Al Sharpton’s Worst Nightmare – IOTW Report

Al Sharpton’s Worst Nightmare

#BlackLivesMatter encounter a group of good ol’ boy counter-protesters. Must see video.

ht/ tsunami

28 Comments on Al Sharpton’s Worst Nightmare



  2. There are a lot of level headed folks in this country, Black, Red, Brown, Yellow and White. Love of country, liberty and freedom are the adhesives that holds this young republic together.

    “Do not hold the delusion that your advancement is accomplished by crushing others.”
    “We are obliged to respect, defend and maintain the common bonds of union and fellowship that exist among all members of the human race.”
    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

  3. Your all missing the point. These were locals. Black live matter is not. Case in point, last Friday Sacramento had a Black Lives Matters protest on the capital steps. 18 showed up. Every night they’ve had a March and the number steadily increase. Saturday is the big one and LEO is predicting 1800. All from OUT OF TOWN. Instigators paid for by Soros. So when locals get together like this for a group hug, don’t mean shit.

  4. Valid point Brad, which makes local communities attempting to come together that much more important. Like minded people have to fight the bastards that are sowing the seeds of discontent and rage. There is a war going on out there.

  5. That’s almost hard to believe it wasn’t staged, with all the shit going on right now.
    Now they will be banned from the blacklives movement for not sticking with the agenda.

  6. When I see a bunch of blacks protesting against police and screaming their bullshit, I see ignorance. I see years of them sopping up the lies the left dominated media and their very own thug culture have been feeding them. I see countless missed opportunities. I see victims of their idiocy. I see people that refuse to look at the damn facts.

    They have the GD nerve to do this less then a week after 5 policemen in their own city were mercilessly ambushed by a scum sucker that believed the same lies they do?????

    Fuck that-there’s not going to be any group hugs from me.

  7. I viewed this yesterday and something in the back of my head tells me it was staged. Don’t get me wrong. This is what we need from the people in this country. It just seemed to have a polished production value. I hope I’m wrong.

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