Yes, You Paid For It. No You Can’t Fly it. – IOTW Report

Yes, You Paid For It. No You Can’t Fly it.

Meet America’s newest nuclear stealth bomber – with a cost of $700m per plane.

14 Comments on Yes, You Paid For It. No You Can’t Fly it.

  1. It’s remarkable that John K. Northrop’s concept that an aircraft could be made where its entire structure produced lift, without fuselage, empennage, engine nacelles, or separate elevator and rudder, and still be stable and controllable, and, critically, extremely efficient aerodynamically, has been taken in two astoundingly different directions.

    Here we have the B-21 Raider, at more than $700,000,000 each. At the other end of the spectrum: the hang glider. They’re available at hobbyist level prices. And unlike the B-21, you can fly one yourself.

  2. It’s remarkable that John K. Northrop’s concept that an aircraft could be made where its entire structure produced lift, without fuselage, empennage, engine nacelles, or separate elevator and rudder, and still be stable and controllable, and, critically, extremely efficient aerodynamically, has been taken in two astoundingly different directions.

    Here we have the B-21 Raider, at more than $700,000,000 each. At the other end of the spectrum: the hang glider. They’re available at hobbyist level prices. And unlike the B-21, you can fly one yourself.

  3. You might not see it with most defense radars, but I guarantee you can with infrared lasers.

    So, another subsonic bomber that delivers what? Nuclear cruise missiles? We stopped making those. Guided, dropped, nuclear munitions? Dumb. Regular nuclear bombs? I think we have those in inventory but they won’t last forever. Hypersonic missiles? You don’t need a $700 Million platform to deliver those (if you have them).

  4. It’s replacing the B2 which was running 900M each. Not too bad relatively speaking. Those are really handy for rapidly getting and holding air superiority. Just ask Saddam.


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