A-HAAAAAA! The Pic of the Anemic Donald Trump Inauguration Crowd Was Taken AFTER THE INAUGURATION CONCLUDED! – IOTW Report

A-HAAAAAA! The Pic of the Anemic Donald Trump Inauguration Crowd Was Taken AFTER THE INAUGURATION CONCLUDED!

Let me say from the outset that I really don’t care what Trump’s crowd size was at the inauguration, I care what his crowd size was on election day.

Had the inauguration taken place in a red state he would’ve had 2 million at the inauguration. If it didn’t take place on a work day he’d have 3 million. If there weren’t scumbags violently protesting in the area he’d have 4 million.

The point is, there weren’t the same factors at play at the Obama inauguration as Trump’s.

What does bother me, however, is that the media does lie about everything they can to skew perception against the right and elevate the left.

It’s not even an arguable point. The media is an arm of the DNC.

Here’s the evidence of the media’s shenanigans.

Look at the clock tower on the lower right.

The Nation, a lefty organization, published a picture of the inauguration’s “weak attendance.”

Here is a high res photo. Take note of the time.

The party was well over —>

Worth noting, as well, is that VOX put out this photo comparison. Regardless of the time, notice how the crowd is more heavily weighted to the right (that’s where the big screen TV monitors were.)

Vox conveniently snipped off the right side to show the left/right comparison.

When Spicer first did his briefing and talked about this, I felt is was a little petty.

I’ve changed my mind. It’s not petty at all, it is the righteous thing to do – calling out these ministers of propaganda.

ht/ FDR in Hell

46 Comments on A-HAAAAAA! The Pic of the Anemic Donald Trump Inauguration Crowd Was Taken AFTER THE INAUGURATION CONCLUDED!

  1. Every screen in the pic shows Trump speaking. I don’t think that clock is right. I don’t care about the numbers either, but there are many videos of protesters blocking people trying to get there. What matters is Trump is actually doing (almost) every thing he promised he would do and he is doing it fast!

  2. Yeah, I think the clock may be wrong as well. I don’t care about the numbers either what with the anarchists dressed to fight blocking people from getting there. When you hit the + sign on the hi-res photos the monitors seem to show Trump and the congress steps are still full so it’s seems to be an accurate photo however the media always play the who’s got more game and that’s what they did showing the 2008 Obama crowd beside the Trump crowd. In 2008 the right accepted the results but didn’t resort to violence, riots and intimidation to try to control conservatives. By the by, I read somewhere (maybe here) that there was a DC ordinance that if you were in a demonstration you couldn’t cover your face, does anyone know if that’s correct?

  3. Leftist propagandists trotted out fake news about attendance numbers in their ongoing effort to marginalize Trump and those who support him. They got called out on their bullshit, so they doubled down on their false claim and tried to shift the narrative that Trump is being petty and egotistical. Don’t fall for it. The left is flailing and failing, and there are real news stories reporting about the leftist hacks’ deception. I’m glad Spicer called them out on their fake news.

  4. Reports say the Inaugural Address was replayed on the big screens for attendees who arrived late. Who knows.

    Maybe the Smithsonian Clock was still on Daylight Saving Time. It’s a DC landmark… I doubt if it is ever allowed to display the wrong time.

  5. Not sure if that solves it and if the news was fake it should be addressed. I’m just not sure about Spicer yet. He was way too emotional with that first press conference. You need a cool character to do that job. Someone like Dana Perino or Watters would smack them down fast with a smile.

  6. Can anyone spell “Hi Res Satellite Photo”, boys and girls?

    Another thought; I seem to remember some mysterious process by which the CIA and even other, less notorious organizations can deduce the time of a photo… Imagine!!!

  7. Listen, I WAS AT THE INAUGURATION, and what was happening is the security check points were so bottle necked that there were many, many people still trying to get on the mall as he was being sworn in. I know, because I got into that crowd by mistake. My husband was in the Silver ticketed area already – he had gone at 7:00am (walked from the Watergate Hotel) and had a difficult time finding the entry point for the Silver Gate. He waited for about two hours to get through, and he was about 1/3 of the way back once in place.
    My job was to walk down a bit later and go get a good spot on the parade route. SO, I got into line at one of the mall checkpoints by mistake because the SIGNAGE WAS WRONG. I found a guy who kinda knew what was up, and he told me how to get to where I was supposed to go. I had ALL the latest ped maps and updates folks. None were correct. So I get to the security checkpoint at about 12:30 where I wait with a LOT of people who had cut out of the mall as soon as the swearing in was over – so they could get a good spot at the parade too. They didn’t wait for the speech.
    Only FOUR mag/wand stations at the 7th street checkpoint. That was all. And each bag was carefully examined, each coat opened, each person scanned and wanded. THEN I noticed all the stands were nearly 100% empty – why? I applied for stand tickets and never heard back. I applied from both my and my husbands email accounts – crickets. Looks like almost NO ONE got parade tickets. There were entire blocks barricaded on the Trump Hotel side of Pennsylvania Ave. With almost no one in them. They were letting a hand full of people through and then closing the barricade back up. I did make it to the Trump Hotel, but when my husband finally got through the check-point he could not advance more than a few blocks! He said it was barricaded and they were packed like sardines. Finally the people guarding the stands let some of the crowd in to sit down … and my husband got a choice seat. Bastard! Just kidding. And leaving was even worse. What they made the crowds go through tho leave was fucking outrageous. Excuse my french.

