady finally picked up she apologized and said they were understaffed.

“UNDERSTAFFED!!!,” I shouted.

“You’re giving away money to people who claim they can’t find a job!! You should have 2 workers for every phone call!!!”

She didn’t get what I was saying, sadly. We are surrounded by idiots and evil.

Washington Times-

The Trump administration moved Wednesday to reimpose work requirements for Americans on welfare, revoking an Obama-era policy that had urged states to apply for waivers exempting the poor from having to show they were either getting job training or looking for work.

Requiring work was a key part of the 1996 welfare reform law enacted by a GOP-led Congress and signed by then-President Bill Clinton, and Mr. Trump’s move restores the law as written.

“The waiver option offered by the Obama administration is being replaced today by an expectation that work should always be encouraged as a condition for receiving welfare,” said Steven Wagner, the Health and Human Services Department’s acting assistant secretary for children and families.

The 2012 Obama policy didn’t outright gut the welfare law. Instead, it pushed states to consider applying for waivers that would let them still pay benefits to people even if they weren’t actively seeking work, job training or meeting other criteria.

The move proved to be ineffective.


23 Comments on YES! Trump to restore work requirement for welfare!

  1. I support this except that I will now have to work along-side a muslim filled with hate, and work twice as hard to do my job but also the unqualified socially-retarded welfare queen that is too incompetent to even be there.

    Some times it’s better to pay more just to keep those people at home and out of our lives. (except that they spend their day having babies and doing drugs)

  2. Sounds like a plan. When can we cut the welfare gravy train hauling American tax money to Israel? If we can’t help Americans, we should not be helping an insignificant nation on the other side of the world.

  3. “Now, make drug testing mandatory for welfare.”

    You do realize that every state that has put this in place has ended up spending more money on the tests than they saved in cutting off people self medicating. When can we start drug testing government employees, including cops for steroids and daily alcohol tests?

  4. I am fantasizing that Trump’s thinking process this week goes something like this:

    “You really wanna fuck with me? You want to criticize my Harvey trip and Melania’s shoes? Are you the same fake news that covered for Obama’s ‘community organizer’ approach to natural disasters and the oil spill? How about this? I kick into high MAGA gear, end welfare as it is, kill the DREAMER act!! SHOVE IT UP YOUR FAKE ASSES!!!. On to NAFTA, the wall, taxes, etc. etc. Try keeping up!!!”

  5. CM, you claim that every state that has made drug testing mandatory to receive welfare has spent more money on tests than they saved in cutting off people. Does that include people who didn’t apply for welfare or didn’t go pick up their checks because they knew they would fail the test?

  6. I do not believe the claim that illegal aliens are doing jobs American’s won’t do. How many people, through welfare, are we paying NOT to work? Cut off the welfare and I bet you’ll find Americans willing to work on farms, clean houses, and do all the other jobs illegal aliens currently do.

  7. I believe we’d all be better off if 85% of government employees had EBT cards instead high paying government jobs whose main purpose is to hinder our productivity and make us fill out reams of paperwork that never gets looked at again after it leaves our hands.

  8. “A hand up, not a handout.”

    I don’t believe the citation of drug testing costing more to administer than it might potentially save. Data to support?
    I contend that welfare recipients who are ‘using’ will just not appear and thereby relinquish their benefits. Certainly a saving there, as total expenditures would decrease. Money saved is money earned (B. Franklin)

  9. The fact that we are the most productive, most generous nation on the face of the Earth that has the ability to feed the world doesn’t mean that we should feed the world’s largest collection of worthless, free-loading, federal tit-sucking, free-shit-grabbing, no morals, bastard-ass, unemployed, barely aware, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, uninformed, short attention span, parasites in lock-step with Stupid!

  10. Make it a crime, with immediate 30-day lockup, if you attempt to collect welfare and fail a random drug test. Next in line pushes a button, light says “test” and off you go. Pass, here’s your EBT. Fail, 30-days.

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