FAA Warns That Mystery Military Tests May Lead To Widespread West Coast GPS Disruptions – IOTW Report

FAA Warns That Mystery Military Tests May Lead To Widespread West Coast GPS Disruptions

ZH: Starting today, and continuing for the next month, the FAA has warned airplane pilots that GPS signals on on the West Coast, and especially over California and Nevada, may be impacted.

The reason why is not exactly clear, but as Gizmodo notes, the US military will be testing a device or devices that will potentially jam GPS signals for six hours each day. Officially the tests were announced by the FAA but are centered near the US Navy’s largest installation in the Mojave Desert, China Lake, located “just down the road” from Area 51. The Navy has kept silent about the nature of the tests.  MORE

7 Comments on FAA Warns That Mystery Military Tests May Lead To Widespread West Coast GPS Disruptions

  1. Interestingly for anyone that is familiar with Geocaching, this area is the mecca of power trail runs. From the E.T. Highway, near Area 51, Tonapah and over to the Fallon area, Needles, CA etc. A lot of these areas have visitors from all over the world (Europeans are big cachers) in the summer and the businesses in the area rely on the tourist dollars to survive. Just an interesting aside – it isn’t just going to inconvenience billionaires flying to Santa Monica.

  2. What are you talking about? Fallon is nowhere near China lake. Neither is tonopah.
    Fallon is east of Carson city. I lived there. I also lived in China lake. A 6 or 7 hour drive from Carson city, if not more

    China lake used to be a naval weapons center. They developed those glow sticks that are everywhere now. They needed a non heat emitting light source.

    Also they used to house an enormous number of mothballed B17s. It’s kind of an awesome place. Or it was in 1978.

  3. “China lake used to be a naval weapons center.”
    We shipped some hardware there less than two years ago. Did they shut it down?

    Rumor has it, they are testing some black box contraption to jam drones.

  4. I forget exactly, but I read recently about either a satellite defense system or a means to account for small debris that could harm satellites. It was to be located in the Northern Mariana Islands I think, maybe this is related?

  5. hey maybe the military is finally going to do something about the possible EMPs. it’s not like oblowme was going siphon off money for 3rd world agitator instruction programs.

  6. Just imagine how much of a fluster-cuck it’s going to be for Lexus owners who are already having SatNav issues in their cars.. Lexus even has a recall of sorts for those vehicles to return to the dealership for hard resets..

  7. @bad Brad
    I have no idea what they do there now. It probably is still a r&d center. It’s been decades since I lived there. Google earth shows that all base housing has been removed. Not saying that’s a bad thing.

    Civilian Ridgecrest probably grew up outside the gates making mil housing unnecessary.

    What is point of this post?

    Nothing. Just an old guy reminiscing about the olden days.

    I’ve got stories.

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