
Will said, “What’s going on is that those deemed least qualified to be president, are most qualified to do what the voters want done today, 160 days before the first votes are cast in Iowa, which is send a message. That was George Wallace’s engaging theme in 1968. He said, ‘Send them a message!’ The antecedent of the pronoun ‘them’ was anything you wanted it to be. So, that’s what they’re doing. This is a version of the 1960s fad called primal scream therapy, you’re supposed to shout, and get rid of all your repressed pain from childhood. This is, of course, particularly so for Mr. Trump, and what makes him fragile as a candidate is, first of all, he’s a one-trick pony. He consists of saying, I’m rich, everyone who disagrees with me is stupid, and all our problems are simple, if you’ll put me in charge. Second, people haven’t yet reminded themselves of the peculiar intimacy we live with our presidents now. They’re in our living room every night, they’re constantly in the national consciousness. And third, since we are, at the end of this, going to send a president, people have to say, ‘Do we really want to give nuclear weapons to Donald Trump?’ At which point, I think things change.”



  1. George Will thinks Trump will push the button. George Will thinks there is a button somewhere in the WH where a President, any President, can stroll in and push a button that launches what would likely be the end of the world whenever the mood might strike him. George Will is what goes for an establishment intellectual in this Country. And George Will wonders why we are so fed up we would consider Trump for a President? Fuck George Will.

  2. Will’s goal is to always secure the nomination for the weakest Republican so that the Democrat is guaranteed to win.
    This is the philosophy that got us a muslim Marxist president handing nuclear weapons to his psychotic muslim brothers in Iran to kill Jews in Israel.
    Hell, yes, I’d rather have Trump in charge of the bombs.

  3. I’m fed up with letting the Upper West Side Manhattan and DC Beltway “intellectuals” set the standards of ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ in this country. In those places, the RINOS and Progressocrats are essentially the same person with the same goals and objectives. Ted Cruz calls them the Washington Cartel.

    On a side note, we need to add the Clinton’s to the original Five New York Crime Families as number six.

  4. True, dat!

    George Will has made a career of being the “loyal opposition”. When his party is in power, he has to sing a different tune. Therefore, he is invested – literally – in losing.

    In short, George Will, won’t.

  5. I’d rather have a president who thinks our problems are simple rather than a president who is in his 6th recovery summer because of the complex problems created and inherited by the previous administration.

  6. Hey, yeah! I remember that.

    Hehe, Fur should do a ‘shop comparing things they say about Trump to things they said about Reagan. The ‘splody-head factor would be delicious!

  7. Can you believe these bobble heads?
    I’m not particularly a Trump fan but if he is winning, I can support him.
    Even voted for the milquetoast Mormon, couldn’t bring myself to vote for Songbird though. First election I ever sat out.
    I think they are afraid Trump is going to let the cat out of the bag.
    Bet he has more files than J.E.Hoover.

  8. Will and that asshole Albert Brooks called Da Tromp supporters “low information voters”. Wallace called them out a bit and they continued. That’s what they think. We are not as analytical and pondersome as they are. They sped their entire days immersed in intellectual exercise while we schmucks mow our grass, wash the car, take care of the family, cook, clean, etc…. and oh yeah, go to work. We are too stupid to to understand what they understand.

    In actuality it’s Will and Brooks and Wallace and the rest of the insulated Washington/Manhattan assholes that are “low information”. They have no information or connection to what anyone outside of their world thinks. Fuck you Will… you old dick. And Albert Brooks is another limp twisted dick that reminds me of Podesta so much I think it might actually be Podesta.

    Day Tromp is in your sandbox and he is kicking sand in your faces and you don’t want to play with him no more…. too fucking bag.

  9. I support Ted Cruz, but I would willingly vote for Trump if he got the nomination. Trump loves his children, and his country. That is more than I can say about Obama, and he was given nuclear responsibility. I think Trump would be much more cautious about getting us involved in a nuclear war than Obama would be. Hillary wouldn’t care as long as she and Bill and Chelsea had the best fallout shelters and they made money off of the results. I am sick to death of the George Will’s and the Krauthammers and their ilk telling us what to think.

  10. Yeah, like 300+ million pissed-off Americans.

    Trump just gave voice to what almost everyone was thinking but were afraid to say, due to the PC-driven media and elites in this country.

  11. My main interest here in Trump is that he is blowing up the GOP. The madder that corrupt bunch of political inbreds in gov’t and the media gets at Trump the better I like him (for now).

  12. I don’t know how we can live without the political class. We are so stupid we don’t know which end is up. We need people who are oh-so-much better than us to rule over us and tell us how to live our lives. They have gone to the best schools, they have so much money, they have so much influence. And they do such a good job!

  13. George Will calls us unwashed vulgarians. He tells us that “separation of powers” is “an impediment to getting things done in Washington.” and we should “get over it.”

    There is a ruling elite, made up of intellectuals and academics, in this country, Will is an example. There are others, including Jonah Goldberg and National Review’s editors who are getting on my fucking nerves.

    Keep it up assholes and I will cancel my own damn subscription.

  14. When Barack Hussain Obama was bragging about “fundamentally changing America” sever or eight years, these corkcoakers had little to say other than give him a chance. he’ll grow in office, he’s so intelligent; what a great speaker, he’s so clean and articulate, he’ll unite us as a nation. Yep ,no more racial strife. Eat crow assholes!

    The only man to wish him failure in his objective to FCA was Rush
    Limbaugh, to my knowledge. For that Rush was called a racist.

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