cruz iowa state fair

BigHollywood- While manning a grill at the Iowa State Fair on Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was ambushed by lesbian actress Ellen Page and ended up debating homosexuality and religious freedom, unaware of who she really was.

Page, dressed incognito, pressed Cruz for his thoughts on “people getting fired just for being gay or trans,” to which Cruz said he believed Christians are being persecuted in the wake of the Supreme Court’s June ruling, which mandated same-sex marriage a constitutional right.

Cruz reminded Page of the treatment of homosexuals by ISIS and Iran, which Page scantily acknowledged, before arguing Christians are using violence against gay people in Jamaica. Cruz then reprimanded the actress for not understanding the contrast between violent behavior and public executions.  Video HERE



  1. First thing, I still have no idea who she is.

    Second thing, ambush journalists will probably quit bothering Cruz, with his debating chops and courtroom experience these people don’t stand a chance.

  2. Starred in Juno, I watched it, under protest, with my daughter.
    High Canadian dreck, Page is a Homersexual, yet, in the movie she is a preg teenager, she is a hypocrite, willing to ignore her values for a paycheck.
    Casting aspersions at people willing to stand up for their values, typical Prog.

  3. C’mon you guys stop goading BFH with the “Who’s this and why should I care” stuff

    Used to be that people admired soldiers for killing Communists, now they admire soldiers for being homosexual and betraying national security.

    Same story with Ms. Page, her big claim to fame is that she’s a Lesbo … yaaa! rebellion against nature … I wonder if she’s going blame “homophoia” and “partiarchy” if her career goes nowhere

    That’s the thing with the Homo Revolution, all that they bring to the table is a desire for unnatural sex. Only their being touted ad the heirs to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s– pardon me while I vomit.

  4. I don’t understand, I put on a tie and nobody recognizes me (so far so good). But then I take it off and still nobody recognizes me. What am I doing wrong? Those Hollyweird types sure must know a lot about nothing!

  5. Socialists can’t allow facts to interfere with their narrative – otherwise their narrative is exposed as absurdism posing as reason. Christians have never persecuted faggots – Christians have usually considered them to be abominable jokes.

    Boccaccio wrote “Decameron” in 1351 and faggism is looked upon as humorous, not rancorous.

    And there is NO RIGHT for ANYONE to marry in the US Constitution. The word “marry” isn’t there. PERIOD.

    The SCROTUS is inventing law out of thin air. There’s a word for that … what was it? … gee … oh, yeah “DIKTAT!”

  6. I’ve been told that in Canada if you move away from the area you are “registered” in (for medical purposes) you must wait in your new city/town to be assigned a doctor. Depending on the area I suppose the wait might not be long, but the person who told me this–unaware of this circumstance’s non normalcy–waited two years, during which time she and her husband and children went to the ER for even routine care.

    I’d love to ask Page how this (and the other waitlists, which we all have heard of) is in any way superior.

    I also would re-visit the question about gays in places such as Iran and demand she answer to it. THEY are the ones with no human rights and what is done to them is horrific, but she whinges about freaking wedding accoutrements.

    I don’t hate people as a rule–it’s a waste of energy, but I am beginning to feel like I hate these raging extremists who don’t live in reality.

  7. Hi Lisl. I don’t know who told you this but it’s not true. There are plenty of walk in clinics (at least where I am) a person can use while they get a family doctor. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of problems with the current system but it’s not a smoking wreck and contrary to a lot of beliefs it’s sure as hell not free.
    Anyway, I think it’s pretty damn cool the these Hollywood types have to try to go incognito (wink, wink) and try to take on the conservatives only to get flattened. I wonder if their game plan is at the end of the “debate? to whip off fake glasses, nose and mustache and reveal who they actually are. I wonder what bugs this chick more, losing the argument (such as it was) or not being recognized.

  8. I think the swat-down, like a fly buzzing you at a BBQ, was the reason. IOW, one more time The Cruz is ambushed and is superior. Lovin’ it every time this happens.

    The fact that she is supposedly someone she thinks we should know, but don’t, is gravy.

    No ma’am, you’re not all that. Thanks for playing. Now shoo!

