Donna Brazile Throws Everyone Under the Bus – IOTW Report

Donna Brazile Throws Everyone Under the Bus

In an article written for Politico, Brazile paints a bleak picture of a bankrupt DNC, both monetarily and ethically. Somehow, she’s the hero of this tale, which only serves to add to the ethically challenged narrative.

It opens with her having to tell Bernie Sanders that the Clintons did, indeed, screw him out of his rightful nomination by, among other things, locking up all the campaign money before the primaries even started.

Act 2- details how Barack Obama gutted the DNC war chest with mismanagement, coupled with an extremely lax attitude about paying back what he took for his own campaigns. (Sounds like a guy who didn’t pay back his student loans until a few years before he ran for president.)

Act 3- portrays Debbie Wasserman Schultz as a completely useless head of the DNC, not able to perform the must rudimentary expectations of job performance.

Act 4- hammers away the narrative that Brazile is a victim of everyone else’s incompetence.

Act 5- the Clintons are stealing money from every state, leaving down ballot candidates to fend for themselves.

The money shot – literally-

The agreement—signed by Amy Dacey, the former CEO of the DNC, and Robby Mook with a copy to Marc Elias—specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.

I had tried to search out any other evidence of internal corruption that would show that the DNC was rigging the system to throw the primary to Hillary…

I was happy to see that I had found none. Then I found this agreement.

The funding arrangement with HFA and the victory fund agreement was not illegal, but it sure looked unethical. If the fight had been fair, one campaign would not have control of the party before the voters had decided which one they wanted to lead. This was not a criminal act, but as I saw it, it compromised the party’s integrity.

Bernie took this stoically. He did not yell or express outrage. Instead he asked me what I thought Hillary’s chances were. The polls were unanimous in her winning but what, he wanted to know, was my own assessment?

I had to be frank with him. I did not trust the polls, I said. I told him I had visited states around the country and I found a lack of enthusiasm for her everywhere. I was concerned about the Obama coalition and about millennials.

When I hung up the call to Bernie, I started to cry, not out of guilt, but out of anger. We would go forward. We had to.

“Then I gave Hillary the questions for a debate ahead of time!”



47 Comments on Donna Brazile Throws Everyone Under the Bus

  1. Donna Brazile isn’t turning her coat without a hidden motive. Something really big and smelly must be coming out soon. She must have assessed the situation and decided it was time to jump out of the Hindenburg before it consumes everyone associated with the Clintons. Oh, the Crooked Humanity!

  2. The DNC is in disarray because it is stacked with personnel who would have carried out Clinton’s policies, which for the most part were a continuation and expansion of Obama’s policies. Trump won, and now they have nothing but John McCain and minorities in the House and Senate and no leaders capable of steering the party in a different direction.

    Brazile seems to be just getting out in front in anticipation of a changing of the guard. The black vote isn’t as reliable as it once was and the Democrats have been engaged in pissing off white working class people for over 8 years, so a change is vital. The Democrats have been engaged in identity politics as a major strategy, only now they are discovering that they don’t have enough identity victims to propel them back to power. You can’t build a national party on the LGBTQ community.

    So yes, Brazile is throwing the DNC under the bus. But she won’t be the only one.

  3. The takeaway here is that there was an agreement between the DNC and Clinton and that Clinton was given final say on how money was spent.

    Money, for instance, like DNC funds used to pay Fusion GPS $9.0M.

  4. Yeah, she’s a natural liar, but what she claims is pretty much what we actually saw/ know. I don’t think this is about confessing, I think this is about telling the DNC they need to cover their asses better and get a plan together for next time. Oh, and Bernie Sanders is just straight out dumb. Just completely dumb. He’s being told what’s going on and he doesn’t get it. Either that, or Hillary promised him that ton of cash way before the primaries. And who didn’t think 0bama was going to stiff the DNC and every city in America for his campaign expenses? LOL.

    Oh, btw, the RNC is pretty bad, too, but at least they tell the constituents straight to our faces that they don’t GAS what we think. That’s why we extract our bastars out of office a lot faster than the Dems do.

  5. 0bama had some shindig at his preezy library. He had a couple of rappers, some actor and whatever, and he still only got half capacity attendance. LOL. I’m sure the DNC would have helped, if he didn’t spend all their cash.

  6. I remember reports of down ballot candidates being starved of DNC money last year, so the situation rings true. I have my doubts about the heart felt conversations between Brazile and Bernie though. She was in Hillary’s corner from the start.

    I would suspect Brazile sees the awful job Perez and Ellison are doing with the DNC and trying to hitch her wagon to the socialist because she’s seeing signs that the Democrat party is going to collapse and disappear after the trouncing they are going to take next year.

  7. DR.Tar. Yeah, I remember one guy complaining about asking for help from the DNC and he said they told him to quit bothering them. He went on the cable talk shows and everything. He wasn’t the only one, though.

  8. Brazille was built for machine politics and dirty dealing. This isn’t her first time being a player. She was instrumental in changing the rulz at the super-secret National Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting during the ’08 rotation when they decided to give Killery’s votes to obama (when he didn’t meet the deadline to get his name on the state ballot). The committee big wigs literally met in a back room during the lunch recess when the other members were away. Here’s what one attendee had to say:

    So it doesn’t surprise me that BellaDonna is a complete liar and crooked as hell. She’s going to be very sorry she hid behind Jesus Christ to defend her self-righteousness.

  9. “Then I gave Hillary the questions for a debate ahead of time!”
    Exactly, Fur. This is a poor attempt at trying to appear to be “the ethical Democrat” (oxymoron) when, in fact, she’s just another cog in the machine.

  10. “Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.”

