Bern Sanders – Extra Crispy – IOTW Report

Bern Sanders – Extra Crispy


Have people forgotten what this asshole (that’s right I said asshole. The word asshole was coined for assholes like this asshole) said after veterans were dying while on secret waiting lists?


“…the VA holds up as good or better than private hospitals. By and large, veterans throughout America believe that they’re getting pretty good health care.” -Bernie Sanders (says the man who never served a day in the military and never had a paying steady job until he was 40 years old. -bfh)

The statements, Johnston said, raise questions about the senator’s judgment, especially at a time when Americans are deeply troubled by a failing veterans’ hospital system that serves as the model of government-run health care.

“This is the same bureaucracy we’re going to get for single-payer health care,” Johnston warned. “If you want to know what’s going to happen to your health care, just look what happened to the VA … that’s the kind of care Vermonters can expect.”

“If we’re going to do our job in a proper and responsible way, we need to get the facts and not rush to judgment. And one of the concerns I have, to be very honest, is there has been a little bit of a rush to judgment.” -Bernie Sanders (who didn’t call for investigations. The IG was necessary after complaints by whisteblowers. How many dismal IG reports were necessary before old Hunchy would spring into action? -bfh)



8 Comments on Bern Sanders – Extra Crispy

  1. You can say worse about the other government run healthcare system Indian Health Services (IHS) The VA pales in comparison, we will not be lucky enough for single payer to be as good as VAMC care. Single payer will follow the IHS model.

    ROSEBUD | Even as the Indian Health Service hospital in Rosebud recovers from problems that led to the temporary closure of its emergency room, new problems have been detected.

    Mike Fierberg, spokesman for the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, acknowledged by phone Friday that new violations of Medicare requirements have been discovered, and a new corrective plan is being negotiated. He declined to divulge details of the problems until the plan is complete.

    At the hospital Friday, Kathleen Wooden Knife, a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council and vice chairwoman of the tribe’s Health Board, said the violations had apparently been turned up in a recent inspection.

    The new violations come on the heels of October and November inspections that produced reports of broken-down sterilizing and disinfecting equipment, a woman giving birth to a premature baby on a bathroom floor, and a heart-attack victim waiting 90 minutes to receive care, among other things.

    There was little sign of progress Friday at the hospital, where U.S. Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., took an hour-long tour. The small tour group walked through a series of unused rooms and corridors in the facility, which was all quiet except for one waiting room that appeared to contain about 50 people.

    The hospital’s obstetrics area is temporarily closed because of inadequate staffing, and pregnant reservation women, many of whom lack trustworthy transportation, are being diverted to Winner (55 miles away); Valentine, Neb. (45 miles); Rapid City (175 miles) and Sioux Falls (220 miles).

    The hospital’s emergency room is closed while work continues to restore it to acceptable working order, and ambulances are being diverted elsewhere. Evelyn Espinoza, the tribe’s health administrator, said a dialysis patient from Rosebud died Thursday night in an ambulance 15 miles from Valentine.

    Thune listened to that and several other grim stories during the tour.

    “These are life-and-death issues,” he said.

    The problems at Rosebud and similar problems at the IHS hospital in Pine Ridge have caught the attention of the media and government officials in Washington, D.C. The scrutiny has resulted in promised reforms to address staffing shortages and other problems. A new interim director was named for the Great Plains Area office of the IHS, and a Senate committee conducted hearings on the issue.

  2. The assholish asshole BS of asshole fame is the face of the new assholish America, brought to you by the stinking pustulated oscillating assholes of the New Asshole Millennium.

    That this klown hasn’t been thrown into the trash is absolutely stunningly expositorily expositve of the degeneration of the nation.

  3. @ Frank, thanks for posting that update on Rosebud and Pine Ridge. The Lakota people are always handed the dirtiest end of the government turd. I’ve always had a heart for their suffering and try to give them a hand up when I am able.
    No one has seen real poverty in America until they have driven through the Pine Ridge Indian reservation.

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