Celebrities Begin Targeting Electors By Name – IOTW Report

Celebrities Begin Targeting Electors By Name

The moronic celebrities still desperately trying to overturn Trump’s election have begun altering their embarrassing “electoral college” video to target electors by name.

This is a form of doxxing. Their hope is that the friends and family and neighbors, who are equally deranged, will put pressure on the elector.

One of the videos, however, was to a Mr. Ashley McMillan. They deleted the video, giving us a glimpse of what kind of tight ship organization they are running.

Dear Ashley McMillan, I’m sorry I thought you were a man. Love, Martin Sheen

Did Martin Sheen ASSUME A PRONOUN?????
That’s pretty “Donald Trump” of him!
Q: What kind of imbecile thinks Ashley is more likely to be a man’s name than a woman’s?
A: The kind of imbecile that thinks blocking a duly elected president from taking office would be “good for the country,” that’s who.

26 Comments on Celebrities Begin Targeting Electors By Name

  1. It’s amazing how the idiots clamor to out do each other’s doltish methods. What a bunch of losers. If I were an electoral college participant, I would seek advise and help re: election harassment. This outrageous crap is no different than Black Panther thugs standing around a polling station. In fact, since actual life threats are being received by some electorates, it’s worse!

  2. I’m a little sad that all this electorate crap-chat and the craziness will end with today’s electorate voting finale. All I now have to look forward to is the craziness up to the inaugural. But it has been so much fun! And redefined “snowflake” for a winter!

  3. There MUST be consequences to this concerted effort to nullify this election. There MUST be criminal charges for all those proven to be threatening and harassing electors (how many DEMOCRAT electors have been harassed!!??). There MUST be at least sanctions for the idiots pushing for uncivil overturn of this election in their cute and mindless videos and commercials. There MUST be Congressional discourse concerning the ineptitude of Democrat leaders pushing for the upset of this rightfully elected president, thereby locking evidence of their insanity forever in the Congressional record.

  4. Marty Sheen is a has-been nothing trying to resurrect his dead career through controversy. Good luck, Marty, you’ve just told us what a jerk you are.
    Imagine if the position was diametrically reversed. Good old idiot Marty would be demanding adherence to the constitutional goal as if the electors had a duty to act it out and nothing more.
    Why is it so easy to spot a leftist ?
    Why is it so easy to spot a phony ?
    Good luck advancing your career, Marty !

  5. Enjoyed “The California Kid” in my drug-addled deranged youth.
    The last thing he did that was worth a fuck … ceptin for maybe “Apostrophe, Now!”

    Both over 30 years old.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This anti-constitutional cohort wants to push the US in the direction of nations that do not see any value in peaceful turnover of power. The end point is bloody coups and totalitarian police states. I’m certain that if they were asked if they want things that way, they’d say “No” but think “Yes, as long as we’re the dictators.”

  7. They want to play that game. Start making public the street addresses and secret phone numbers of these stars. Urge people to call and visit to try to convince them the folly of their ways. Won’t be too long before these limo liberals start screaming for police protection.

  8. And tampering with Federal Elections is also a felony, Marty. I love the idea of publishing their home addresses and phone numbers. Can just see 5 truckloads of sand dumped at their driveway entrances. Maybe Jabba the Hut will pay for that too.

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