    In other words, there’s no way she didn’t know about the Dossier as a campaign strategy and the financing of it.

  11. And now does anyone still wonder why Killery didn’t bother to stump for her own campaign? The entire DNC WAS her campaign! It was her GOTV and her war chest. This is exactly how the DNC works! And yes, they decide the candidate before the first primary begins. In the same way that the RNC was first behind Jeb!, then when that plan failed they successively threw all their money behind the lesser Party candidates. Hell! they vowed not to make their money and machinery available to Trump! Remember? First time in the history of political parties that the Party withdrew their support from the official nominee. This is why I NEVER trusted Preibus.

  12. I watched the DNC vote on Cspan when Brazile turned the wheel over to Perez and Ellison.

    She was drunk. The DNC rigged that vote too for Perez in favor of the illegals over the Muzzloids. Ellison would have won and they split the baby to make Ellison co-chair. 2nd among equals.

    She knows what she saw in those books and she’s exposed to the Clinton Crime Family’s collateral damage.

    This is trying to give her some cover from prosecution.

  13. AA
    I dunno. It’s not like anybody affiliated with the “DNC” had to sign off on Uranium One. That was Obama and the State Department. Looks to me like 90% of the really guilty people are on some dumb ass panel trying to find Russian Collusion where it doesn’t exist. What an fing joke.

  14. BB — It would come as no surprise that the money trail went straight through the DNC. Rich discovered it, I’ll bet. That’s why the DNC didn’t want the FBI to examine its servers and why Rich was murdered. They wouldn’t have killed someone over the usual party money shenanigans.

  15. The DNC was bankrupt and Hillary rescued them financially. They were bankrupt because Obama wasn’t giving the DNC the money he raised at all of those DNC fundraisers he held all over the country for his entire eight years.

    Are there any records of the money he raised, who it was that gave him money, who they represented, what they discussed. Anything at all?

    The guy was doing private fundraisers constantly and always supposedly for the DNC. But there’s no records and the DNC seems to have only recieved a small cut of what press always billed as Obama’s fundraisers for the DNC.

    So Hillary had to pull the DNC out of the financial soup.

    The Obama administration is over but this is a big elephant in the room.

  16. Well, the speaking fees went right to Billy. But that was a drop in the bucket compared to the total amount of money that changed hands. And reports are that the DNC is lacking capitol. But who knows. I would think the Clintons ended up with most of it. But it would need to go thru Uranium One first and the dispersed. Hard to figure that the DNC would even get close to that. And Uranium One is publicly traded. Which make that deal 100 times more complexed. Hard to say. I’ve just totally confused myself.

  17. BB — Hahah! It is confusing. No one ever thought they’d see Arthur Anderson go under, either. Remember? They were the most professional, most trusted names in auditing. And then came Enron. Every refuge has its price.


    …except that it ISN’T.

    The DNC put Shultz in charge b/c she is a woman, and bowed to Hillary b/c she is a woman, and Perez as chairman b/c he is a Hispanic man who looks like a woman after they paraded through every racist and uncle tom racist they could dig up.

    Racial / Gender BEAN-COUNTING does not beat Trump’s “Get my the right guy!” mentality.

    Brazile is 1/2 right, they ARE USELESS, but they are useless because they chose people based on OPTICS as the party of “everyone”, not those competent straight white hetero Christian males….ewwwww!

  19. “I had tried to search out any other evidence of internal corruption” (snip) “I was happy to see that I had found none. Then I found this agreement.”

    Gosh. Reality provides no need for parody.

  20. So, at the beginning of May she read in public what the conspiracy was. At the beginning of July she was told, directly, by one of the co-conspirators what the conspiracy was. And she “knew that the alternative” (to the conspiracy) “was a person who would put the very future of the country in peril” at the end of July, when she was in charge of the convention that was intended as the “not quid pro quo” to the conspiracy. By the beginning of September, two full months before the election, she had the actual paper trail of what the conspiracy was. And her choice(s), all along, was “Meh”. And the Democratic political class’ response, all along, has been “Meh”. And to their being relegated to the dustbin of history, in favor of putting “the very future of the country in peril” (to Nazis, and racists, and Russians, oh my!)… give me minute, to wind it up… will you settle for an eye roll? I can’t quite muster a “Meh”.

  21. I don’t think Awan was agitated because the police were after him, if you know what I mean. At least in Pok-ee-ston he had a betting chance of losing the Killery machine.

  22. If Brazile thinks her hands are now clean with this veiled attempt at clearing her name, she desperately needs a lesson in optics. She wants the DNC to conclude she was a rational, clear thinking stratigist, while Bar-rock and Hellary ran amok as she inoccently looked on. Right. Brazile is just as corrupt up to her eyeballs and definitely collected her share. This power play may work on the DNC finacial backers like Soros, but the average intellectually starve Democrat may be wondering why she didn’t do a better job getting Hellary elected president.

  23. @99th Squad Leader November 2, 2017 at 8:02 pm

    Didn’t you read the article? She was trying to get up to speed as the new CEO, when she was called away to vacation in The Hamptons! Uber driving, Starbucks baristas, with masters degrees from world class institutions, understand exactly how hard public service work can be.

  24. Anonymous
    NOVEMBER 2, 2017 AT 8:27 PM

    Yes, I did indeed read the article. Brazile still has an optics problem. None of those activities included any tangible, quality time literally kissing Hellary’s butt, or stories about how Brazile made sure Hellary never ran out of hot sauce or vodka on the campaign trail.

  25. I take issue with her attempt at claiming it wasn’t a crime. Each donor to the DNC thought they were helping the DNC fund it’s operations and other candidates. Those donors were defrauded by this scheme. They should lawyer up and form a circular firing squad…

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