I Think Kirstin Deserves a Meme (Updated) – IOTW Report

I Think Kirstin Deserves a Meme (Updated)

This is the Dem operative that ran from James O’Keefe. The face is Meme Worthy.

We’re continuing to rub salt in the wound

Linked by Ace of Spades


loco blanco saltine








unnamed-9 6.26.21 PM

unruly refugee







The Grunt of Monte Cristo



This was sent to us by… wait for it… James O’Keefe.

Thank you, James.



Mary Jane Anklestraps

unnamed-4unnamed-8 6.26.28 PM

Unruly refugee

Here’s one too bizarre not to include –






illustr8rMichelle and kirstin

weiner and kirstin

tony stewart and kirstin

cosby and kirstin






139 Comments on I Think Kirstin Deserves a Meme (Updated)

  1. Landrieu can’t implode fast enough at this point.

    What a great weekend this is going to be. Plenty of football and to watch the last Senate democrat who was defending her seat bite the dust. I hope it’s as epic a loss as people are talking about. It should be just one more scare to put into the Dems left in D.C.

  2. Dr Tar, I’m not counting any chickens yet, but I am definitely tuning in tomorrow for the results. I hope it will be an epic shellacking.

    Limbaugh is slated to be on Fox News Sunday. I think I’ll put a champagne brunch on the menu. If Landrieu goes down in the Hindenburg style she deserves, it’ll be mimosas before during and after and enjoy the show even more.

  3. Ironycurtain I laughed so hard my insides hurt. Good thing the coffee mug is in the kitchen.

    Grumpy cat meme although Ted Cruz is still on my mind.
    Michell Obummer’s detached ‘Alien’ jaw.

  4. LOL- now that’s entertainment 😀

    However, incredibly sad how lacking in moral standards sooo many people are these days. Just hard to comprehend.

    How about a whole Demo-rat party 2016 meme along the lines of: “Run Kirstin, Run (away from the truth)!”

  5. LOL! I vote for the one with Hurl-dildo.

    The look on this gal’s face, it looks like she just broke wind in front of the Pope and she’s scared there’s more where that came from.

    Hey! The spell checker is ok with Hurl-dildo?? lol

  6. Ok. I’m not tech saavy enough, but here’s my suggestion:

    Put the map of the nation behind her showing all the Red after the mid-terms.

    @sTevo, I’m enjoying some Sweetwater 420 ale tonight. Really good stuff with my premium cigar.

  7. The memes are a hoot, saw the first ones last night they are all very creative.Kristin is the kind of person who wants so badly to impress her peers but lacks the intelligence to do it honestly thus she resorts to a lie. only she’s not smart enough to make it a good lie.

  8. How about the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction?

    Or her running away from the David Tyree catch?

    Her marriage to Charles Manson?

    How about the other Jackson, Michael?

    Damn, trying to think of a good one…
    I’m off my game tonight.
    Time for more liquor.

  9. Re: picture #2– More likely a real bicycle seat stuck up her ass than a black penile protuberance. Contrary to what Chris Rock says, there ARE some white women a black guy won’t f_ck.

  10. The one with Hilary begging Miss Smelly Pants to take one for the team is a classic. Makes me laugh every time. All the pictures are so well aligned, with just the right expressions. Good one.

  11. Love the one with Zippy and Stanley Ann.
    Too many good ones.
    (But I’m kinda worried about Mr. Pinko. That last one looks like something Joey Biden did with his plastic scissors.)

  12. I’m glad Fur got a chance to do Loco’s Sophia/Jane meme idea. That was really inspired. Absolutely classic!

    Also, I hope MJA doesn’t give up the obsession any time soon. The Nirvana LP cover was a masterpiece! Lots and lots of good ones from everybody, though.

3 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. This Kirstin Alvanitakis Meme Has Some Legs | PoliNation
  2. iOTWReport Goes Memetastic on Operative for Mary Landrieu | American Glob
  3. Blast from the past – IOTW Report

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