  9. Hi, scr_north, thanks for responding because I’ve wondered about the ins and outs of this situation. I wish I had asked her other questions. You know more than I do, so I can’t argue certain points, but if this woman’s family had to do it, it makes me wonder how many others also did.I think she was in a city before and after, so one would think they had access to the clinics you mention–can anyone walk in to any clinic? Or do you have to go to certain ones based on where you live?

    Also, what about this whole registration thing–that is true then? (You didn’t correct me on that so I just want to be sure.) What has to be paid for? Or do you mean not free because people are heavily taxed to pay for the system? This I’m wondering because if I recall correctly in Scotland (maybe all UK) people have to pay for at least some dental.

    Sorry for the barrage of questions, I just want to clarify what’s real and not, and thanks for being patient with me.

  10. It’s weird that society somehow connotes the ability to divorce yourself from reality and play a scripted role with a higher intellect or superior insight.

    Actors and actresses are actually just a specialized form of trained seal, not much more sophisticated than your lawn care guy or a wind-up monkey who bangs together cymbals and brays.

    Fuck Hollywood.

  11. I think the moral perversity they exhibit on all levels is there for two reasons: 1) look at me, I’m rebellious and edgy (i.e. I’m an attention whore) and 2) the innate ability to morph into other roles so easily suggests they have no introspection and center so they are simply vulnerable to temptation.

  12. Typical Leftist Socialist Progressive Communist Fascist – she thinks she knows everything but proves she knows NOTHING.

    But here’s a lovely parting gift for you – a Cruz-grilled hamburger. Of course, Ms Page will want hers done RED on the inside.

  13. She’s too stupid to realize how good homosexuals have it in this country. Let’s see her try to badger the equivalent of a US Senator in Russia, Iran, Egypt, Zimbabwe, or South Africa about her rug-munching-gay politics. After the gang rape, she’d have a burning tire around her neck.

  14. You need to register with a doctor in a local practice, and you have to re-register when that doctor moves on. Walk-in clinics are available for those without a doctor. Health care is run by each provincial government, which means government union employees, which sucks up tax dollars and provides government-standard service.

  15. Cruz has some explaining to do:

    Although Mr. Cruz has declined to criticize Mr. Trump, the senator’s campaign manager sniffed at Mr. Trump’s much larger crowd in Mobile, Ala., on Friday night. “I’d take these 2,500 people over 12,000 in a football stadium in Alabama any day,” the campaign manager, Jeff Roe, said in an interview outside the ballroom where Mr. Cruz spoke. “These people are coming to be part of a movement,” he added. Mr. Trump’s admirers, he said, “are going to be part of a show.”

  16. Oh ho! You got that right!! A famous local stage actress and one-time friend would never let the conversation stray too far from her favorite subject — her! After the novelty wore off for our other dinner guests, her pretense at seeking anonymity would give way to holding forth on the vagaries of the acting scene. She knew nothing about politics beyond the usual CNN/MSNBC/PBS/NYT’s headlines, but she would doggedly press on in her stupidity to the bitter and illogical end. We are no longer friends.

  17. Pops, Not meaning any disrespect to you in saying that there are much bigger fish to fry in this election and being offended by what any of the candidate’s campaign people have to say (unless there is a video and/or audio to go along with it and it has something to do with the candidate’s basic integrity), is unimportant, to this voter, anyway. And besides, there probably are many who will go to see Trump because of his celebrity status and showmanship. I hope Cruz gets the nomination, but if Trump visits our berg, I’ll go see him.

  18. Hi all. MorOntarian is spot on about registering in order to get a family doctor. Having said that I’m seeing a lot of new practice signs going up around town indicating the doctors are accepting new patients. As mentioned the walk in clinics are available for those who don’t care about having a family doctor or are waiting for one. In addition Ontario has a service a resident can use to help find a family practitioner close to them. Sometimes it does take awhile though. A big chunk (and getting bigger) of tax dollars go toward health care and the unions seem to be more interested in getting every buck and perk they can for their members then being reasonable. Having said that, I’ve had to use the system for heart issues (pretty bad ones) and I never found sloppy level service and the staff were always attentive and professional.

    Dental, drug, physical therapy, chiropractors etc etc are NOT covered by the system (at least here in Ontario). In order to get some sort of coverage you have to pay yourself or be on public assistance or be of very limited means.

    You can use any walk in clinic you want but like anything some are busier then others.

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