Another Freddie Grey Acquittal – IOTW Report

Another Freddie Grey Acquittal

Lt. Brian Rice was found not guilty this morning in the Freddie Grey case.  He is the fourth police office exonerated of the charges. Facing reckless endangerment, involuntary manslaughter and misconduct, Rice opted for a bench trial (non-jury.) He is the third defendant in these prosecutions found not guilty.  Rice was the highest ranking officer tried for Grey’s death.


Only Sgt. Alicia White and Officer Garrett Miller are left to be tried.  Hopefully the Baltimore prosecutors won’t bring any more cases.

13 Comments on Another Freddie Grey Acquittal

  1. If there is anything left worth burning in B’more it will be shortly. Unless, of course, burning and rioting is passé. Going straight to White House sanctioned killing seems to be all the rage….pun intended

  2. So fucking sick of the stable of incompetent arrogant black bitches that Obama has appointed to power positions–they are militant white hating haters who do not have the qualifications to have the jobs they do. Rawlings-Blake, Marilyn Mosby, Lisa Jackson, Loretta Lynch etc. AND how about DC Metro that is almost 97% run by blacks–no one ever talks about the shit that happens there.

  3. Far be it from me to wish more violence and anarchy on this country, but the plain fact is that the more of it that happens between now and the elections, the more it hurts the Dems and Hillary, and the more it helps you-know-who.

    IMHO, that is.


  4. Listingtostarboard, spot on.
    My big problem with all this liberal black incompetence is that everything will have to absolutely crash to the ground before the throw up their hands and admit they don’t have what it takes to fix it.

    By then there will be precious little human kindness left in the folks who do

  5. “Hopefully the Baltimore prosecutors won’t bring any more cases.”

    IMO, justice would be served by dropping the phony charges against the officers and filing charges against the Baltimore Mayor and DA, eg, reckless endangerment, criminal malfeasance, fraudulent prosecution (of those police officers)

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