Democrat Chair of FEC Wants To Regulate What They Define as Disinformation Put Out by Blogs – IOTW Report

Democrat Chair of FEC Wants To Regulate What They Define as Disinformation Put Out by Blogs

Yeah, sure.

This is essentially the “put conservative websites out of business for good” bill.

They’ve damaged us pretty good as it is, now they want to go in for the kill – totalitarian style.


Would all the sites that reported Hillary had a 98% chance of winning be put out of business for spreading disinformation?

Wash Exam-

Political content on the internet, paid or not, should face substantial federal regulation to eliminate undefined “disinformation,” and users of platforms and news feeds, from Facebook, to Twitter, to the Drudge Report and even New York Times, could be punished for sharing “fake news” from those sites, the former Democratic chair of the FEC is urging.

In a broad proposal that adds threatening libel suits to regulatory plans already pushed by Democrats on the Federal Election Commission, ex-chair Ann Ravel believes that there is support for expanded regulation in the wake of reports foreign governments spent $100,000 on 2016 political ads on Facebook.

She would include “fake news,” not just paid ads, to be regulated, though it’s never defined other than the Democrat’s description of “disinformation.” And anybody who shares or retweets it could face a libel suit.

She would also use regulation to “improve voter competence,” according to the new proposal titled Fool Me Once: The Case for Government Regulation of ‘Fake News.’ Ravel, who now lectures at Berkeley Law, still has allies on the FEC who support internet regulation. The paper was co-written by Abby K. Wood, an associate professor at the University of Southern California, and Irina Dykhne, a student at USC Gould School of Law.

The proposal immediately came under fire from from the Republican FEC commissioner who for years has been warning of the left’s effort to regulate political talk they don’t like, especially on conservative newsfeeds like Drudge.

Lee Goodman told Secrets, “Ann’s proposal is full blown regulation of all political content, even discussion of issues, posted at any time, for free or for a fee, on any online platform, from Facebook to the”

He was especially critical of the undefined nature of “disinformation” to be regulated and the first-ever call for libel suits to snuff out talk Ravel doesn’t like.


15 Comments on Democrat Chair of FEC Wants To Regulate What They Define as Disinformation Put Out by Blogs

  1. This is exactly the sort of regulation/legislation which needs its authors to be slapped upside the head repeatedly, while being asked:
    “Now, just HOW is this in conformance with the US Constitution? How is it?! HOW?!”

  2. Another example of President Trump’s election throwing a monkey wrench into the fascist gears set to grind freedom into dust. Bitch resigned February, this year, any guess why?
    Keep your powder dry men.

  3. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch was exactly right to say on Lou Dobbs last night that the U.S. is already on its way to being a “failed state.” Trump has the legal authority to call an investigation into whatever areas of federal gov’t he wants. The DoJ and the FBI under it need to be completely dismantled and rebuilt with people of absolute integrity. Those gov’t agencies have been corrupted beyond saving, and without them there will be no true investigation (Congress is not a court of law) or prosecution of any of this stuff.

  4. Do we need FEC? I thought FB, google/youtube & Twitter is in charge of tamping down conservative content.

    Recall Tipper Gore’s campaign to label offensive music for tender ears? What a relic….

  5. I’m not coherent this morning. The more I thought about this, I assumed I confused FEC with FCC and wondered what business does FEC have policing FCC?
    Then it dawned on me… Ajit Pai, (R) chair of the FCC.
    This is yet another all hands on deck (bureaucratic agencies) blurred lines to attack conservatism.

  6. They are a cancer that’s spread thru out every aspect of government and the constitution is in hospice care. Somebody better do more about this than just peck away around the edges because the hour grows near.

  7. “Political content on the internet”

    not political content, but what “they” perceive as “conservative” thought.

    the msm and government are responsible for most “fake news”
    and for covering up the truth.

  8. The Democrats took control of all the broadcast media and almost all the print media as well as the majority of cable media long ago. Then came the internet to thwart them. They must control that too.

    That’s the only way Democrats/Communists/Marxists/Totalitarians/Leftists/Progressives (take your pick)have ever been able to remain in power anywhere, ever. See the USSR and China for examples.

  9. She’s the ex-chair.
    “Ravel, who now lectures at Berkeley Law, still has allies on the FEC who support internet regulation. The paper was co-written by Abby K. Wood, an associate professor at the University of Southern California, and Irina Dykhne, a student at USC Gould School of Law.”

    Nowadays, she just lectures people, (with a Dyke named Dykhne?).

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