  8. Fur is right. The point is the media are Leftist lapdogs and will promulgate ANY fabrication in order to undermine our Republic. The clock was correct, the crowds were Yuge! And more people watched on livestream than ever before.

    Sean Spicer is doing an incredible, incredible job as press secretary.

  9. Trump is going to challenge any number the FNM throws out there, because he’s a numbers guy and the journos are word people who don’t understand numbers.

    Journos, you will be allowed to continue working on the crowd number problem Professor Trump assigned you, and he has also assigned you an illegal voter number problem which you may solve for extra credit at the next press conference.

  10. Redditors have updated the feed stating the clock is actually broken and always reads the 1:15 time.

    I’m with everyone, it’s a non-issue for me. He can be as unpopular and hated as anyone, but if he does what is good for the country I’m OK with him. The only people this REALLY seems to matter to is the idiots on the Left and the media.

    Full disclosure, I don’t think the picture they’re passing around tells the full story either. GrandeMe, I really appreciate you sharing what it was like there and I wish I could have been there with you.

  11. In the CNN Gigapixel photo, there is a different clock tower (on the other side of the crowd) that reads 12:20 as Trump is making his speech. What should be said about the crowd is how many people were actually there braving the threat of violence from the left. For weeks lefty groups were threatening not only physical violence, but using gas at the balls and chaining subways to the tracks causing possible chaos on the rails.

    Anyone that went was a brave person!

  12. Depending on millennials who learned Common Core addition in school might be part of you problem, FNM. Not saying that’s what happened here, but you might want to add a short math quiz to your interview processes going forward.

  13. When recently interviewed about this issue, one veteran Establishment politician (whose name somehow escapes me at the moment) said, “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”


  14. It’s not about the crowd size gol dern it. The issue is immaterial. It could have been the color of Mooches underwear. The Trump administration needs to keep beating that dog (the media) until it stop biting them in the ass every time they turn their backs on it. This will continue. But left unchecked the media will try and delegitimize this administration.

  15. @ Menderman

    Good catch!

    You’re talking about the ACTIVE/ACCURATE clock/bell tower
    on the Old Post Office, now the Trump International Hotel.

    So, yes, FWIW, that crowd shot was taken during the innauguration.

  16. And while I was in the wrong queue (security point for mall entrance) I saw/heard three or four different small groups comment to each other once they knew that the crowds were being wanded, etc. “Hey, they are checking bags and wanding, lets leave”. One little group of them smelled of skunk oil. I know what that substance is – you buy it at sportsman stores. I brought some once to prank someone, and it is strong and smells of actual skunk. Lasts for weeks. The packaging cannot contain the smell either – I brought mine on the internet and it was very well sealed up, but I could smell it through the box. Put into a squirt gun, it would be nasty.

  17. GrandeMe,

    In the gigapixel pic you can see long lines of people down the street to the right. Was that one of the entry points? in any event, in that pic, there are 10’s of thousands of people in places the pic the lefties are using doesn’t show.

  18. Atlantic magazine is now saying this:
    “A note from the editor: Thanks to the eagle-eyed commenters who have noticed the clock face on the Smithsonian showing 1:15. I spoke with the Smithsonian’s public affairs office, and they confirmed the clock is currently broken. This can be further seen in two photos linked below taken by the same photographer, from the same
    vantage point, during the Women’s March on the day after the inauguration, January 21. Both photos, obviously not taken in the same instant, show the hands on the clock face in the same 1:15 configuration.”

  19. Menderman,
    Yes, if you scroll way over to the “observation deck” with the guy in a hoodie wearing khaki slacks, and the other man kneeling, then you zoom in on the street far in “front” of them you will see rows of men in the streets – those are police, facing both sides of the sidewalks. You can see Trump Tower back there on the left. If you notice – there are, at that time, no pedestrians on the sidewalks within that area of Pennsylvania Ave. There ARE a lot waiting to get in – on both sides. You could not cross Pennsylvania Ave for most of the day, but they would occasionally let a few through down by that area. That is by 3rd and Pennsylvania, and yes, those are people waiting to go on the parade route, however I think they had already been screened and were penned up there until the speech was over. I was up a bit further at 7th. I wound up a Trump Hotel, which is between 10th and 12th. I saw the former Mrs. Trump, Ivana, exit a bus and go into Trump Hotel.

  20. OOPS – that area on 3rd with the Vet Center bus is on the edge of Union Square, where the red ticket area was – my bad. I forgot how wide it is. But those people had been screened already in order to be in any ticketed area. The barricades behind them should have been opened after the speech was over. There are tons of people across Pennsylvania on 3rd, who were likely trying to get screened as that was the location of the Red ticket screening – for Union Square. Sorry for the confusion – I had to find my Inauguration packet with the “ticket gate” map.

  21. i am loving that gigapixel…..it’s a lot of fun to play with……

    and it shows up the lie of “low attendance” pretty darn well…..we need to shove it in the face of anyone still using the fakenews side by side “comparison”…….

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