At What Point Will the Irresponsible #NeverTrump Stop Saying “Trump CAn’t Win”? – IOTW Report

At What Point Will the Irresponsible #NeverTrump Stop Saying “Trump CAn’t Win”?

The sweaty thumb that looks like it’s taking a difficult bowel movement, Erick Erickson, erickson

just wrote a #DumpTrump piece YESTERDAY, which had as its main thesis the “fact” that “Trump can’t win.”

It’s an oft-repeated refrain, “Trump is going to get trounced.” “Trump’s negatives are too big.” “Trump can’t beat Hillary.”

Stop it already, this is getting embarrassing.  When have you prognosticators been right? Where does this indignation come from, this belief that you’ve earned the role of sage? You’ve been wrong this entire election season in regards to Trump.

And now a new NBC poll shows that Trump is leading in 3 key battleground states – Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio.


20 Comments on At What Point Will the Irresponsible #NeverTrump Stop Saying “Trump CAn’t Win”?

  1. if you make parallels between Trump and Reagan, and that is a viable comparison, I think Trump is doing better at this present stage of the election.

    I smell landslide, given that the GOP is 60% up in turnout while the DNC is down 20%.

    Shoot, all you have to do is listen to HRC talk. MAN, it is like fingernails on the chalkboard. Can’t anyone get through to her and tell her she’s revolting to listen to? Nah, don’t bother.

  2. Whenever the guilty Dog is barking loudest, i.e., the Dhimmorats are spewing charges of extortion, bribery, ballotbox stuffing, illegal aliens not voting, ad nauseum, you can bet that is exactly what they are moving behind the scenes to do and cover up. The Recent FBI reveal that Slick Willie and Loretta Lynch cooked up a deal on the tarmac is classic proof of the Clinton Cartel felonious practices….time to take them to trial….

  3. Palin’s voice isn’t bad, it takes getting used to. Is that twang an Alaskan thing?

    Hillary’s shrieky yelling bellow is just … horrible. It’s like she is talking into the mic and has no monitor speaker so that she cant hear how she sounds, so she just keeps going louder and louder until she CAN hear herself.

    Like how some people just bellow into their cell phones, because they need to hear themselves talking to regulate their internal volume control.

  4. The #NTer’s are exactly retarded enough to keep saying “Trump can’t win” after he wins and for the following four years until reelection and beyond. They have passed into the realm of the cult who believe the United States faked the moon landing. I expect Erik Erickson to soon grace the cover of Weekly World News. Jeb! made the cover last week by talking about how ridiculous Trump’s banning ‘migrant’ muslims amounted to an ‘alternate universe.’

  5. Reagan and Carter tended to be within 2 points of each other throughout the campaign. As the election neared, Reagan had a slight edge 47% to 44% but the consensus was that Carter would be re-elected because the pundits and establishment just couldn’t see how an amiable dunce like Reagan had a chance.

    Then, like now, the polls were agenda polls and there probably was a dash of people embarrassed to admit they were voting for Reagan since they were depicted as “uniformed, uneducated, unknowing and unwashed”. Reagan beat Carter 51% to 41%

    BTW – the establishment forced Bush on Reagan as VP – seen as a betrayal by many. As VP, Bush would go on to tell Gorbachev “Reagan is a conservative, an extreme conservative. All the dummies and blockheads are with him…” Didn’t Jeb show just the same elitist arrogance in his interview the other day?

  6. Hey, CoD 🙂

    Yeah, I’m truly impressed with the doggedness of my TD stalker. It’s okay, I know who it is. I feel sorry for them. They are lashed to the IOTWr mast day and night; spirits buoyed at the sight of “AbigailAdams.” Their hatred is so great they even TD’d my thanks to IOTWr’s crew the other day. Imagine that. Sad, really.

    I am so eager to see who Trump picks for his veep. Have you got a favorite? If I didn’t care how others would view him, I’d go with Gingrich. But I like the others, too.

  7. @Eugenia — haha! Yes, I am mildly interested in seeing where all these guys end up after November. When you think about it, they’ve all made their names and livelihoods on America not doing so well under progressive regimes.

    In a different way I wonder about MOTUS. I hope she sticks around even after Moochelle is gone, though.

  8. @AA, I figure EE will be an anathema after the election. People will deny knowing him and agreeing with him.
    He will suffer the same ‘Turd in a Punchbowl/ Bad Smell Under the Nose’ Syndrome as Morris.

  9. They don’t fear Trump losing. They fear him winning and the gravy train drying up.

    Bob Anon…….I always thought Palin sounded like my Minnesota cousins. I later found out her town in Alaska was settled by dust bowl refugees from Minnesota in the 1930s.

  10. And why should I give a damn what some retard like Erick Erickson has to say?

    Hey, asshole–I bet that 45 years ago you would have said that it was “impossible” for DJT to turn a $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion business empire.


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